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What Lark? Fahaheel, Kuwait (1 Viewer)


Nature addict
From sound and optics I am guessing a (Oriental ?) Skylark.

What do you think?
(Posting them to my gallery since they exceed the file seize limit of the forum,... and am too tired to resize ... again...)




Thanks & B :)
To my (untrained) ear, the sound of these Larks and the Crested Larks I've seen in Egypt was totally different.

They looked different in flight too. More plum and round.

And large chest? Well the Crested Larks in Egypt were tiny compared to these guys.
(Maybe they were not Crested Larks after all?)

I am mainly guessing here, since I can only go by the books and the Internet,... any help and ideas welcome :)
There are different Crested Lark subspecies in Egypt vs. Kuwait. In fact there are at least three different subspecies of Crested Lark in Egypt alone. I'm not sure which subspecies you get in Kuwait. There's one that ranges across Turkey to eastern Iraq and another in the Arabian peninsula. Over 30 subspecies altogether.

Anyway, they are not any kind of skylark in my opinion. If I'm wrong, it won't be the first time. |^|
They are definitely Crested Larks. It is impossible for an Oriental Skylark to have such a long spiky crest as this and there are no other Galerida larks in the area to muddy the waters.
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