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Search results

  1. Andy Ledger

    Cliffe Pools, 16/6/12

    Having taken something of an enforced break from regular birding, I'm back in the game. Having reacquainted myself with my local patch, I found myself with a few hours to kill while my son did a GCSE revision session at Hundred of Hoo school last Saturday. It seemed the ideal opportunity to nip...
  2. Andy Ledger

    Red Kite over Rainham

    Not, Rainham in Essex, btw, Rainham in Kent. I was sitting in the garden yesterday, relaxing after a day at work (Sunday - not a common occurrence these days) when herself said "Is that a Kestrel?" All I could see was a Collared Dove on the TV aerial of the house next door, so I shifted my...
  3. Andy Ledger

    It might not make a summer...

    But when I looked out of the office window and saw a Swallow this morning, it made my day!
  4. Andy Ledger

    Mote Park, Maidstone 06/12/2004

    It's not often that I work a 2-10 shift, so it seemed rude not to make use of this gift of weekday daylight. I've been after this year's Nuthatch for a while, and Mote Park, with it's big ol' trees, seemed a good bet. I was quite pleased with the male Sparrowhawk, but the bird I was after did...
  5. Andy Ledger

    Sunday 7/11/04 - Walland Marsh, Kent

    I had the opportunity for a couple of hours' birding, and it wasn't a bad afternoon, so a quick check on Birdline SE told me that there were Bewick's Swans and a couple of tundra Bean Geese down at Walland Marsh. I loaded the car up with scope, bins and sprog, and off we went. The location was...
  6. Andy Ledger

    6 hours on Sheppey

    Split over Monday and Wednesday of last week after work, that is. On Monday I was going to go to Shellness, but the tide was too far out for a seawatch, so I hung a right up the Harty Ferry Road. The weather was a weird concoction of cloud, rain and sun, so it was 'in the car, out again, in the...
  7. Andy Ledger

    The view from my office window.

    I recently decided to start an office list - just to make the working day more meaningful - and being in the middle of a town, it's not that long. Mostly I see feral pigeons and Black headed Gulls, but there have been highlights - Starlings coming in to roost on the roof just above me (I work on...
  8. Andy Ledger

    An Osprey and a Dipper

    Sunday 26th September - a report of a juvenile Osprey at Fulling Mill pond near Maidstone had me in the car and away as soon as Mrs Ledger got in from work on sunday afternoon. It's not a location that I've ever been to before, but a check on the OS map showed that it was easy to find, so when I...
  9. Andy Ledger

    Peterson - A Field Guide to the Birds

    You may have noticed that I'm a bit of a soft touch for bird books from secondhand shops. Latest acquisition - 1961 edition of Peterson's 'A Field Guide to the Birds' - complete with the original sales receipt tucked inside. Price to me? 99 pence. Bargain? I think so.
  10. Andy Ledger

    Probably old hat by now...

    But I picked up a first edition hardback of 'Bill Oddie's Little Black Bird Book' the other day, from the secondhand shop near where I work. I've had it in paperback since I started birding, but it's starting to fall apart, so it seemed too good to miss. It's the same place where I found an 'as...
  11. Andy Ledger

    Bough Beech, 29/08/04

    I decided to go a little further afield this morning, so 9 o'clock found me at the causeway overlooking the reserve. There had been reports of Pec.Sand and Osprey, but there was no sign of either while I was there. There were 5 Dunlin, in varying stages of moult. The place was teeming with Pied...
  12. Andy Ledger

    Oare Marshes

    I called Birdline SE from work at about 8 a.m. yesterday morning - just to see what I was missing, and there'd been a juvenile Red-backed Shrike at Oare Marshes the day before. I'd been planning to go out to my patch this afternoon (24/08/04), but I decided that if it was still there this...
  13. Andy Ledger

    Motney Hill

    Having finished work at 2 this afternoon, I decided to fit in a couple of hours' birding before dinner. The tide was right in when I got there, so apart from a couple of Lapwings, it was a wader free zone. There were at least 100 Black Headed Gulls just offshore - and a few onshore - including...
  14. Andy Ledger

    Super Saturday

    Today has been the best day in the garden for ages. It's been a bit quiet for a while, but this morning the lawn was crawling with House Sparrows, with female Chaffinch, female Blackbird and a Dunnock in there, and Blue Tits on the new peanut feeder for the first time that I've seen, plus a...
  15. Andy Ledger

    Somerset (with forays to Dorset and Devon)

    The holiday was from 23/07/04 - 30/07/04. We were staying at a converted barn near Aller (between Langport and Othery). Being from Kent, it's still nice to see Buzzards as a common bird, and I wasn't disappointed. The house was at the base of a wooded hill, and every day we saw Buzzards soaring...
  16. Andy Ledger

    Nor Marsh/Motney Hill

    Do any other Kent birders visit this location much? It's right on my doorstep, and I rarely see any other birders there these days. Birds I've seen recently there are: Cuckoo Marsh Harrier Hobby Bullfinch Goldfinch Greenfinch Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Marsh Warbler Cetti's Warbler (heard -...
  17. Andy Ledger

    Hello all

    Hello all. I've been playing with the idea of joining since I found the site last week - and now I have. I'm from Kent, a fantastic location for birds, and I've been at it on and off for 16 years. Now the nipper is at school I'm getting a bit more serious about it again, and it'd be fair to say...