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Voting Booth - April 2012 - Perched Bird (1 Viewer)

Vote for you favourite entry -

  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/410442]Whitethroat[/url]

    Votes: 7 9.6%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409778]Red-Tailed Hawk[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409340]Hawfinch in the snow[/url]

    Votes: 4 5.5%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409378]Common Sandpiper[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409424]Focus, fish, foothold[/url]

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409457]Sunrise Serin[/url]

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409537]Hainan-blue Flycatcher[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409554]Sunbittern[/url]

    Votes: 4 5.5%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409585]Arctic Snowy Owl[/url]

    Votes: 4 5.5%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409777]Black Phoebe[/url]

    Votes: 4 5.5%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409687]What big eyes you've got ![/url]

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409681]Black Grouse at Lek[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409643]Gilded Flicker[/url]

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409848]Crested Tit[/url]

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409867]Mellow Yellow[/url]

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/410394]gold crest[/url]

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/409933]Post Pigeon Peregrine[/url]

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/410508]Long-eared Owl[/url]

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/410661]Green Pigeon in Fig Tree[/url]

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/410764]patiently waiting.[/url]

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=411142&nocache=1]Hawfinch in the sunlight[

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/411132]Kingfisher[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/410783]Dressed For Spring[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/411160]Spotted Redshank[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/411334]Pied Flycatcher[/url]

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/411502]Just Hanging On![/url]

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/411607]Dartford Warbler[/url]

    Votes: 11 15.1%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=411934&page=0]Hawfinch[/url]

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/411942]Stonechat[/url]

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • [url=http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/411974]Red-billed Leiothrix[/url]

    Votes: 4 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


We had 64 entries this month many of them very good making it a very difficult choice to narrow them down to 30 for inclusion in the voting booth.

Please vote for your favourite entry - theme - Perched Bird.

Entries can be viewed as -

1. Thumbnails

2. Slideshow
I'm finding it really difficult to choose just one photograph this month - there really are some stunners. I'm always guilty when voting of going for a favourite bird rather than taking into account the technical side of the photographs but I expect there are lots of voters who'll do that too.

Vote cast, it was a tough one but I voted for a photo I would like to have framed & hanging on my wall. Good luck to all. :t:
Very tough choice this time! Narrowed it down to three that, in addition to sharp detail, great color, nice poses etc., also had exquisite composition. Husband and I agreed on the three and I let him choose which we voted for.
Announcing the winners of the April 2012 photo theme challenge

A very popular theme this month and I dare say due to the high quality of entries voting was very close the first couple of weeks until one image began to pull away from the field.

73 members cast their vote.

First place with 11/73 votes - kim with Dartford Warbler

Second place - with 7/73 votes - Marise with Whitethroat

Joint third with 5/73 votes -

Dave Williams with What big eyes you've got !


jtwood with Long-eared Owl

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who took the time to view the entries and cast their vote.
A very popular theme this month and I dare say due to the high quality of entries voting was very close the first couple of weeks until one image began to pull away from the field.

73 members cast their vote.

First place with 11/73 votes - kim with Dartford Warbler

Second place - with 7/73 votes - Marise with Whitethroat

Joint third with 5/73 votes -

Dave Williams with What big eyes you've got !


jtwood with Long-eared Owl

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who took the time to view the entries and cast their vote.

Congratulations to the winners!
Stunning pictures from everyone.
Very well done everyone - superb pictures all! It really was so difficult to pick a favourite.

Very many thanks to all who voted and an extra thank you for those who gave me their vote, it was really appreciated.
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