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Malta and hunting policy (1 Viewer)

The latest email from FKNK, I suppose we can also send to the commissioner with our views, like ten years on and maybe we should adapt and change with the enviornment and not keep traditions that are outdated ;)!!!

Commissioner of the Environment of the EU - The Maltese hunters and trappers are encouraged to make contact with the European Commissioner and submit their views regarding the season of spring hunting as was advertised yesterday, as well regarding the present situation of trapping.

Who send comments show he urged caution and moderation, however good that one indicates how our nuptial is being negatively affected. It is essential to indicate what was promised as regards both the hunting and trapping before Malta entered in the European Union, it was tacitly agreed by the European Commission itself, but instead today we are in the current situation.

Also good to be stressed for deceptive tactics being used by certain entities ndividwi and both local and not in an effort to destroy our traditions.

Mr Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner, can be contacted on


Plus this the other day with the quotas they are allowed !!!!!!

Everything such as the last year (Monday to Friday until 3: 00pm, Saturdays noon, Sundays None), except that on a day you can catch two birds, a maximum of four in season. The National quotas are 11,000 turtledove and quail 5000. This may mean that if on April 12 and everyone here has a small passage captures the two birds is entitled, on the day jaghalaq the season.
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The latest email from FKNK, I suppose we can also send to the commissioner with our views, like ten years on and maybe we should adapt and change with the enviornment and not keep traditions that are outdated ;)!!!

Commissioner of the Environment of the EU - The Maltese hunters and trappers are encouraged to make contact with the European Commissioner and submit their views regarding the season of spring hunting as was advertised yesterday, as well regarding the present situation of trapping.

Who send comments show he urged caution and moderation, however good that one indicates how our nuptial is being negatively affected. It is essential to indicate what was promised as regards both the hunting and trapping before Malta entered in the European Union, it was tacitly agreed by the European Commission itself, but instead today we are in the current situation.

Also good to be stressed for deceptive tactics being used by certain entities ndividwi and both local and not in an effort to destroy our traditions.

Mr Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner, can be contacted on


Plus this the other day with the quotas they are allowed !!!!!!

Everything such as the last year (Monday to Friday until 3: 00pm, Saturdays noon, Sundays None), except that on a day you can catch two birds, a maximum of four in season. The National quotas are 11,000 turtledove and quail 5000. This may mean that if on April 12 and everyone here has a small passage captures the two birds is entitled, on the day jaghalaq the season.

Compared to earlier FKNK efforts, this one appears to have been written by someone suffering severe exhaustion or experiencing the after-effects of substance abuse...
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Lino is at it again

I like the second line last para :-O

Studies on the Passes of Turtledove and Quail

These last four years the Government ikummissjona studies, with the help of independent experts and professional, so could know how true migratory doves and quails from the island. The BirdLife Malta (BLM) and the Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FKNK) were asked to participate in these studies, and while members of the FKNK participated wholeheartedly, the BLM has always refused, including this year itself. The BLM has always claimed that he only had the capacity and authority to quote figures of migratory birds from the island. Therefore, and since these government studies today are exposing the truth about these numbers, and simultaneously detect and jppoġġu are serious doubts over the figures of the BLM, they refuse participation in studies already put the credibility of the BLM in serious jeopardy.

The study of this year will start on 9 April and continues until 26 May. As some observers usual took the FKNK not participate this year, because otherwise they can not stay for the game at the same time, the FKNK is appealing to other observers, and those interested can call the FKNK on 99474503. These may be hunters who did not purchase the Special License spring, or trappers. Favoring those members who can also provide FKNK usually turn dogs for hunting.

Those who are doing the study will respect both private as well as the hunter who may lie to hunt, so hunters are required to be cautious if jintaqgħu with observers, and in case of any difficulties should contact the FKNK. The observers, who took work in the middle of Saturday morning, as police will no longer be there, but ONLY to fulfill their tasks in the number of doves and quail that can see.

Lino Farrugia
I like the second line last para :-O

Studies on the Passes of Turtledove and Quail

These last four years the Government ikummissjona studies, with the help of independent experts and professional, so could know how true migratory doves and quails from the island. The BirdLife Malta (BLM) and the Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FKNK) were asked to participate in these studies, and while members of the FKNK participated wholeheartedly, the BLM has always refused, including this year itself. The BLM has always claimed that he only had the capacity and authority to quote figures of migratory birds from the island. Therefore, and since these government studies today are exposing the truth about these numbers, and simultaneously detect and jppoġġu are serious doubts over the figures of the BLM, they refuse participation in studies already put the credibility of the BLM in serious jeopardy.

The study of this year will start on 9 April and continues until 26 May. As some observers usual took the FKNK not participate this year, because otherwise they can not stay for the game at the same time, the FKNK is appealing to other observers, and those interested can call the FKNK on 99474503. These may be hunters who did not purchase the Special License spring, or trappers. Favoring those members who can also provide FKNK usually turn dogs for hunting.

Those who are doing the study will respect both private as well as the hunter who may lie to hunt, so hunters are required to be cautious if jintaqgħu with observers, and in case of any difficulties should contact the FKNK. The observers, who took work in the middle of Saturday morning, as police will no longer be there, but ONLY to fulfill their tasks in the number of doves and quail that can see.

Lino Farrugia

If your impression of Malta was shaped by the writings(ravings!!) of the likes of Lino, you would swear it was run by one of the nuttier flavours of the Taliban
today's latest emails from FKNK

I apologise for translation its Google !!!


9 April 2012

The Government Continues provokes the Hunters

So after much torture as the Government finally announced the hunting season spring of 2012, and taken up saqgħajh continued to give special license għallija the hunters have already paid € 50 extra, the same Government, through other entities, create more problems and provocations continued to hunters.

Recent days have seen workers of Din l-Art Helwa, who through great mazzez sheaves of hunters began to break in the Park of the Red-Xahra. The Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FKNK) must make their first clear that although the site is scheduled as a NATURA 2000 site, it absolutely does not mean that such sites can not become a hunting / trapping. The FKNK already had several meetings with the Minister Pullicino as well as those responsible for the Park, when the FKNK had submitted proposals to the Minister of how to manage activities in the Park between those sections concerned, including the hunters and trappers who have to go to hunt and trap in this place forever. The Minister has never been returned to the FKNK some answers and / or counter-proposals before they started breaking of sheaves.

In the area of ​​Pembroke, where many members of the FKNK also turning to hunting with dogs for quail, and these days, MEPA has fixed tables to which areas are NATURA 2000 area, and where Hunting and trapping are allowed, and if someone sees a hunter and / or trapper in the area it shall report to MEPA. If this act of non-action MEPA vendikattiva and provocative towards the hunters and trappers, the FKNK not know what. While FKNK reiterates that a NATURA 2000 site can be freely made hunting and trapping, the FKNK is considering this action, comes from the MEPA, as the 'thanks' to the same MEPA is giving to the FKNK proper for lately, and for the fourth consecutive year, with the help of members of the MEPA FKNK can perform another study on the migration of doves and quail, that without the participation of members of the FKNK, the MEPA was facing many difficulties to power this study made the same MEPA promised the European Commission.

Finally, the FKNK now expect that the Government take the necessary steps urgently, remedy this situation that is perceived as another step directed against Maltese hunters and trappers, despite all they had to undergo these last years, was still persistent with all objectives and all obligations ntortament found to face.

Lino Farrugia



9 April 2012

Il-Gvern Ikompli Jipprovoka l-Kaċċaturi

Hekk kif wara ħafna torturi l-Gvern fl-aħħar ħabbar l-istaġun tal-kaċċa tar-rebbiegħa ta’ l-2012, u kompla jkaxkar saqgħajh biex jagħti l-liċenzja speċjali li għallija l-kaċċaturi ħalsu €50 żejda, l-istess Gvern, permezz ta’ entitajiet oħra, kompla joħloq aktar problemi u provokazzjonijiet lill-kaċċaturi.

F’dawn l-aħħar jiem ġew osservati ħaddiema ta’ Din l-Art Ħelwa, li permezz ta’ mazzez kbar bdew ikissru dwawar tal-kaċċaturi fil-Park tax-Xahra l-Ħamra. Il-Federazzjoni Kaċċaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti (FKNK) jridu jgħamlu l-ewwel nett ċara li minkejja li dan is-sit huwa skedat bħala sit NATURA 2000, dan assolutament ma jfissirx li f’tali siti ma tistgħax issir kaċċa u/jew insib. L-FKNK diġa kellha diversi laqgħat kemm mall-Ministru Pullicino kif ukoll ma dawk responsabbli mill Park, meta l-istess FKNK kienet ressqet proposti lill-Ministru ta’ kif jistgħu jiġu amministrati l-attivitajiet fil-Park bejn dawk is-sezzjonijiet interessati, inkluz il-kaċċaturi u n-nassaba li ilhom imorru għall-kaċċa u jonsbu f’dan il-post minn dejjem. Il-Ministru qatt ma ġie lura għand l-FKNK b’xi risposti u/jew kontro-proposti qabel ma beda it-tkissir tad-dwawar.

Fl-inħawi ta’ Pembroke, fejn ħafna membri tal-FKNK wkoll iduru għall-kaċċa bil-klieb għas-summien, ukoll dawn il-jiem, il-MEPA waħħlet tabelli fejn jingħad li l-inħawi huma żona NATURA 2000, u fejn il-kaċċa u l-insib m’humiex permessi, u li jekk xi ħadd jara xi kaċċatur u/jew nassab fl-inħawi dan għandu jagħmel rapport lill-MEPA. Jekk dan l-att tal-MEPA mhux azzjoni vendikattiva u provokattiva versu l-kaċċaturi u n-nassaba, l-FKNK ma tafx x’inhu. Filwaqt li l-FKNK itenni li ġo sit NATURA 2000 tista’ liberament issir kaċċa u nsib, l-FKNK qegħda tqis din l-azzjoni, ġejja mill-MEPA, bħala l-‘grazzi’ li l-istess MEPA qegħda tagħti lill-FKNK talli propju dan l-aħħar, u għar-raba’ sena konsekuttiva, bl-għajnuna tal-membri tal-FKNK l-MEPA tista’ twettaq studju ieħor dwar il-passa tal-gamiem u s-summien, li mingħajr il-parteċipazzjoni tal-membri ta’ l-FKNK, l-MEPA kienet qegħda tiffaċċja ħafna diffikultajiet biex setgħa jsir dan l-istudju li l-istess MEPA wegħdet lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea.

Finalment, l-FKNK issa tistenna li l-Gvern jieħu l-passi neċessarji sabiex b’mod urgenti, titranġa din is-sitwazzjoni li qegħda tinħass bħala pass ieħor dirett kontra l-kaċċaturi u nassaba Maltin li, minkejja kull ma kellhom jgħaddu minnu għal dawn l-aħħar snin, xorta waħda baqgħu persistenti ma l-għanijiet kollha u ma l-obbligi kollha li ntortament sabu ma wiċċhom.

Lino Farrugia

Segretarju Ġenerali



9 April 2012

After taqtieh the heart that had him undergo the hunters lately, until the Government decided to announce the opening of hunting season spring a few days ago, now seems that the mall Vindictiveness hunters have not disappeared.

The Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FKNK) is informed that between tomorrow, Tuesday, and a few years time, the Four, the hunters should receive a notice home to be informed of Maltapost branch from where they go to collect special license, which have already paid € 50 extra to me over a week ago, when the season opens on Thursday!

Vera meskina situation.

Lino Farrugia




9 April 2012

Aktar Torturi għall-Kaċċaturi

Wara t-taqtieh il-qalb li kellhom jagħdu minnhu l-kaċċaturi dan l-aħħar, sakem il-Gvern iddeċida li jħabbar il-ftuħ tal-istaġun tal-kaċċa tar-rebbiegħa ftit ġranet ilhu, issa jidher li l-vendikazzjonijiet mall-kaċċaturi għadhom ma spiċċawx.

Il-Federazzjoni Kaċċaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti (FKNK) hija infurmata li bejn għada, t-Tlieta, u pitgħada, l-Erba, l-kaċċaturi għandhom jirċevu avviż id-dar sabiex ikunu infurmati bil-fergħa tal-Maltapost minn fejn iridu jmorru jiġbru l-liċenzja speċjali, li għalija ħalsu €50 żejda l-fuq minn ġimgħa ilhu, meta l-istaġun jiftaħ nhar il-Ħamis!

Vera sitwazzjoni meskina.

Lino Farrugia

Segretarju Ġenerali
Looks like there will be limited hunting this spring in Malta

Good on the malta government, I say, keep stalling !!!
Two emails today ;) Lino is in fine form ..

11 April 2012
More Unfairness with the Hunters

The Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FKNK) can not understand how the government may come to carry so severe action against his people's sector.

· When there was a chance several months to make all the calculations required by European directives through which could be determined opening of the spring season for turtle dove and quail;

· When there was a chance months to make all the arrangements so whoever wished could apply for special license;

· When today we are on the eve of the first day of the season as established for 2012 and a large number of people who regularly paid the € 50 for a special license and that waslitilhomx not yet provided;

· By tomorrow, 12 April 2012 is the first day of the season and such persons are eligible under the law to come to hunt with a special license;

· When they, unduly impede either and because of the inefficiency of the administrative system of government to physically deliver to whom such special license applied for, are in a position that may come under the law but just not the card itself and the "armband" t'idejhom;

· When all this happened although each person was passing by trauma after another to first deposit the Carnet de Chasse of 2011 at the Maltapost, after waiting to receive that of 2012, after renewing the partnership with the FKNK, after paying the license to the police, after the Maltapost're going to pay € 50, and then wait to hear how you will receive the special license.

Now, hundreds, if not thousands of people did not receive the special license and tomorrow you will joħoroġu for the season that was promised them by the Government.

The FKNK, therefore, expect that the same government that allows immediate further notice of tolerance for those who have everything under the law and without fault but physically receive the special license were advised. The FKNK will help those members who might jssofru consequence of this injustice.

Lino Farrugia

Seems starnge that Lino disputes figures on Turtle Dove and Quail numbers, yet do not know how many hunters there are in Malta, "hundreds if not thousands", wow...para 8 !!

2nd email
A survey, I bet this will be biased !!:-O


11 April 2012

Survey of 2012 on the hunting season Spring

The Hunters San Ubertu will iwetqu Interview Survey during hunting season spring of this year with the help of their members are required to complete the attached form.

Those members of the FKNK who wish to participate in the 'Survey' is encouraged to do so, because it gathers more data is more credible and rialistiku the final result, and may be used against any interview another behsibhom certainly make those who want to destroy the hunting and trapping.

At the end of the season, the completed form sent to the FKNK ghanda.

Lino Farrugia
Secretary General

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I see Lino is a Secretary General! He obviously has Military aspirations, just a pity the birds can't be issued with AK47s to fire back---I bet the cretin would soon retreat back to his cave!!
Gull Graveyard Discovered at Selmun

The Federation for Hunting and Conservation – Malta (FKNK) together with the St. Hubert Hunters – Malta (KSU) unreservedly condemn any illegal activities that see the killing of protected bird species. Both organisations will stick to their policy of zero tolerance in connection with any such act and any of their members found guilty by the competent courts of committing such acts will have their membership cancelled.

Both the FKNK as well as KSU cannot but notice the standardised campaign that now symbolises Birdlife Malta’s (BLM) attempts to sensationalise such instances rather than nip them in the bud. BLM seem more interested to ensure that it has enough “ammunition” to expose in spring that it is prepared to allow illegalities to continue from December of the previous year rather than to take immediate and decisive action that would have ensured both the safety of birds exposed to further illegalities as well as the capture of the perpetrator. This is especially true since BLM have photographs of one person alleged to have been poaching in the same whereabouts since December 2011.

The general public is no longer impressed with personification of animals, and the use of words such as graveyard and tomb in connection with birds is really uncalled for and illusory. However, BLM have to find ways and means to ensure that it continues to receive millions of euro in funding from European citizen taxes for its seabirds’ projects (€1,000,000 in 2006 and €900,000 now).

Furthermore, this ‘discovery’ does raise a few questions: Was this the discoverers first picnic at the same place since last winter? Why did they make the report to BLM and not as should have been done to the police? Gulls at Selmun rarely fly over the ‘grave site’, so why would anyone shoot a gull at the water’s edge, and then walk, gull/s and all, over a kilometre inland to bury it?

BLM end their press statement by linking the killing of gulls in winter 2011 to the spring season of 2012 and by stating that seven protected birds were shot in the first eight days of the spring hunting season. While reiterating our condemnation of any such bird crime, we also wish to express our satisfaction at this confirmation by BirdLife Malta that the vast majority of the 6500 licensed spring hunters are abiding by the conditions of the spring hunting derogation.

LinoFarrugia David Borg Cardona

Secretary General Secretary

Gulls at Selmun rarely fly over the ‘grave site’, so why would anyone shoot a gull at the water’s edge, and then walk, gull/s and all, over a kilometre inland to bury it? BLM end their press statement by linking the killing of gulls in winter 2011 to the spring season of 2012 and by stating that seven protected birds were shot in the first eight days of the spring hunting season. While reiterating our condemnation of any such bird crime, we also wish to express our satisfaction at this confirmation by BirdLife Malta that the vast majority of the 6500 licensed spring hunters are abiding by the conditions of the spring hunting derogation.

Lino Farrugia, David Borg Cardona; Secretary, General Secretary

Fascinating in several ways! A whole new aspect of gull behaviour! An indirect suggestion that BirdLife Malta surreptitiously kills gulls and buries them where the famously-disciplined shooters always uphold the law! The famously-disciplined shooters condemning bird crime, as they have done since the inception of FKNK! The famously-disciplined shooters abiding by spring hunting conditions in their vast majority, but who have seemingly never reported those who don't abide by these conditions, never documented any such case and never publicly shunned the law-breakers!

Pompous self-justification by LF and DBC, who seem unable to visualise just how they come across - isn't that a primary characteristic of psychopathy and narcissitic personality disorder?
Fascinating in several ways! A whole new aspect of gull behaviour! An indirect suggestion that BirdLife Malta surreptitiously kills gulls and buries them where the famously-disciplined shooters always uphold the law! The famously-disciplined shooters condemning bird crime, as they have done since the inception of FKNK! The famously-disciplined shooters abiding by spring hunting conditions in their vast majority, but who have seemingly never reported those who don't abide by these conditions, never documented any such case and never publicly shunned the law-breakers!

Pompous self-justification by LF and DBC, who seem unable to visualise just how they come across - isn't that a primary characteristic of psychopathy and narcissitic personality disorder?
UNBELIEVABLE: FKNK Claim German cheap and despicable publicity stunts


German cheap and despicable publicity stunts

It is about time that the Maltese Government and the Police Corps stand up for its Maltese nationals against foreign intrusion.

During the Second World War, the Maltese islands absorbed the heaviest, most sustained and concentrated of aerial bombing in history that was carried out by German aircrafts. Yet the Maltese triumphed in the end. We are now faced with German-based CABS using an unmanned aerial vehicle, commonly known as a drone, the likes of which are mostly used in military operations, to film, spy and disrespectfully invade Maltese privacy and provoke Maltese hunters.

The police force are said to immediately respond to any reports that the German group lodges. However, the Federation for Hunting & Conservation – Malta (FKNK) sadly notes that the collaboration between the FKNK and the police, that was until recently extremely positive, is nowadays unfortunately completely lacking in the field.

Do the drone operators have the necessary licences, permit/s and relative insurance coverage to fly the craft over private property, as was done? Can such a craft be flown at such a low altitude over private land, as was also done? Can films and pictures of private citizens be taken from such a craft, as again was the case? Does the Data Protection Commissioner have anything to say about this? The craft, at one point, landed in a privately owned field; was this legal? Is the frequency being used authorised? At Hal Far and Ta’ Qali, where remote controlled model aircrafts are permitted to be flown, these are restricted to those areas, so which Authority gave permission for this drone to be allowed all the freedom of the Maltese airspace? Again at Ħal Far and Ta’ Qali, warning signs indicate the dangers, for instance, of low-flying planes; are these foreigners above the law?

The FKNK is in possession of details of hundreds of hunters who have been harassed and provoked on their Maltese property by this German charade and hereby calls upon the Police Commissioner to investigate these incidents and take immediate steps to prosecute where and when necessary in the same manner that Maltese and Gozitan hunters are being penalised for the simplest of mistakes. Both the Police Commissioner and the Data Protection Commissioner are being reminded of pending reports against CABS for similar harassments and provocations they carried out previously when in Malta, again, against Maltese citizens.

Finally, the FKNK warns its members to simply ignore this provocation, and if they feel aggravated, to lodge official complaints with the police, even through their lawyers. We strongly believe that in the end, justice will be done. Clear indicators are that German-based CABS, who have nothing to show to justify their holiday, are resorting to such cheap and despicable publicity stunts.

Lino Farrugia
Secretary General
ColD;2424309FKNK German cheap and despicable publicity stunts. It is about time that the Maltese Government and the Police Corps stand up for its Maltese nationals against foreign intrusion. During the Second World War said:

Reasoning like this was funny when Bluebottle and Eccles did it. (For the insufficiently-old - these were characters from BBC Radio's 'Goon Show' in the 1950s and were played by Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan - there are extracts accessible on line).:-C
Our friend Lino has really excelled himself here - German bombers!! pity the hundreds/thousands of protected birds mown down by his pencil d**k buddies every year, aren't as well equipped as the Luftwaffe!!
Bloody hell Lino's got his knickers in a right twist


Maltese Nationals Stand-Up and be Counted

The Federation for Hunting & Conservation – Malta (FKNK), on behalf of all of its members in principle and on behalf of several of its members who have been filmed without their consent, intends to press charges in Court against German-based CABS personnel.

The charges will include, but are not limited to: harassment; intrusion of privacy; trespassing; spying; flying of an unmanned remote-controlled aircraft equipped with video-recording equipment at a low altitude over private property; landing of this aircraft on private-owned land; unauthorised video and photo shooting; breach of local air-traffic control regulations and related dangers; etc.

In view of the fact that the footage and photos shot by CABS invade the privacy of Maltese nationals and since these were carried out without their knowledge and consent, the FKNK calls on the Commissioner of Police to confiscate the footage and photos in the interest of the protection of personal data of Maltese citizens. The FKNK also calls on the said Commissioner to take the necessary criminal action against the operators of this aircraft so that such illegalities are curtailed.

A report will also be lodged with the Data Protection Commissioner for data protection violation. The FKNK therefore calls upon the Commissioner to take necessary steps against these perpetrators for abusing the very laws that protect an individual's right to privacy.

This is not about hunting. This is about us being Maltese and proud of it. Nevertheless, as a Federation of 10,000 adult Maltese hunter members, 6,500 of which should be able to hunt legally without foreign provocation from this German charade, the FKNK does not mean to let this rest, and if need be it is prepared to take this up at EU level.
Lino Farrugia
Secretary General
the demise of the turtle dove as a breeding species in our county

in response to lino farrugia,s words........ the policy guidelines make it clear
that it is this governments intention never to permit trapping for the quail
and the turtle dove.

the turtle dove here in derbyshire in the uk has become now an increaseingly
uncommon summer visitor and is red listed here in 2009 there was no indication
of possible breeding here in derbyshire and to even hear one in song you have
to be very lucky and i,m sure its getting to be the same picture through out
the uk even in their strongholds, but i,m sure that is of no importance to mr
farrugia or anybody like him as there sole aim in life is to destroy anything
that flys or moves in the bush with total disregard to conservation or anything
in that field i was a member of lipu for around 10 years and their main aims
were for conservation especially of the birdlife in italy and where ever they could help to monitor birds includeing malta the hardships they had to endure,and trying to educate people which was a great success especially with school children and older to the cause, to observe and
count how many species of birds of prey along with storks and other species
that would cross over the straits of messina if they were lucky enough to
get past the hunters guns i do remember reading and seeing the photographs
of shot birds especially the honey buzzard where they would leave them to rot where they fell along with any other birds they shot so these people
represent to me uneducated, backward, selfish, and narrow minded in what
they do and have not a thought to the future of any bird species they maim
or kill in the wild so going back to mr farrugia,s statement i along with every
conservational minded human being in this country along with malta, and anywhere else in the world hope that your government "sticks" to its intention
never to permit trapping for the "turtle dove" and quail and hopefully other birds can be added to that list in the fore-see able future
I respectfully suggest that Lino hasn't got his knickers in a twist, but that some years ago he really did have his knickers in a twist,causing him permanent damage, but allowing him still to sing castrato, thus explaining why he reasons like a withdrawn eight-year-old.

Oh, and by the way (and sadly this may just be an auto-translation error), his stating "10,000 adult Maltese hunter members, 6,500 of which should be able to hunt legally" indicates that 6500 of the 10000 are things (or at least non-human). I take it he meant to say "of whom", which of course refers only to people. At least we can take some comfort in the care he takes to ensure that he extends the definition of fatuity in all his missives.
Oh, and by the way (and sadly this may just be an auto-translation error), his stating "10,000 adult Maltese hunter members, 6,500 of which should be able to hunt legally" indicates that 6500 of the 10000 are things (or at least non-human). I take it he meant to say "of whom", which of course refers only to people. At least we can take some comfort in the care he takes to ensure that he extends the definition of fatuity in all his missives.

No translation needed this time it came through in English !!! :t:
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