My friend and I set off last Sunday, a bit unsure where to go, but first of all we went to investigate the flooded areas between Alyth and Meigle, from which I picked up a few year ticks. Then we went on a drive round the hills towards Kinnordy.
On route we stopped to scan around some stubble fields and Ken asked me if I could see something way up on the stubble. I couldn't 'cos trees were in the way. So I moved the car up a bit and said "Oh I think I see what you mean, they look like clods of earth in the stubble".
But something made us stay and keep looking. Then I realised they kept changing shape. Thought rabbits then, or maybe hares. Kept taking pictures. On the screen, eventually, I thought Pheasant. Just before I downloaded, I looked again and "oh, surely not"! "I'm sure they are" .... Grey Partridge was the final result.
Not a Lifer but the first I'd seen for many, many years. But it is the first picture I've taken of any - there were about 6 of them.
How easy it would have been to just go with my first thought and drive on!
Saturday fun.