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Common Redpolls
We were promised sunshine today but it turned out to be just another dull day. On the positive side these were a lot of Common Redpolls in the birch tree in the neighbours' garden just next to the road. I managed to take a few pictures before they flew off. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them in the immediate area but they were very nervous and flighty and mostly stuck to the tops of the alder trees. I hadn't intended to post this one today but I couldn't resist it because it provides a theme of three winter species.
I'm still enjoying learning to use my new Canon R7. It has a lot more pixels than the Canon 7D Mk II and is better at dealing with poor light. That's good because we've had a lot of poor light lately.
Neighbours' garden
Kagghamra, Grödinge, Sweden
Date taken
18th November 2023
Scientific name
Acanthis flammea
Equipment used
Canon R7, Canon EF 100-400mm F4.5-5.6L IS USM Mark II
three wonderful species indeed, Graham.
love this one very much, nicely shows the nervousness of the birds, a real topper, many tfs!!
Lol, looks like the one on the left does not want to share (lol). Great action and behavioral picture, even in low light. Looks like you have made lemonade out of lemons my friend! TFS!

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Canon Canon EOS R7
Focal length
400.0 mm
Exposure time
1/500 second(s)
File size
174 KB
Date taken
Sat, 18 November 2023 11:39 AM
1500px x 1000px

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