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Redpoll surrounded by snow

Redpoll surrounded by snow (Acanthis flammea)

We had a tremendous amount of snow last weekend. Most of it's gone now and today it was raining. I took a great many pictures of birds in the trees near the feeders. There was an ridiculous amount of snow heaped on the branches. I doubt if the birds were very happy about it but at least they had plenty of food. The vast majority of birds were siskins and redpolls. The snow has gone but the birds remain.
Solberga, a suburb of Stockholm
Date taken
3rd February, 2019
Scientific name
Acanthis flammea
Equipment used
Canon 7D MkII, Canon 100-400mm F4.5-5.6L IS USM Mark II
A couple of nice winters captures Mac...This uns a beauty mate.
This Redpoll stands out beautifully in all that snow! Beautifully captured Graham!
a real beauty, Graham!!! wonderful winter portrait of this pretty redpoll, top class composition, many tfs!!!

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