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Category:Cardinalidae - BirdForum Opus

Family: Cardinalidae


Cardinals, Saltators, and those Grosbeaks not found in Emberizidae.


In the past, the birds covered in Cardinalidae were seen as belonging in Cardinalinae, a subfamily under Emberizidae.

Cardinalidae is a family in the order Passeriformes.

Family Cardinalidae viewedit

Genus Piranga viewedit
P. roseogularis Rose-throated Tanager
P. flava Hepatic Tanager
P. rubra Summer Tanager
P. olivacea Scarlet Tanager
P. ludoviciana Western Tanager
P. bidentata Flame-colored Tanager
P. leucoptera White-winged Tanager
P. erythrocephala Red-headed Tanager
P. rubriceps Red-hooded Tanager

Genus Habia viewedit
H. rubica Red-crowned Ant Tanager
H. fuscicauda Red-throated Ant Tanager
H. gutturalis Sooty Ant Tanager
H. atrimaxillaris Black-cheeked Ant Tanager
H. cristata Crested Ant Tanager

Genus Chlorothraupis viewedit
C. carmioli Carmiol's Tanager
C. frenata Yellow-lored Tanager
C. olivacea Lemon-spectacled Tanager
C. stolzmanni Ochre-breasted Tanager

Genus Periporphyrus viewedit
R. celaeno Crimson-collared Grosbeak
P. erythromelas Red-and-black Grosbeak

Genus Caryothraustes viewedit
C. poliogaster Black-faced Grosbeak
C. canadensis Yellow-green Grosbeak

Genus Cardinalis viewedit
C. phoeniceus Vermilion Cardinal
C. cardinalis Northern Cardinal
C. sinuatus Pyrrhuloxia

Genus Pheucticus viewedit
P. chrysopeplus Yellow Grosbeak
P. chrysogaster Golden Grosbeak
P. tibialis Black-thighed Grosbeak
P. aureoventris Black-backed Grosbeak
P. ludovicianus Rose-breasted Grosbeak
P. melanocephalus Black-headed Grosbeak

Genus Granatellus viewedit
G. venustus Red-breasted Chat
G. sallaei Gray-throated Chat
G. pelzelni Rose-breasted Chat

Genus Amaurospiza viewedit
A. concolor Blue Seedeater
A. aequatorialis Ecuadorian Seedeater
A. carrizalensis Carrizal Seedeater
A. moesta Blackish-blue Seedeater

Genus Cyanoloxia viewedit
C. glaucocaerulea Glaucous-blue Grosbeak
C. cyanoides Blue-black Grosbeak
C. rothschildii Amazonian Grosbeak
C. brissonii Ultramarine Grosbeak

Genus Cyanocompsa viewedit
C. parellina Blue Bunting

Genus Passerina viewedit
P. caerulea Blue Grosbeak
P. amoena Lazuli Bunting
P. cyanea Indigo Bunting
P. rositae Rose-bellied Bunting
P. leclancherii Orange-breasted Bunting
P. versicolor Varied Bunting
P. ciris Painted Bunting

Genus Spiza viewedit
S. americana Dickcissel


This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
