Crown, sides of head and upperside including wings are cinnamon-rufous with back and wings showing narrower black, wavy barring.
Tail is barred in black and pale buff. Underside is mostly buff with rufous mixed in towards the upper breast and overall strongly marked with black bars.
Male has throat to malar red or red-black.
Female has entire head, including throat, uniform rufous.
Central and South America
Central America: Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama
South America: Colombia and Ecuador; mostly west of the Andes but in Colombia also in the valleys between the parts of Andes.
Lowland to foothill moist forest where utilizing internal areas as well as edges, clearings and even older second growth.
Described as having 3-5 notes song with a ringing quality, getting less strong in both pitch and amplitude. Drumming described as short and slow.