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Search results

  1. CerambyX

    Europe's Birds: An Identification Guide

    Tarsiger.com is your best friend as always. Plumbeous Water Redstart - on Crimean peninsula, Black-crowned Tchagra - Spain, Diederic Cuckoo - Cyprus (+ Israel and Lebanon but that's outside of their use of 'Europe'?). Not sure how widely accepted these records are but at least they are out there.
  2. CerambyX

    Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds, an Illustrated and Photographic Guide authored by Tomasz Cofta.

    So just like every other identification/field guide? ;) Many use Collins the same way you describe - take pictures of birds in field and then compare them with pictures/text in at home/in car/etc.- nothing wrong about it. Obviously the new guide tackles much narrower subset of bird...
  3. CerambyX

    Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds, an Illustrated and Photographic Guide authored by Tomasz Cofta.

    It looks like it's just a comparison page on Turdus species. Judging by index in link above (EDIT: now the post with link appears to be below - #21) Monticola-s are also included in the book. The species list looks quite impressive and seems to cover whole Europe quite nicely including south...
  4. CerambyX

    Your most anticipated futures books

    I disagree a bit - gull identification often isn't possible without really going into small details. The recent gull book (photographic guide of Gulls of the World by Olsen) has tried to be as concise as possible (on average ~4 pages of text and ~4-6 pages of photos per species) but I think it...
  5. CerambyX

    Your most anticipated futures books

    QR codes work fine for me, though I will admit that I have not checked all of them.. o:)
  6. CerambyX

    Your most anticipated futures books

    Completely agree! As much as I wanted to get the two-volume set, I just couldn't justify the price tag as for the same money I could get 7-10 other books that just would be more useful/valuable for me (mainly different insect books). But I do still want something like that on my bookshelf - just...
  7. CerambyX

    Google Street View birding

    Great Blue Heron in Vancouver https://www.google.com/maps/@49.3017121,-123.1255851,3a,15y,61.77h,80.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXMptKKWi5lmH_TmbhAP36g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  8. CerambyX

    Google Street View birding

    I'm pretty sure this is a Common Snadpiper :) https://www.google.com/maps/@56.7380092,24.7054718,3a,15y,140.9h,68.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4BzS14dF8qDgOi4Ye1Kahg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Also a bit further down the road - Common Merganser...
  9. CerambyX

    Corona virus threat to birding

    Thanks, You hit the most points right on the head - every country in Europe that has not been overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases needs to take any/every measure to slow down the spread of the virus (by self-isolation, social distancing etc.) or else the healthcare system will be overwhelmed and...
  10. CerambyX

    Corona virus threat to birding

    Sorry if it was answered further down the thread but WTF??? In my country there are no sings from epidemiologists or other medical specialists that would indicate that COVID-19 will became a seasonal thing like 'it's just a flu'... There is just not enough data on that and it is highly...
  11. CerambyX

    Swarovski dG

    They could have chosen a bit more serious release date for such, presumably, revolutionary device ;) "This product will be available on April 1st, 2020 at authorized dealers and in our online store."
  12. CerambyX

    Shrike. Lithuania

    What a bird!!! Congratulations for lucky observers! B (: Prorper rare bird for Europe! IOC has it split from excubitor so even better - New species for Lithuania? :)
  13. CerambyX

    Your most anticipated futures books

    BTW I received the Mongolia guide (the second one by Ganbold & Smith) and was a bit let down in the end - quality of illustrations unfortunately is also rather inconsistent with many plates being rather disappointing. Well they are different from Helm guide illustrations so that's good (for me...
  14. CerambyX

    Your most anticipated futures books

    I feel that the Helm guide illustrations are too much of a 'mixed bag' for me. And considering that I've probably already seen most of the illustrations in other Helm guides - I ordered the second book (but haven't received it yet - so maybe there are also some consistency issues). In sample...
  15. CerambyX

    [England] What is this Reed Bunting eating?

    I'd say Helcystogramma sp. caterpillar.
  16. CerambyX

    What is ‘Rhino Horn’?

    I guess something like in this blog: http://gowerbirdringinggroup.blogspot.com/2014/03/off-track-at-margam.html
  17. CerambyX

    Velvet Ant - Russia

    I think there should be only 4 mutillid wasps around St.Petersburg - Mutilla europaea, M.marginta, Smycromyrme rufipes and Myrmosa atra (if you count this one as Mutillidae - opinions differ I guess). At least that's the situation in Latvia and we are located even a bit more south but don't get...
  18. CerambyX

    Velvet Ant - Russia

    Do you have any other angles? Maybe top view - marginata has noticeably more narrow thorax than europaea? But the silvery haired legs (especially tibias) are indeed reminiscent of marginata.
  19. CerambyX


    Looks like Hylesinus oleiperda (Scolytidae)
  20. CerambyX

    Grasshopper Portugal

    Judging by the shape of pronotum - it is from genus Oediopda. I'm not sure what other species are there in Portugal, but if I saw this in N-Europe than I would easily call this Oedipoda caerulescens (Blue-winged Grasshopper).
  21. CerambyX

    Rheas in Germany

    Great article, thanks for the link!
  22. CerambyX

    Norwegian snail

    It looks more like a Copse Snail (Arianta arbustorum) to me - common species in Norway.
  23. CerambyX

    Kiyrgyzstan. Long-legged buzzard?

    What about other Buteos in Kyrgyzstan? Can (dark morph? juvenile?) Upland Buzzard look similar?
  24. CerambyX

    Which Tern? Alentejo Portugal

    Little tern?
  25. CerambyX

    Crake species in flight, Latvia

    Thanks! Was checking some books etc. and got a bit confused by apparent bold stripes on back (Little Crake style) on both pictures, but I guess it's difficult to judge exact pattern on the back in images of such 'amazing quality' :-O The spotting on the inner wing does look better for Spotted...