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  1. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Latest IOC Diary Updates

    Makes sense. Thanks
  2. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Latest IOC Diary Updates

    Thanks. I seem to recall being told that one species was recorded on Trinidad and the other on Tobago, I can’t remember which way round, without checking.
  3. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Whats the easiest raptor nest to find in uk?

    Presumably this is our old friend (add any number of incarnations) attempting to rile up/clickbait genuine birders. I would leave him well alone.
  4. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Latest IOC Diary Updates

    If I’m reading this right, I’ve had: Little Heron in Israel, Green Heron in the US and Striated Heron (and Green Heron) in Trinidad/Tobago (I presume Striated in other Caribbean Islands too, or would they be Green?)
  5. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    Not a lot of time spent in the garden, due to other commitments and the cold. Did have a look out of the bathroom window though and spotted a bit of movement, which turned out to be one of 4 Snipe. Also 5 Teal joined the 4 Mallard and Moorhens, as the flood across the road is frozen.
  6. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    Flushed a couple of Teal this morning, as I left the front door. They seem to not be using the shallow (presumably frozen) flood across the road. Fortunately another one stayed put. Two #52 (Lesser) Redpoll flew over, and later c.8 #53 Fieldfare did likewise. A couple of Redwings were in the...
  7. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Cassia Crossbill being lumped again???

    I wonder if all the Crossbills could have the same sort of twisted DNA (scientific term🤣) that the Redpolls have? In which case they could just be one.
  8. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    I always seem to get out later than I intend recently, I guess the pull of the duvet is greater in the cold weather. Eventually out at about 08:20, almost immediately got waylaid by a building contractor in the garden checking subsidence, as we chatted I fortunately caught a couple of birds...
  9. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    I will wear my Longhorns baseball cap around the garden tomorrow, in your honour. I’ll keep it on all year, if I get House Sparrow tomorrow.
  10. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Cassia Crossbill being lumped again???

    And California, I believe.
  11. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    I was keen to get out early in the sun, but forgot to set my alarm. Anyhoo, after coming back home and after lunch, I got to check the garden. Result. #50 Blackcap, probably the same female I had a fortnight ago. It is in this horrible, into the sun, distant photo. 😦
  12. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    A day of rain and computer work, but fortunately it cleared up to give me half an hour in the garden. Two flocks of 40-50 each #48 Starling commuting to an unknown roost site were handy, if not a little overdue for the year. The plentiful rain of late has risen the water level quite a bit in...
  13. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    A short period in the garden early morning and late afternoon today. The main highlight was a #45 Bullfinch, which ironically I didn’t see at all in 2024! It would have been species 100 a few days ago. Oh well, at least it’s safely banked for 2025. This afternoon #46 Goldcrest, in fact two of...
  14. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    Another 9 species added today (makes 44); Great Spotted Woodpecker. Jay - a couple that were agitated enough to make me think they had found a roosting Owl, but I couldn’t see it. Buzzard - couple of sightings, one perched. Sparrowhawk. Kestrel. Canada Goose. Egyptian Goose. Common Gull. Red...
  15. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2025

    My first chance to check the garden was this afternoon and it was still there. 😹 A hour or two resulted in 35 species, the best of which were 2 Chiffchaffs together, Water Rail still present near dusk, 2 Teal flushed from the Millstream, feeding Redwings, Marsh Tit and no less exciting -...
  16. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2024

    35 species seen in all 12 months, out of 99 species, so 35% for me.
  17. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2024

    2024 pretty much done here, I've given the garden a lot of attention today, desperately trying to scrape one more species, but to no avail. Finishing on 99 for the year. I think a wet and cold spring was my downfall. Today garnered Otter with attendant Grey Heron (this is a new behavioural...
  18. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2024

    A staggering 17.2% for me.
  19. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Phoneskope app or Apple 15 camera app

    Neither. I can’t see the point. My iphone automatically uses the lens x1 or x3 I set the adaptor to.
  20. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Problems accessing my online Digital British Birds Journal

    Yesterday their website seemed to go down. I was able to get into the journals later in the evening.
  21. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Portugal, Larus sp.??

    Bleaching is quite common in Gulls that spend a lot of their time in sunny climes.
  22. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Visiting St. Lucia, Caribbean.

    I used Adams Toussaint, some years ago. https://stluciawildlife.com/about/adams
  23. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Garden / Yard List 2024

    A quick update: looks like we might have 2 Chiffchaffs wintering (though no Blackcap, yet, this year) but I’ve not seen them together. A roosting Buzzard was new for the month, I was thinking that I might struggle this month given the chances of seeing a soaring bird, but this afternoon there...
  24. Bismarck Honeyeater

    Ducking in Baghdad, ID help please

    All the plain brown ones are Ferruginous Ducks, the little streaky ones are Eurasian Teal, the one with the big bill is a Shoveler and the final mystery duck is a Garganey (not a good photo, so I’m out on a limb a bit there)