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  1. M

    Sound Recorder Advice

    I'm here looking for advice myself. But based on my experience using the Olympus LS-12, I'd say you'd do well with the LS-100. Whatever the merits of those Tascam units, they are surely too big for use while out birding. My LS-12 sits in my top pocket or in a little shoulder-holster I made and...
  2. M

    Recording all day long: what to use?

    I had my Olympus LS-12 running all last week on Scilly and it was very reassuring to know that I was capturing any unrecognised calls and that I was able to listen back to them. What I hadn't bargained on was capturing calls that I'd completely failed to notice in the field! While listening back...
  3. M

    Recording all day long: what to use?

    Result I bought an LS-12 on eBay for about £60 and have been running it while I'm out birding, even just sitting out in the garden. This morning I've got a recording of a Hawfinch flying over the garden, a decent bird in Beds. https://soundcloud.com/mark-telfer-2/hawfinch-over-eaton-bray I'd...
  4. M

    Recording all day long: what to use?

    Thank you all for your advice. I'm not too worried about quality - I just want recordings that will help with ID. So I will give it a go.
  5. M

    Recording all day long: what to use?

    If I am out birding this autumn and an interesting pipit or bunting flies over calling, I won't have time to get my Sennheiser ME66 out of my pocket and switch it on. I'd like to have a sound recorder running the whole time I am in the field, with battery life that will last all day, and I...
  6. M

    Foxed by a tjip call

    The "low grate" is a lot like the soft churring of this Marsh Warbler: http://www.xeno-canto.org/240858
  7. M

    Gull, Laem Pak Bia, Thailand

    Thanks Lou - how stupid of me!
  8. M

    Gull, Laem Pak Bia, Thailand

    I think if its a Heuglin's, it has to be a 1st winter. A 2nd winter would show extensive adult-type grey mantle, scapular and wing-covert feathers. When I saw it (earlier the same day), I was put off Heuglin's by the paler window on the inner primaries and the pale greater-coverts. But reading...
  9. M

    UK Beetles for id

    Second photo is an Amara, possibly lunicollis as the 2nd and 3rd antennal segments look dark and elytral intervals look convex. But the rarer A. curta also has these characters. Try this: http://markgtelfer.co.uk/2012/03/09/sunshiners-moonshiners-and-stem-climbers/
  10. M

    Yellow-spotted Whiteface in Suffolk??

    That's exactly right Paul. It wasn't certain they were Leucorrhinia dubia. Does anyone know yet why news didn't get out earlier about the Yellow-spotted Whiteface? Mark Telfer
  11. M

    Hooded Seal in Lincolnshire

    If it gets released in Britain, I'd be keen to get a carload together.
  12. M

    Snail or what? ID Kent please

    It's Hygromia cinctella, an introduced snail that started off in Devon but has now spread quite widely at least in southern England.
  13. M

    I.D. Portugal Nov2011

    I agree with Simon that this is Asilus barbarus. I've seen them at Cape St Vincent/Sagres and had photo identifed by experts on diptera.info.
  14. M

    Beetle /Weevel ID please N Scotland

    Probably a Vine Weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus.
  15. M

    Quedius mesomelinus?

    Thanks for the plug Ficedula. The staph is either an Ocypus or a Tasgius. Might be identifiable to species from the photo but would need to spend some time on it.
  16. M

    ID Confirmation Required

    Yes, I'm sure that's N. investigator. And you are right with the mayfly and the caddisfly.
  17. M

    Beetle ID please

    A ground beetle Carabus glabratus (Carabidae), a speciality of the uplands of Scotland, northern England and North Wales.
  18. M

    ID Confirmation Required

    You can ID the British sexton beetles using this guide: "Beginner's Guide Silphidae 1: Nicrophorus - Richard Wright" in Beetle News Issue 1 here: http://www.amentsoc.org/publications/beetle-news/
  19. M

    Roselia alpina?

    Phil, It's Rosalia alpina. There are no confusion species (see the European longhorn checklist here: http://www.cerambyx.uochb.cz//list_europe.htm where it is the only member of the Rosaliini). It is on the Bulgarian list. Very envious! Mark
  20. M

    dainty damselfly in kent, 2011

    Yesterday (Sat 11th June) a male Dainty Damselfly had already been photographed prior to 10.00 at JCL's site on Sheppey. By the time I left at about 11.30, at least 2, perhaps 3 males had been found. Both/all were fully adult (i.e. not teneral) and were found resting low down in long grass or...
  21. M

    Beetle for I/D

    Phyllopertha horticola a.k.a. the Bracken Chafer. Do you know about iSpot? http://www.ispot.org.uk/
  22. M

    short necked oil beetle - meloe brevicollis

    Matt, Are you in touch with John Walters in Buckfastleigh? He'd be your best bet for a Devon rugosus site.
  23. M

    dainty damselfly in kent, 2011

    Paul, My memory is of an unofficial reintroduction attempt at Hadleigh Castle Country Park, South Benfleet in 1996. I believe emergence was monitored in 1997 and only a single individual resulted. I assume that the occurrence of Southern Migrant Hawkers at the same site, perhaps the same pond...
  24. M

    Vagrant Emperors in Kent

    OK, I'll try that again! Pic of Vagrant Emperor and grid ref of the spot here: http://www.dungenessbirdobs.org.uk/faunatwo.html
  25. M

    Vagrant Emperors in Kent

    Sequella, There's a grid ref (and a photo) here: http://www.dungenessbirdobs.org.uk/lateframe.html so this is the bridge: http://wtp2.appspot.com/wheresthepath.htm?lat=50.92486828112976&lon=0.936884880065918&gz=15&oz=8&gt=1 Looks like it'll be best to park and walk from the Dungeness RSPB...