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Search results

  1. J

    Radio tagged White-tailed Eagle

    Given the previous wanderings, there is a good chance it is a bird from the IoW project. Roy is the co-ordinator for the whole of the UK i believe so even if not one of his projects, if its a wild bird he should know who's study its part of.
  2. J

    Radio tagged White-tailed Eagle

    Gander, Roy Dennis Wildlife foundation will have the answers for a radio tagged sea eagle. https://www.roydennis.org/report-white-tailed-eagle-sighting/
  3. J

    A belated colour ringed Sanderling from Caleta de Fuste, Fuerteventura 10th March ‘23.

    Once you've got it off the camera it may help you slightly.
  4. J

    A belated colour ringed Sanderling from Caleta de Fuste, Fuerteventura 10th March ‘23.

    Quick search on C/R birding gives 3 likely candidates. https://cr-birding.org/colourprojects?tid_3=Sanderling&tid_2=&tid_1=2746&tid_4=All&tid_5=All&field_countr_tid=All
  5. J

    North Sea Thread

    Great news that the thread goes on!
  6. J

    North Sea Thread

    Gander, does the decommissioning mean that at some point soon you will no longer be working on the platform and one of the best threads on bird forum will have to cease?
  7. J

    Some recent ring observations

    Any updates GiG?
  8. J

    Ivory-Billed Woodpecker continued

    The book may mention "drug cartels", but according to Wikipedia it definitely has a passage about logging companies giving poison to locals to smear on communal feeding trees and this likely causing extinction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_woodpecker
  9. J

    Starlings Help/Advice

    When/if you get something to stop the Starlings clearing out your food. Please try to make sure you still put food out for the starlings as well. Of the birds you listed as visiting they are one of the species that have suffered the biggest declines in the UK over recent times.
  10. J

    Some recent ring observations

    Great thread. Keep up the good work and keep us informed of the results.
  11. J

    new paper on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker

    Thanks. Can you clarify that i am understanding correctly. The source you posted suggested that the IBW was hunted for hundreds of years, firstly by native American's then by Western Colonisers. Yet despite this hunting pressure being evident throughout most (all?) of the time the species...
  12. J

    new paper on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker

    What hunting pressures? As far as we know, none have been hunted for over 90 years?
  13. J

    Ringed Blue Tit Whalsay

    Now it makes sense! THANKYOU!
  14. J

    Ringed Blue Tit Whalsay

    The link i posted suggests 4th live record. With the three previous Norwegian Blue Tits caught by ringers.
  15. J

    Ringed Blue Tit Whalsay

    Late to the party in this thread. Agree with all the comments on it being a Norwegian ring. Some extra info (not needed in this case but may be useful in future) - The number being above the "address", when ring is correct way up (as in this case) also indicates it is not a British ring. Ours...
  16. J

    Corona virus threat to birding

    The thinking behind the staggering isn't to stop people getting it, it's to prevent a huge surge of patients all at the same time, overwhelming the facilities to help those in need. It also, in theory at least, allows time to increase the capacity of facilities to help those people who will be...
  17. J

    Corona virus threat to birding

    I read somewhere, that the problem with any plan like this is the sheer numbers of people involved. Something like 5.4 million people in the UK are currently receiving treatment for asthma: 1.1 million children (1 in 11) and 4.3 million adults (1 in 12). Even more will have had it in the past...
  18. J

    Rung Dunlin Fuerteventura.

    Details of likely project here. https://www.cr-birding.org/node/4170
  19. J

    ID, NE Russia

    To add to Grahame's point, i'm wondering if the bird is likely to be an adult, i personally think Wilwa, in full post breeding moult. As it appears to me that it is in active wing moult and potentially missing P3 and P4 as well as some secondaries. Obviously impossible to be 100% sure with a...
  20. J

    North Sea Thread

    I'm really starting to root for the crows!!
  21. J

    Results from colour-ring reading

    Flag looks yellow rather than lime but rest matches.... https://www.cr-birding.org/node/5002
  22. J

    North Sea Thread

    Paul, you have lost your Fulmar which was species no.5 on the 17th of January.
  23. J

    What's going on with this finch?

    Be wary of using the antibiotics. They may help this finch but if an immunity develops in bacteria that is in the vicinity it may lead to a "much harder to kill bacteria" causing more widespread issues...
  24. J

    UK Hawfinch occurence last weekend....?

    Gentlemen where are you reading that? Its was C/R as part of the top project according to CR-Birding. Very small possiblity that it could have originally been rinded in the Dean. But last time i spoke to the ringer in charge of the Dean Hawfinch C/R about this bird he hadnt heard that it was.
  25. J

    Very busy at the bird feeder today!

    Cog, that is a colour ringed bird. Roughly (if you don't want everyone to know exactly) where are you? Its from one of two projects: http://www.cr-birding.org/cs/node/130 Or http://www.cr-birding.org/node/879