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  1. E

    Steller's Eider

    According to the many books I've read through, the Steller's Eider never come to the U.S. East Coast. Has anyone found evidence to the contrary?
  2. E

    Eastern birds in the West

    I came across a Western Grebe on the NJ coastline not far from Sandy Hook. I only found one photo (on the internet)of this type bird in NY not NJ. So how common is it for birds to be so far off course.?
  3. E

    NJ large hawk odd legs

    Based on size alone If I dismiss the leg markings, based on size and color alone I am now leaning towards it being a golden eagle. Remember I can calculate the size fairly well based on the nearby perched crow.
  4. E

    NJ large hawk odd legs

    Looking towards NY City. I've looked in quite a few North American bird books and there's no match. There must be some odd variation with a large hawk or eagle in which the white feathered legs will on rare occasions have incomplete black bands on them. What else am I to think? Hope to get my...
  5. E

    NJ large hawk odd legs

    Not an osprey I have seen Osprey flying overhead, but this wasn't one. Because of the size I would like to think it's in the eagle family except for the leg markings!
  6. E

    NJ large hawk odd legs

    No, not the Rough legged Hawk Think of a relatively few pieces of black rubber bands applied to the white feathered leg. No curves all straight. All the leg markings on other birds had some waves in them and were more numerous. This bird had to be over 25 inches from head to talon. I looked...
  7. E

    NJ large hawk odd legs

    Perched a-top a locust tree with crows perched nearby, this dark colored hawk seemed 3x the size! Got an overall view quickly with my 10x binoculars, then focused on the legs before it flew away. The markings are unlike any I've seen in any book or web image. The legs were wide like an eagle &...