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  1. P

    Godwit? - Delaware, USA

    This photo was taken yesterday October 10th, at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge! There was actually a surprise American Pelican in the same pond :)
  2. P

    Godwit? - Delaware, USA

    Hello, I'm guessing Godwit of some kind but unsure which. White patch on tail and dark supercilium leads me to Hudsonian but apparently those are rare at this time? Appreciate others' opinions! Also, if anyone has insight into the IDs of the other shorebirds in the photo I would love to know...
  3. P

    Royal Tern or Juv Caspian? Baltimore, MD, USA

    Thank you! I figured, as the Royals are somewhat rare in the harbor, but wanted to check.
  4. P

    Royal Tern or Juv Caspian? Baltimore, MD, USA

    Oh, right! Sorry about that. I mean the tern in the middle with the white top of the head above the laughing gull, and the photo was taken today.
  5. P

    Royal Tern or Juv Caspian? Baltimore, MD, USA

    Hi All, Would love some opinions on this. The photo isn't great (thru a scope and far distance), but I was wondering whether this bird appears to be a Royal Tern moving into winter plumage or a juvenile Caspian. In the scope the bill did appear a bit yellower than the surrounding Caspian and I...
  6. P

    Coastal NC, USA - Red throated Loon?

    Wonderful, thank you!! Still getting used to all the sea birds non-breeding plumage.
  7. P

    Coastal NC, USA - Red throated Loon?

    Hi all, Would appreciate help with this ID. They seemed the right size and behavior, diving periodically for long periods of time. They were hanging out right past the surf near the beach. Short neck and long body seem to confirm against a Western or other Grebe. Thanks!!
  8. P

    Golden Eagle or Juvenile Bald Eagle - Maryland, USA

    Thank you all, I appreciate it!! Glad I took the time to ask before posting the bird with my wishful thinking.
  9. P

    Golden Eagle or Juvenile Bald Eagle - Maryland, USA

    I thought maybe, but through the binocs they had a similar appearance to this one? Esp with the long feathered lighter legs. But I know that's probably still wishful thinking given the beak issue 😅
  10. P

    Golden Eagle or Juvenile Bald Eagle - Maryland, USA

    Hi, Not sure if the bird I saw was a juvenile bald or a golden. At first I thought golden as they seemed to have extensive brown and not much white besides the chest, the lighter coverts framing the chest, as well as extensive yellow on the base of the beak. Now, though, after looking through...
  11. P

    Leucistic Canada Goose? - Loch Raven, MD, USA

    Hi, Saw this beautiful goose and was wondering whether others agreed that it might be leucistic vs a hybrid or other options. Seemed exactly like the others besides the white patches. Sorry for the low quality photos!
  12. P

    Mystery Bird Call - Patuxent Research Refuge, Laurel, MD, USA

    Wow thank you! I appreciate all the ideas and narrowing it down to a wren probably. They really do make so many different noises.
  13. P

    Another Bird Call - Occoquan NWR, Virginia, USA

    Hi, Here with another bird call - looking for ID on the squeaky gate kind of sound in the background of this clip. Much too high pitched and regular for a Blue Jay I think but again still learning calls so not sure what else it could be! Thanks! Paul
  14. P

    Mystery Bird Call - Patuxent Research Refuge, Laurel, MD, USA

    Hi, Looking for any pointers about a mysterious (to me) bird call. I could heard them calling repeatedly across a marshy area, probably from a group of trees in the distance. The call I am talking about is the trilling repeated in the track behind the sparrows. Seems too high for a kingfisher...
  15. P

    Hybrid Mallard? - US, Baltimore, MD

    Thanks so much! Didn't realize the variation present in the domestic breed.
  16. P

    Hybrid Mallard? - US, Baltimore, MD

    Hello! I would love some help identifying this bird. They were with six other seemingly "normal" mallards, but are about 1.5x larger as well as having different coloring. I noted the lack of red chest, different white distribution on the wings, and more brindled appearance. As well, I have seen...
  17. P

    Hello from Baltimore!

    Hi there, birder from Baltimore City here! Still learning a lot but enjoying learning all the amazing waterfowl in the lakes around here as well as the winter passerines. Thanks for having me!