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Search results

  1. H

    lesser or great scaup? Chicago, today

    Thanks! Two on the right are the obvious ones?
  2. H

    lesser or great scaup? Chicago, today

    Feels like Lesser to me. Not quite sure though. Thanks, Brian
  3. H

    thrush, Michigan, Oct. 20th

    Guessing this is Hermit Thrush but would appreciate help. Thank you, Brian
  4. H

    sparrow, Michigan ID help please

    Is this song or fox. I can't seem to tell the difference for sure. Thanks, Brian
  5. H

    ID help please, warbler like, Michigan

    Thank you! sorry, I wasn't clear... pics 1-3 are all the same individual
  6. H

    ID help please, warbler like, Michigan

    Thanks Fern! I'm not sure there are any other candidates locally with that facial pattern. Unless I'm missing a female of some variety.
  7. H

    ID help please, warbler like, Michigan

    1-3 I'm pretty sure is Warbling Vireo 4-6 I think is either Pine Warbler or Yellow -throated Vireo. Not sure if picture quality is good enough to separate. What do you all think? Thank you, Brian
  8. H

    warbler like, Michigan, June 23rd.

    Edited to add 2 more picture
  9. H

    warbler like, Michigan, June 23rd.

    Thanks! I missed that as the male looks quite different. You happen to know if there is anything else in my area that would have a well defined long supercilium and double wing bar? Brian
  10. H

    warbler like, Michigan, June 23rd.

    Kind of at a loss on this one. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Brian edit after comment from KenM
  11. H

    Cuckoo, Michigan. ID help please

    I'm almost certain this is Black-billed over Yellow-billed but can't definitively rule out immature Yellow-billed. Is anyone able to call it for sure? Thanks, Brian
  12. H

    Flycatchers, Michigan

    Thanks! That table is very cool! Appreciate you sharing. Brian
  13. H

    Flycatchers, Michigan

    Given the quality of these pictures and difficulty in separating similar looking flycatchers, can I do any better than Empidonax flycatcher on either of these? Thanks for any input! Brian 1st individual: 1a-1e 2nd individual: 2a-2b
  14. H

    waterthrush ID help please. Michigan

    Thanks! I'm still kind of learning features and angles that are best to view them at. Always appreciate you sharing you insight.
  15. H

    waterthrush ID help please. Michigan

    Thank you everyone for your input! My equipment makes it pretty difficult to get a photo clear enough for ID sometimes. I appreciate you all having a look at my blurry pictures and I'm fine leaving it unidentified if I'm not sure. Kind of used to it in fact when seeing hyperactive birds such...
  16. H

    waterthrush ID help please. Michigan

    Northern and Louisiana both occur. I think the streaked throat makes it good for Northern but the legs looked pretty bright so I wasn't sure. Thanks, Brian edit: more blurry photos (e-j) added after many comment.
  17. H

    Thrush ID help please. Michigan today

    Appreciate you taking the time to look and reply!
  18. H

    Unknown wren, ID help please. Michigan yesterday

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing!
  19. H

    Thrush ID help please. Michigan today

    I realize the quality of these pictures are poor but I was wondering if anyone can safely identify. I'm looking at Hermit Thrush and Veery, leaning towards Veery because of the monotoned back and tail as well as the pale underparts. Not 100% sure though as both of these birds are new to me and...
  20. H

    Unknown wren, ID help please. Michigan yesterday

    Thanks Butty! Always appreciate your help!
  21. H

    Unknown wren, ID help please. Michigan yesterday

    Not sure if the picture quality is good enough to confirm type of wren here. My best guess is House wren. Any insight is greatly appreciated as always. Thank, Brian