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Search results

  1. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    Clean Up - July, Napa 498. Swainson's Hawk December, Napa 499. Barn Owl 500. Chestnut-backed Chickadee 501. Canvasback
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    Napamatt's 2010 List

    Nov 13, Napa 495. Hermit Thrush Nov 27 496. Glaucuss-winged Gull 497. American Bittern
  3. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    Nov 5-7 Carmel, CA 486. California Gull 487. Surf Scoter 488. Sanderling 489. Townsend's Warbler 490. Hairy Wodpecker 491. Pacific Black-bellied Plover 492. Brandt's Cormorant 493. Pelagic Cormorant 494. Black Oystercatcher
  4. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    October 8-15th, Mala Mala, South Africa An unplanned second visit was not expected to produce many birds after the amazing totals of the January trip. 468. Black Cuckooshrike 469. Spotted Dikkop 470. Little Egret 471. Lizard Buzzard 472. Sabota Lark 473. European Nightjar 474. Woollynecked...
  5. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    September 28th, Lake Hennessey 466. Red-breasted Merganser 467. Western Tanager
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    Napamatt's 2010 List

    September 21st, Ellis Creek 463. Western Sandpiper 464. Pectoral Sandpiper (L) 465. Eared Grebe
  7. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    September 14th, Lincoln Park, Chicago Chicago in September and I forget my binoculars!!!! 456. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 457. Northern Waterthrush 458. Black-crowned Night-Heron 459. Acadian Flycatcher (L) 460. Tennessee Warbler (L) 461. Swainson's Thrush 462. House Wren
  8. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    September 12th, Lake Tahoe 453. Brown Creeper 454. Black-backed Woodpecker (L)
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    Napamatt's 2010 List

    August 10th, Santa Barbara and Arroyo Grande 451. Canyon Wren (L) 452. Allen's Hummingbird
  10. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    July 30-31, Lake Tahoe and Washoe Valley, NV 443. Calliope Hummingbird (L) 444. Nashville Warbler 445. Prairie Falcon 446. Brown-headed Cowbird 447. Caspian Tern 448. Olive-sided Flycatcher 449. Black-billed Magpie 450. Western Wood-pewee
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    Napamatt's 2010 List

    July 12-13th, Whitefish, MT 440. American Redstart 441. MacGillivray's Warbler 442. Evening Grosbeak (L)
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    Napamatt's 2010 List

    July 7th, Sacramento Airport 439. White-faced Ibis
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    Napamatt's 2010 List

    June 27th, St.Helena, CA 437. Pacific-slope Flycatcher 438. Wilson's Warbler
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    Napamatt's 2010 List

    June 17th, Phoenix, AZ 435. Great-tailed Grackle June 19th St. Helena, CA 436. Pileated Woodpecker
  15. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    May 21st Yosemite NP 432. Black Swift 433. Hutton's Vireo 434. Western Tanager
  16. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    May 12th, Walla Walla WA 431. Ring-necked Pheasant
  17. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    May 7th, Lake Hennessey 428. Western Kingbird 429. Western Grebe May 9th, Oxbow, Napa 430. Cliff Swallow
  18. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    April 30th, Napa 427. Band-tailed Pigeon
  19. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    April 17th-21st, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico An unexpected trip and one that paid dividends thanks to a small piece of undeveloped land next to our hotel. 399. Common Ground-dove 400. Magnificient Frigatebird 401. Gila Woodpecker (L) 402. Western Gull 403. Cactus Wren 404. White-winged Dove 405...
  20. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    April 9th, Bardolino, Italy 389. Swift 390. House Martin April 11th, Hampstead Heath and Kew Gardens 391. Chaffinch 392. Nuthatch 393. Chiffchaff 394. Great-spotted Woodpecker 395. Rose-ringed Parakeet 396. Mistle Thrush 397. Golden Pheasant (L) April 13th Sacramento 398. Yellow-billed Magpie
  21. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    April 6th, London Wetlands Centre 351. Common Magpie 352. Little Grebe 353. Great Crested Grebe 354. Great Cormorant 355. Mute Swan 356. Greylag Goose 357. Barnacle Goose (L) 358. European Wigeon 359. Pochard 360. Red-crested Pochard (L) 361. Tufted Duck 362. Common Eider (L) 363. Long-tailed...
  22. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    April 3rd, Home and Oxbow Preserve 349. Rufous Hummingbird 350. Bullock's Oriole
  23. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    Mar 23rd, Napa 348. Hooded Oriole
  24. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    Mar 18th, Napa 347. Osprey
  25. N

    Napamatt's 2010 List

    Mar 13th, Skyline Park, Napa 342. Violet-green Swallow 343. California Quail 344. Wild Turkey 345. Wrentit 346. Wood Duck