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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

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  1. M

    Product Review: Zeiss Victory Pocket 8 x 25.

    I did and they work nicely. Thank you, fazalmajid.
  2. M

    Zeiss Diascope 85 T FL

    That’s exactly the one I had, and it may look like it is covered with felt, but it is not. Just plane coarse paint.
  3. M

    Zeiss Diascope 85 T FL

    Hi chaos85, That model is exactly what I bought when I started with birdwatching lots of years ago. Then I took a rest of the hobbie (to be honest I had a chid and he was never so keen to nature, so we stopped going out). As he is now old enough to stay alone at home, we resumed the hobbie. I...
  4. M

    Head for Swaro X115?

    Just one clarification: I received the heads yesterday, so I have not field experience with them. Those are just my findings and feelings with a quite limited time of in home use. I just wanted to say that using 500 is possible.
  5. M

    Head for Swaro X115?

    You cannot use mvh502ah easily, because you have to mount the scope to the plate with the plate into the head (or use it the head backwards) because the big objective prevents the scope to be mounted from the back of the head, and the pin on the head prevents the plate to be mounted from the...
  6. M

    Fieldscope 85-A -- Stay-on case?

    Hi, I have a straight EDG 85, not VR. Regarding stay-on case, I have the original Nikon one and I'm very satisfied with it. Nevertheless, I don't see any possibility to use it on a VR scope, given the extra space needed by the battery compartment. It has a little room to spare, but for the...
  7. M

    Swarovski 115mm + Gitzo

    Yes, just one. You have to tighten it hard to avoid the scope from twisting.
  8. M

    Swarovski 115mm + Gitzo

    Nope. The include plate works great. I don’t really see the need for the balance rail. Maybe if you want to digiscope with a big dslr you need it, but just for observation I don’t think so.
  9. M

    Swarovski 115mm + Gitzo

    That’s also my setup (well, my tripod is a gt3542 instead) but the ATX115 balances pretty well in the Gitzo Gimbal head. Included plate is long enough and can be mounted forward enough in the scope to have it perfectly balanced. Regards.
  10. M

    Impresive Leica service for my 18 years old Trinovid 8x20 BCA

    Hello Javier! I hope you enjoy your new purchase. They are really great little binoculars. I also love the neighbour country and their kind people. Best regards. Un saludo!
  11. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    I use mine with a Peak Design QRP and the scope has never worked loose of the plate. Contact surface is not a lot but it is the whole black disk show in the pictures. Maybe the reason of the non rotating connection has to do with the need for an Allen key to secure PD QRP to the scope. The force...
  12. M

    Swarovski ATC: which lightweight tripod?

    Field of view and weight aside, the only points where I think ATC/STC could get an advantage over the Leica Apo 62 are size and toughness. Leica Apo 62 is a very good scope indeed. If you take the two features you mentioned out of the equation, I think it doesn't worth upgrading.
  13. M

    Swarovski ATC: which lightweight tripod?

    Hi again, For my STC I have just purchased a Sirui-AM225 with SL-100 extensible column. I also bought a quite light and small, all metal video head (https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B0BFKY8H5L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I need the column because the STC is straight and...
  14. M

    Surprising new feature from Swarovski

    It is clear that photographing an actual birder, bald and with a belly doesn’t sell too many scopes! Take no offence. I’m talking about myself!
  15. M

    Swarovski ATC: which lightweight tripod?

    Hello Gastonbe, Of the ones you mention I can only comment on the Peak Design. It is very well made and very well trough out also. I have used it with my Leica Apo Televid 62, that weights 50% more than Swarovski ATC and it is also bigger, and it can cope with it without any problem. I use it...
  16. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    Thank you for the links!
  17. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    That is a good idea to consider! Thanks a lot.
  18. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    It may be useful, and would attract a lot of attention too. 😂 Any link you may have?
  19. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    It does have two straps lugs and the strap is included . I’ll give it a try and maybe will come back with questions about the technique for stabilising.
  20. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    Hello all, As promised, I report back with a little more information after more test with the STC scope. Test was done again under a medium overcast that seems to be the norm last days in my region, but without a drop of the highly needed rain by here. This time I went to a wetland not so far...
  21. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    This morning I received a call from my favourite dealer in Madrid to tell me they have received the first units in Spain. They got just the straight scope but it is the one I’m interested on. I have visited them this late afternoon, and I took my angled Leica Apo Televid 62, 16-48 zoom with me...
  22. M

    New ATC/ STC 17-40x56 Telescope

    I use one with my Leica apo televid 62 and for me it works quite well, even using the incorporated ball head. It is not as comfortable as a fluid video head but when I want my setup to be compact and somewhat light I find it sturdy enough. It doesn’t perform as a good big Gitzo, for sure.
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    Leica Ultravid 8x20 BR (material number 40252) eye cups question

    Hello Talster, To be honest, I don't own an Ultravid 8X20, but a Trinovid 8x20. I don't think Leica consider this operation to be done by the user, but if you want to do it and if pocket Trinovids and Ultravids' eyecups are constructed in a similar way, first you have to remove the rubber part...
  24. M

    Zeiss deltrintem date of manufacture

    I have aborted cataracts surgery. With a strap wrench I have taken out the covers of the objective tubes. Then, with an objective lens wrench I have tried to undo the objective lenses retaining rings and they were so tight that magnesium started to strip. I have managed to move them half a turn...
  25. M

    Zeiss deltrintem date of manufacture

    And now a game: Look for the seven differences 😀 No doubt they share a common past.