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Search results

  1. G

    Scaup and Gull, St. John's, NL, Canada

    The duck in the foreground is a Lesser Scaup, the one behind it is a Greater Scaup. The gull looks like a Lesser Black-backed Gull or hybrid with Herring Gull.
  2. G

    Tarifa 14-21 March 2015

    The migration routes are dependant to a degree on the wind direction and so you move around different sites at the Straits depending on where the migration is. An easterly pushes raptors to the west of the Straits and vice versa. Last spring I found Tarifa sea wall, Cazalla watchpoint and the...
  3. G

    Worth upgrading ATM80HD to ATX?

    I have the ATX95 and use it in place of my ATS with 20-60x. The ATX95 is fabulous to look through. Mine is teamed up with a weighty Gitzo tripod and I find this combination too heavy to walk far with. I think your idea of also getting the 65 objective is a good one. You can team this up with a...
  4. G

    Arctic tern migration

    Its a Sabine's Gull.
  5. G

    Cley Spy MulePack

    The LowePro scope porter is a superb piece of kit. In mine I carry my Swaro ATX95, Canon 7D, 400mm f.5.6, APO adapter, phone adapter, water, snacks, camera peripherals etc in total comfort.
  6. G

    Tripod/Head Recommendations for ATX 95

    I went for the Manfrotto 502. It handles the ATX95 easily and balances well. If I hang my Canon 7D and APO TLS off it then you cannot achieve perfect balance, so I will probably need to get a balance rail. For the tripod I got a Gitzo 3532LS, which is superb. The combination of ATX/502/Gitzo 3...
  7. G

    7D w/ 400 5.6 L settings

    I'm a 7D + 400 f5.6 novice and found these threads helpful: http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=265813 http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=264480
  8. G

    Canon 7D price rise??????

    Picked one up from DigitalRev for £700 a couple of weeks back. Still on the website at the same price.
  9. G

    Canon 400mm - Anyone bought from here?

    They are a Hong Kong company and so your purchase will be a grey import. If that's the route you want to try then also check out digitalrev and others who may be cheaper.
  10. G

    Tripod/Head Recommendations for ATX 95

    I have just bought a Swarovski ATX95. My current tripod, a Manfrotto 190 with 128RC head, cannot handle the weight. I also plan to digiscope with a Canon 7D and TLS APO adapter. I'm thinking a Gitzo 3 series may fit the bill for the tripod. Are there any which are tall enough to be used...
  11. G

    sound inside ATX module

    Hi yes mine does this too. Must be normal
  12. G

    Canon 70D coming?

    Thanks Paul. I have decided to go for the 7D. Just waiting on delivery.
  13. G

    Canon 70D coming?

    I'm planning on buying my first DSLR and cannot decide between the 7D or 70D. Prices are similar at HDEW, 7D is £700 and 70D will be £870. I'm going to use it with a Canon 400 f5.6. Any thoughts on which might be best as a first camera for general birding?
  14. G

    Problems with Victory 10x42 T FL

    An update to my earlier posts (#22,23), I sent my binoculars to Zeiss who replaced the eyepieces under warranty. I'm informed the marks on the lenses are external and the eyepieces are being sent to Germany to see if they are able to identify the cause.
  15. G

    Problems with Victory 10x42 T FL

    Hi there, Yes I'm on the case, I'll feedback on the diagnosis that Zeiss make.
  16. G

    Problems with Victory 10x42 T FL

  17. G

    Problems with Victory 10x42 T FL

  18. G

    Problems with Victory 10x42 T FL

    My 3 year old 10x42 T*FL have a similar appearance. It began a few months ago and has gradually worsened. The defect is internal - there are minor scratches on the surface of the lens and the defects clearly lie deeper. The glass overlying the defects is scratch/abrasion free. I will post some...
  19. G

    Cheddar Reservoir,UK,Lesser Scaup, thoughts?

    Features fit first-winter drake Lesser Scaup. LS has fine flank vermiculations. These may be present but blurred out in this photo? Do you have any other shots?
  20. G

    Into the Land of the Snow Leopard

    I can only imagine what you felt in that moment when you registered yes, that really is Langur monkeys alarming ...
  21. G

    Collins Birds Guide App.

    I don't think there is an app. There is an E-guide, which you can download onto your Android phone: http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=225461&page=2 Note it appears to be out of print: http://www.nhbs.com/collins_bird_eguide_tefno_144626.html
  22. G

    Taken in our garden in France this evening

    Redstart. In the field it will be quivering its tail.
  23. G

    Buzzard Persecution Trial to be sponsored by DEFRA

    Raptor persecution Scotland is reporting that the Government is inviting tenders for a research project on the best way to reduce Buzzard numbers in gamebird rearing areas. Methods which must be trialled include nest vandalisation and permanent incarceration of captured Buzzards into falconry...
  24. G

    Dusky or Radde's Warbler

    Super shots of a Raddes
  25. G

    The Dirtier side of Twitching ...

    Been present for 2 weeks, apparently