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Search results

  1. A

    Olivaceous Warbler or Reed Warbler

    June 17th 2020, an Eastern Olivaceous Warbler was caught and ringed at Gedser, the southernmost point in Denmark (2nd record in Denmark following the first at exactly the same spot in June 2003). Photo of the bird here: https://www.gedserfuglestation.dk/blog?post_id=1004 During the afternoon...
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    Black-headed or Red-headed Bunting

    This bunting was present on October 15th 2019 at Blaavands Huk, the western most point in Denmark. The long bill seems to point to Black-headed Bunting but compared to "normal" Black-headed Buntings in Northern- and Western Europe in autumn it is quite striped on the underside. I guess the...
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    White, Pied or hybrid Wagtail, Denmark

    Thanks for the comments. Jan: Thanks for the link to the Swedish bird. I think this bird highlights the problem about identifying "non-classic" yarrellii in Scandinavia. The flank on the Swedish bird is quite pale, and it is difficult to establish if the black colouration on the rump reaches...
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    White, Pied or hybrid Wagtail, Denmark

    This wagtail was photographed at Kronborg, NE-most point of Zealand, eastern part of Denmark, March 26th 2017. It appeared dark-backed in the field. The colour of the rump was not seen in the field. Pied (yarrellii) is quite rare in the eastern part of Denmark with about 5-10 records every...
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    Ficedula flycatcher Qatar

    A male Ficedula flycatcher was seen and photographed by two of my friends near Al Ruwais in northern Qatar March 11th 2017. Opinions have been equally divided between Collared and Semi-collared Flycatcher (these are the only photos that exist of the bird). I wonder if anyone here can comment...
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    Bennett's or Golden-tailed Woodpecker, Kruger, South Africa

    This woodpecker was seen along route 63 just south of Luvuhu River, northern Kruger, South Africa, July 17th 2011. The underside seems striped suggesting Golden-tailed and also the forecrown is dark - not red. So it is not an adult male Bennett's. I am not familiar with these woodpeckers. Any...
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    'isabelline shrike' in Kazakhstan

    June 27th 2010, I photographed this Isabelline Shrike at Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve, about 150 SW of Astana, Kazakhstan. I submitted the record to ebird.org but was notified by a regional data reviewer that this bird was most likely a Turkestan. To me, it still looks like an Isabelline (ssp...
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    White's or Scaly Thrush, Thailand

    This White's or Scaly Thrush was seen at Doi Lang, northern Thailand, January 5th 2012. I was wondering if it is possible to identify this bird beyond White's/Scaly. Is it at all possible to identify these two species in the field? Best regards, Andreas
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    Bluetail species, Doi Lang, Thailand

    This bluetail (possibly two different individuals) was photographed on Doi Lang, northern Thailand, 5th of January 2012. Himalyan Bluetail seems like the "default species" in northern Thailand, but I guess Red-flanked is a scarce winter visitor. I have searched the internet about...
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    Phylloscopus warblers from Thailand

    Thank you very much for your comments. I have attached a collage with all my photos of the "first" warbler seen at Doi Inthanon in January 2012. I have checked the Robson-guide and I agree it looks like a Chinese Leaf Warbler. On the photos it seems to have a grayish neck and scapulars...
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    Shortwing sp. Doi Inthanon, Thailand

    Thank you very much for your useful replies.
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    Phylloscopus warblers from Thailand

    These four Phylloscopus warblers were photographed in northern Thailand during the winter 2011/2012. Collage 1: Davison's? Ear-coverts too clean and too prominent dark lateral crown stripes for Yellow-browed? Collage 2: Claudia's? Strong bill, two wingbars, feeding behaviour suggests...
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    Shortwing sp. Doi Inthanon, Thailand

    This shortwing species was skulking in a gully behind mr. Daeng's restaurant at Doi Inthanon, Thailand, December 30th 2011 (together with a Dark-sided Thrush). We were told it was a Lesser Shortwing, but later that it had been re-identified as a White-browed. The photos are horrible, but I am...
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    Bush Warbler species in Kaeng Krachan, Thailand

    Thank you very much for your useful replies.
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    Bush Warbler species in Kaeng Krachan, Thailand

    December 24th 2011, this Bush Warbler was found skulking at the roadside near Bang Krang Campsite in Kaeng Krachan, Thailand. To me, it looks most like a Siberian Bush Warbler (Bradypterus davidi). But I would be grateful if anyone could comment on its idenntification. I have searched Ebird...
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    Isabelline Shrike, Israel - isabellinus or phoenicuroides?

    Great with all these expert comments. I think the last photo does the colouration of the bird most justice. The first three photos are backlit. This could be the reason why the underside looks so pale, whereas it looks more "apricot-coloured" in the last photo suggesting isabellinus. Could be...
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    Isabelline Shrike, Israel - isabellinus or phoenicuroides?

    This male Isabelline Shrike was photographed at Sede Boker, southern Israel, February 13th, 2014. I have got a few comments as to which subspecies it is. I think it is most probably an isabellinus based on the pale bill base, pale lore, and pale upperparts. However, the supercilium is quite...
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    Cretzschmar's bunting Egypt???

    I think the first photo shows a Cretzschmar's. The belly is quite deep orange and the "breast band" has a bluish colour. Photo number two may also show a Cretzschmar's. The tertial-fringe is reddish. Agree that the two lower photos show Ortolans.
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    hummingbird (Allen's?), Big Sur, California

    Thank you all for your comments. Seems like it is best to let this hummer remain unidentified...
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    black- or red-headed bunting denmark

    September 27th 2015, this first year black- or red-headed bunting was found at Skagen, northernmost point in Denmark. Four fotos attached. More photos found here: http://ecskagen.blogspot.dk/2015/09/httevrlingbrunhovedet-vrling.html The identification has been discussed. Is it possible to...
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    hummingbird (Allen's?), Big Sur, California

    August 6, 2013, I photographed this hummingbird at a lay-by at highway 1 in Big Sur between Monterey and Morro Bay, California. It was small (smaller than Anna's) and from the photo the tail looks short; I thought it could be a calliope. However, after checking eBird, Allen's seems to be much...
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    Which tern? Salalah, Oman

    The first photo also shows a White-winged Black Tern because of short narrow bill and quite long legs. Black tern excluded because of no dark patch on breast side. Best regards Andreas
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    Passerine, Thailand, Doi Lang, March 2014

    Dear all, One of my friends, Kurt M. Nielsen, photographed this passerine on Doi Lang, northern Thailand, March 2014. One birder has thought it may be a Large Niltava. Please comment. Best regards, Andreas Bruun Kristensen Denmark
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    African Collared Dove(?) and Saunders's Tern(?) southern Oman

    It seems difficult to find pictures on the internet of winter-plumaged Little Terns. http://www.tarsiger.com/gallery/index.php?pic_id=Soiska1151173564&lang=eng On this photos (labelled as Little/Saunders's), some of the birds pictured in flight seems to have paler rumps than the birds...
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    African Collared Dove(?) and Saunders's Tern(?) southern Oman

    Thanks for the comments. I can follow you that lightning perhaps is the reason why the dove on the left hand looks paler than the Eurasian. As to the terns: What characters are the most important for separating Saunders's and Little in winter plumage? The grey rump? Or the "large" amount of...