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  1. A

    Is this dove ill?

    I tend to agree with Mary Evelyn and suggest that this dove was doing nothing more sinister than sunbathing. I've often seen pigeons doing it.
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    Pigeon extermination

    You called? ;) Can I draw your attention to the excellent and informative posting #8 by 'bitterntwisted' - especially the second paragraph. What is your guess for the next supposedly 'inexhaustable' species which will go the way of the Passenger Pigeon?
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    We Will Remember Them...

    Steve, Lest WE Forget - surely some of the truest words ever spoken. For if we forget, who will explain to the doubters that the atrocities recorded in flickering black and white films happened for real and are not figments of the film directors' vivid imagination. I'll be watching the...
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    Is it possible?

    An all too typical response I'm afraid! Don't blame the urban dwelling pigeons for the mess - blame the lazy sods who scatter their left-over food which the feral pigeons take advantage of -and do a good job of cleaning up BTW. The solution? That's easy - a total ban on eating in public, then...
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    Ruddy Ducks

    Dunno about a rosy view, but there's certainly a Rosa Bourke - pretty little bird too!
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    Ruddy Ducks

    'Nuff said! :'D
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    Pelican eats pigeon

    Good point, Tim. :clap: A classic example of the double standards that exist in the eyes of some birders I think!
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    That's my boy, a guaranteed 'twitch' every time I pull your strings! :h?:
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    How to stop birds flying into my windows?

    Hi Sessy, Just a thought, but if you haven't done so already you could try putting up a net curtain at the window. This would create a 'barrier' to the birds and might even improve your ability to watch them undetected as well. Anthony
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    Good idea, Rob. Night night! :gn:
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    Question: What have 'valley boy', Osprey Watcher, Jos Stratford and James Lowther got in common with an H.G. Samuel's 'Everite' watch? Answer: They're all easy to wind up! ;)
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    Oh dear, James, I'm beginning to think that you wouldn't recognise a joke even if it bit you on the backside. What a dull, humourless life you must lead! Lighten up a bit, there's a good lad. 3:-)
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    On the contrary, you seem to be the one with his 'knockers in a knit' who is once again trying to muddy the water. What I have given is my view of the events in the past relating to a full time employee of the RSPB who initially joined BF supposedly as an individual member. When his true...
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    Now there's a thought. Perhaps the 'keepers plied him with strong drink and then carried him off to the local taxidermist on the promise that they were going to pay for him to be 'stuffed and mounted'. Doubtless poor old Ian took this to mean something else entirely and filled with visions of...
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    David, I think you have summed the situation up rather well. In the earlier example I referred to, I felt that the short-lived setting up of a separate forum for RSPB-related matters proved both restrictive and counter-productive. In my opinion this was because it not only conflicted with the...
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    I wasn't making a point, simply offering an explanation of what I believe took place for the benefit of those who, presumably like yourself, were not members of BF at the time.
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    If My Memory Serves Me Correctly. As this thread appears to have ground to a halt some distance away from its original topic, perhaps I can comment without being accused of hijacking. So for the benefit of those with selective memories, or those who have joined BF since, if the RSPB employee...
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    Badger Set

    Couldn't agree more, which makes me think that 'Carless' is possibly referring to a latrine rather than the sett itself.
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    peregrine in the burbs??

    At between 1lb and 1.5lbs each the respective weights of adult Grey Squirrels and Woodpigeons are very similar. And as Sparrowhawks are known to be able to lift off and carry pigeons over short distances, it seems to me that they would also have the ability to carry squirrels.
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    UK finch disease

    Agreed, but in the case of the Sparrowhawk even more likely to have come from the 'easy meat' prey opportunities offered by unwary finches or other small birds already carrying the disease.
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    Thanks for an interesting link. As the BBC report suggests, would it really be too much to expect the UK Government to extend the concept and scope of the Telephone Preference Service and the Mail Preference Service to include 'chuggers' as well?
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    Had a visit from the 'RSPB' last night...

    Good point! Perhaps we should be looking at where and how these charities are already spending their existing income. In the case of the RSPB, figures taken from its 2005 Financial Report are as follows:- MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS £23,668,000 (up £769,000 on 2004) LEGACIES...
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    Steve Irwin dies whilst filming documentary

    He was the natural world's answer to Fred Dibnah!
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    Egg Collecting

    Not so. The RSPB states that (quote) "It has been illegal to take the eggs of most wild birds since the Wild Birds Protection Act 1954....." Source: http://www.rspb.org.uk/policy/wildbirdslaw/wildbirdcrime/egg_collecting.asp Hope this helps.
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    Egg Collecting

    Well said, pianoman! In my formative years it was perfectly legal to collect the eggs of wild birds. What's more many of us did. Despite this, however, there seemed to be far more birds about then than there are now, and don't forget that was with little or no 'help' from the multi-million...