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  1. K

    Norfolk birding

    Need some help. The little Tern colony from Gt. Yarmouth and Winterton, approx. 300 birds have gone missing since the weekend. We have no idea why but possibly a lack of food. Has anyone seen a little tern colony on any beaches north of Gt Yarmouth or south that is not being monitored by RSPB...
  2. K

    Red Kite sighted Sheringham

    I am sure it was as i had 3 circling above gt.yarmouth yesterday and were also spotted at cromer. They are seen quite regulary in north norfolk nowadays keith
  3. K

    Photo critique-eagle

    Must say I like pic 3 the most. has a great eagle type expression ( saying something like I could just about eat you) is a pity only the head there tho would have liked to have more of the body. Eyes are nice and sharp head feathers are in great detail. Very nice pic mate. thanks keith
  4. K

    GREECE: Pls help ID

    with red on head and breast must be a linnet as howard says. keith
  5. K

    White Butterfly ID Help Please

    With one spot i would say its a male cabbage white keith
  6. K

    Sedge Warbler ?

    Not a sedge warbler. Red backed shrike would be my quess also keith
  7. K

    Another Bird For ID Please

    agree with graham. Little egret with a large orange ring regards keith
  8. K

    heron and goose

    Hmm rather an open question really. I would say cley would be a good spot to start. if not any broad . Even holkham has its fair share and then anywhere upto Titchwell and beyond along the coast. plenty of skylarks around too. regards keith
  9. K

    Hi there and help

    Hi and welcome to the forums I would quess your bird was a goldcrest or maybe a firecrest. regards keith
  10. K

    Suggestions for dawn chorus guided walk in norfolk/suffolk?

    Strupshaw fen have Dawn walks not sure when they start but have had them for several years past. keith
  11. K


    hy robbyuk and welcome to the forums. I am not a great photographer but i do like some of your pics especially some of the sky shots.To my eyes the bird shots look good but appears to be some movement on some.What lenses are u using and are you using photoshop to adjust brightness etc.Any how...
  12. K

    Norfolk birding

    kittykat23uk love your pics and artwork keith
  13. K

    Norfolk birding

    Go into caister on ormesby road north entrance to caisteroff bypass and take 1st turning left 2nd avenue go to bottom and park in carpark at beach. should be in front of you on the beach. keith
  14. K

    Norfolk birding

    My daughter who is a nurse at a hospice for mental and physically handicaped children wanted to take the children to see the seal pups but the only place i knew of was Horsey, Unfortunately not a wheelchair friendly place. I just wondered if anyone knew of any other place that would be suitable...
  15. K

    Peregrine/Barabary or hybrid?

    i would tend to go for Lanner as well.I think there is too much barring for Barbary. Its a pity the pics are not a bit better. keith
  16. K

    Sites for Puffin in Uk

    This site tells all http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southwest/nature/thingstodo/walks/pages/skomer1.shtml early may is better time as the puffins return in there thousands then, April could be a bit early.Hope you enjoy. keith
  17. K

    is it a reed bunting ?

    did it look like this one http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=103724 expect it was from your notes keith
  18. K

    Easy Bird Quizzes

    heres another --http://www.bavarianbirds.de/what/cbirding_e.html keith
  19. K

    Skua - UK

    with the white wing flashes i would say you are correct,as for the bill ya a bit light but you never know where hhe has been putting it i suppose keith
  20. K

    Can u id please.

    a nice capture too keith
  21. K

    Wagtails? Troon Ayrshire

    Its a pied wagtail, nice pics too keith
  22. bittern


    time to go, posed enough
  23. bittern


    posing bittern
  24. kingfisher


  25. K

    Red kite feeding stations in Wales

    To give you some idea of Gigrin farm i posted a film of the kites feeding on youtube which my wife took http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DUAyJu833AI you'll love it as you are so close to the birds regards keith