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Search results

  1. Fozzybear

    Snow Wolf Family & Me

    And he didn't use one of those appalling selfie sticks to do it either. Fantastic programmes, really great to see this side of wolves. :clap:
  2. Fozzybear

    They're only Pigeons

    :eek!: I can understand the obsession when you see them so often. I shall keep an eye out for netting though I can only think of one place that I know has it (small vertical pieces over three sculpture reliefs on the old town hall). I'm sure there's plenty out of sight given the number of...
  3. Fozzybear

    They're only Pigeons

    I hadn't realised it was caused by netting Chris - thank you for that, I shall correct people in the future (I already get on my soapbox when people call them filthy creatures). It always saddens me when I watch the local pigeons to see the ones with mutilated feet, and it will more-so now I...
  4. Fozzybear

    Duck on reservoir in West Yorkshire

    Then I'll delete it.
  5. Fozzybear

    A lost sound of Britain

    There has been a subjective increase in numbers around my local area over the last few years - I don't know what the numbers are doing but I've been seeing them in more and more places and the colony in my garden seem to be doing ok (I have lots of cover for them to shelter in); there were...
  6. Fozzybear

    Essex Birding

    That doesn't sound good Stewart, hopefully they'll move back out to deeper waters but I must admit I'm not optimistic.
  7. Fozzybear

    Essex Birding

    Thanks Phil; just did a search and found another record on the EBWS page for Saturday. I'll never be able to say whether the bird I saw 'was' a Hen Harrier but it's at least plausible.
  8. Fozzybear

    Essex Birding

    I've not heard that expression before Stuart. I guess it follows on from what I'd heard before, that any place that's studied intensively will yield discoveries and that 'special' sites only become special because someone has invested time in observation there. Seemed to be the case when I used...
  9. Fozzybear

    No ducks at all!

    The question is really whether this would be something that happens naturally from time to time - cyclic variations in population are common and it's difficult to know whether this is one of those instances based on only three years of observation. I see these types of population cycles in my...
  10. Fozzybear

    Song Thrush (again)? Cheshire UK

    Yes, that bold eye stripe is often the first thing that I spot with redwings, though they dark brown colouring of the back is often what tickles my interest (not that I'm not interested to see Song Thrushes!).
  11. Fozzybear

    Essex Birding

    You're welcome. Not a cheap book (though I've seen several copies on abebooks for £15-20) and not in print any more but it's proving an interesting read, particularly as I find behaviour really interesting. It's the New Naturalist monograph 'The Herring Gull's World' if you want the title...
  12. Fozzybear

    Essex Birding

    As I understand it from Tinbergen's book they don't really migrate but make short distance movements when access to food or weather conditions demand it and these can give the impression of migrations - anyone know better?
  13. Fozzybear

    Starlings nesting in my roof

    Starlings 'can' be noisy nesters so it's not surprising that some people dislike them doing so in their roof, but fortunately I only hear the nestlings in my roof over the front door as I leave the house. The house sparrows I don't hear a peep from in the nest, only the chirruping of the males...
  14. Fozzybear


    There's a main footpath leading from the train station carpark that passes under the railway line and out to Flatford which is pretty good for birds like Cuckoos and Sedge/Reed Warblers (should also be a good area for Barn Owls but I've never been there in the evening/early morning to confirm...
  15. Fozzybear

    Best Wader birding hide I have ever seen

    Yes - if you go to the right place and take care then the birds will come to you. Once or twice I've found myself on a beach and suddenly surrounded by small waders happily feeding within feet of me, which is a fantastic experience knowing that they are there by choice. There are a lot of areas...
  16. Fozzybear

    Snow Geese Fall 2014

    Beautiful sight Adam, especially pic 9 - thanks for posting them.
  17. Fozzybear

    water shrew ?

    Superb! Yes, I'd go with Water Shrew too - you're very lucky to get such a close view Peter!
  18. Fozzybear


    Although some window designs are good (the Island Mere at Minsmere seems pretty good) I prefer shutters and although you can be exposed to the elements that's something I like - you've got somewhere to sit out of the rain, you're reasonably hidden from the birds but you can see and (importantly)...
  19. Fozzybear

    UK 'Picture-wing' fly id please?

    Thanks very much Ficedula. Was very nice to spend a little time watching these; as ever, I find picture wing flies really interesting (even though I know practically nothing about them!). Cheers!
  20. Fozzybear

    UK 'Picture-wing' fly id please?

    A quick search suggests that looks a very good fit Martin... interesting that they could be gall-forming flies too. Thanks!
  21. Fozzybear

    UK 'Picture-wing' fly id please?

    Spotted loads of these small yellow flies on a burdock this morning here in Essex but after looking in my (limited) field guides on insects I have no idea which species they might be, except that they appear to be a kind of picture wing fly, possibly some kind of marsh fly or similar. Can anyone...
  22. Fozzybear

    Buying optical equipiment online or in your local shop?

    I used to go to my local small chain a lot but they went downhill when Jessops closed and after a few occasions where I got very poor advice (and where they insisted on selling shop-soiled gear full-price) I have stopped using them and bought my last few bits of camera gear online instead...
  23. Fozzybear

    Yellowhammers and Hares on a Sunday morn.

    Thanks halftwo. I realised when I read it again that I mangled the tenses in it quite badly so I have modified it slightly into the present tense, which seems to read better I think.
  24. Fozzybear

    Yellowhammers and Hares on a Sunday morn.

    A wonderful, if damp, early morning walk yesterday here in mid-Essex took me through Great Baddow and southwards to Galleywood Common via the bridleways and farm footpaths east of Galleyend. A route I've walked many times in the past, though infrequently, it offers small spinneys, arable fields...
  25. Fozzybear

    Springwatch 2014

    Well that's it… all over… what am I going to do with my evenings now? Get in more reading and watch the occasional BBC4 docu. I suppose! As far as I'm concerned this year's series was superb! Great location and some cracking species and behaviour. And they even managed to cram some fantastic...