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Search results

  1. Evanji Axu

    Working the ol' patch...

    New lifer, Black-Throated Blue Warbler. It seems that fall migration has brought in a lot of warblers... Also got very good views of a YCNH, though they're rather plain now that the breeding season is over and stuff. Also saw usual Great Egret, Eastern Towhee, Mallards, etc.
  2. Evanji Axu

    Life List at 15

    75. Black-and-White Warbler 76. American Redstart 77. Spotted Redstart Migration seems to be turning up good things.
  3. Evanji Axu

    Today at the feeder

    Not cold, per se, but wet and rainy some. My two juvie males, Roy and Russell, are looking redder every day - I hope they stay the winter to grace the yard with their beautiful colors!
  4. Evanji Axu

    The hunter hunted ... but who is killing Scotland's birds of prey?

    As well as one crowbar to rip out your caps lock key.
  5. Evanji Axu

    Traveling to England...any bird lists for us?

    Here's a little challenge for ya: See how many birds you find that are also from your side of the big puddle. As well as the introduced three (House Sparrow/Starling/Pigeon) there are: Black-Crowned Night-Heron (Oddly absent where I live, Yellow-Crowned is locally common) Barn Swallow Mallard...
  6. Evanji Axu

    woodpecker sizes

    In inches: a) 10-12 in b) 7-11 in c) 9-10 in Less accurate in inches, but b) and c) are about American Robin-sized, a) a little larger.
  7. Evanji Axu

    Steve Irwin dies whilst filming documentary

    Bravo! Whenever I think of Steve, I think of his energy and enthusiasm. (Although it wasn't him who got me liking reptiles, it was my friend. But my friend is cynical, cold, and hates most things, so she wouldn't make a good TV series.)
  8. Evanji Axu

    Life List at 15

    74. Louisiana Waterthrush*
  9. Evanji Axu

    help with vermont raptor id descrip. only

    Female harrier, yes. Only raptor I can think of with a white rump.
  10. Evanji Axu

    little owl vs jackdaw

    Tis normal. Crows and jays mob birds of prey often and may even attack them.
  11. Evanji Axu

    Comment by 'Evanji Axu' in media 'KESTRELS'

    Lovely feather detail - and what a bunch of cuties!
  12. Evanji Axu

    autumn migration thread

    Sanderlings about in winter plumage. According to my guide, they are winter visitors only...though I saw them in breeding plumage a few months back. WTF?
  13. Evanji Axu

    Birds on the beach!

    Yesterday we (my family and the family of one of Mom's friends) went to the beach. Being the nerd I am, I took my bins. Good thing I did, 'cause the water was too rough to go in any appreciable depth. As well as the ubitiquous Ring-Billed and Laughing Gulls, I found some Forster's Terns among...
  14. Evanji Axu


    *le gasp* You lucky dog! Birds of prey are always a treat, hm? *point to avatar and grins*
  15. Evanji Axu

    The bird cake

    Congratulations on your grandchild! Maybe s/he will inherit your love of birds like I did from my grandfather ;) And nice shots of a beautiful, intelligent bird. Unfortunately, we live too far east to have any. What can I say? I'm quite fond of corvids!
  16. Evanji Axu

    Today at the feeder

    Right now I have a female cardinal and some house finches tucking into my safflower seed. Russell, my juvie male cardinal, has developed his black face mask and is foraging on the ground, as well as a juvie male towhee (who needs a name). Also outside is the fearsome Beaglebird - a huge bird...
  17. Evanji Axu

    Life List at 15

    71. Forster's Tern 72. Sanderling 73. Semipalmated Plover Guess who was at the beach yesterday?
  18. Evanji Axu

    Steve Irwin dies whilst filming documentary

    A great loss for us all. Although I'm not too fond of him now (the dangling-his-son-in-front-of-a-crocodile thing did it), I used to watch him when I was little and loved the show. The world will be hard pressed to find someone as exuberant and charismatic as the Hunter.
  19. Evanji Axu

    Glue Traps: Warning

    The wren got to keep his wings and tail, but he probably lost some feathers. Think someone could hook me up with insect traps which don't hurt any birds, squirrels, etc. that wander into the garage?
  20. Evanji Axu

    Glue Traps: Warning

    I just got home from church. Since we go in and out of the house through the garage (back) door, we go through the garage. I noticed a tail and pair of legs sticking out of the back of one of the glue insect traps on the garage floor. They belonged to an unfortunate Carolina Wren that...
  21. Evanji Axu

    Cardinal Molting

    They've got a fair amount of red on them - they resemble warmer-toned females.
  22. Evanji Axu

    Red knot may be extinct in five years

    Bush's doing. As always.
  23. Evanji Axu

    Cardinal Molting

    I have several juvenile cardinals in my backyard - at the absolute very least, a brood of 2 males and 1 female. This morning, I looked out the window (conveniently located right next to this computer) and saw that one of my males had developed his black face mask! About how long will it be...
  24. Evanji Axu

    Life List at 15

    Not really, though I'll be quite pleased when I reach 100. 200 before I graduate would be nice. 70. Green Heron*
  25. Evanji Axu

    The hunter hunted ... but who is killing Scotland's birds of prey?

    It still puzzles me how someone can kill such beautiful and noble creatures without remorse, all for their own financial gain.