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  1. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    I bought the Tamron lens on the 13th. Here is a link to two photos I've taken with it, plan on getting more today. http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?p=2193912#post2193912 Had a Blue Jay attack a House Sparrow in the tree by our feeders last night, the sounds the House sparrow made were...
  2. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    We were going to take the bird to a wildlife rehab center near Winnipeg on Wednesday but someone came out and picked it up Monday afternoon. The first day I saw this bird his wing tips looked all chewed up, his tail feathers were a mess and some appeared to be missing. The bird looked better...
  3. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    You are fortunate to be seeing so much waterfowl, we haven't really seen that much. Last trip to Fort Whyte Center we saw a family of Wood ducks, a family of Mallards and of course Canada Geese. We've had an injured Brown Thrasher at our feeders for four or five days, looks like his wings, legs...
  4. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    I saw an Orchard Oriole a year or two back, haven't seen one since. Good catch. Went to the lake west of town today, park is now open, but, some of the trails are closed. There is a lot of water in the park. We saw a couple of Mallards in a field outside the park, a Savannah Sparrow, lots of...
  5. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    It certainly sounds like mating behavior. I have seen some waxwings with black throats. Haven't been out much either, darned worms hanging from the trees were ridiculous, went once late last week but didn't see much, other than the worms are almost finished their cycle. Got my 1.4x teleconverter...
  6. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    I saw a House Sparrow at our feeder yesterday that a chestnut colored back, and thought perhaps that might have been what you saw. I've seen Loons twice at Fort Whyte in Winnipeg and once at the lake west of us, so I would think they would be in your area too, but, I don't think they are all...
  7. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Perhaps a Palm Warbler, they have a red cap in spring, but their back is not red. I think Elements is one of the best editing programs out for people who want to edit photographs. We went to Fort Whyte in Winnipeg today, there was so little water fowl. Not many perching birds in the bush either...
  8. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Shooting from a sunny place to a dark place can be a problem, always best to have sun at your back. Of course the birds are not that cooperative. I am constantly moving from sunlight to shadow when walking. I use the AV setting and set the camera to F8 for shooting in the bush, then I have the...
  9. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    First year I put out feeders they didn't get a lot of attention, the following year they got more, the last two years I am getting lots of birds. The black oil seed will attract the greatest variety of birds, finches, sparrows, nuthatches, grosbeaks, grackles (boo), blue jays, red polls, which...
  10. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Bird you describe sounds like a Yellow Warbler, they are not that easy to photograph as they seldom sit in one place for more than a few seconds. I've been seeing them for about the last month or so, usually see one and sometimes two on my walks. Sounds like you are seeing Bitterns like I see...
  11. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Brewer's male black with purplish blue iridescent head, female gray with dark eyes. Rusty male black with bluish and greenish iridescence, female dark grey, yellow eyes. There were Rusty Blackbirds in groups of up to 5 on the telephone lines along one road we took. We were able to park right...
  12. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Crows are 17-21", Ravens are 21-27". Crows are common through out North America. Ravens are common on the west coast of Canada and USA as well as most western states. Ravens are common across Canada except for the southern half of most of Manitoba and Alberta but are not in the southern half of...
  13. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Those are some really impressive sightings. To see water fowl or waders in those numbers we'd have to travel a few hours north or west. We have seen the Turkey Vultures twice at the lake west of us, once as we drove out from behind a stand of trees one was flying right toward us, came within...
  14. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    You are certainly getting lots for your first year. I think I got about 75 my first year, but you are well on your way to surpassing that. You sure are fortunate to have all those water fowl and waders so close by and in such numbers. Next week we plan on going to a lake west of town, but, we...
  15. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Those are some nice sightings. I think you are on the migration route of Whooping Cranes, that would be a nice catch. Managed to get out 3 times this week, saw a few new birds. I am up to 179 birds now. I am guessing your are shooting without a tripod. Even with a 70-300 lens after about 20...
  16. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Really liked the pictures of the Rail and Bittern. Rain washed us out today too, thunder storms coming up from N Dakota over night, not certain if we will get out Tuesday. Haven't looked at our pictures from today as yet, but doubt we got anything to post as all shots were pretty distant.
  17. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    My wife has a Canon XS with a 70-300 image stabilized lens. After about 20 feet images start to blur as we shoot hand held. We have monopods and tripods but don't like using them. I have a Canon T1i and a 500mm mirror lens, which is a very cheap lens but it works well enough for me, I get some...
  18. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    You are fortunate to have all that water fowl so close. Best I see on my walks along the river are Wood Ducks, Mallards and Canada Geese. I have seen Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese fly over during migration. We once went to Oak Hammock Marsh, which is North of Winnipeg, but we didn't see much...
  19. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Nice to have the Bitterns so close. I've seen most of what you listed other than the Bittern and Virginia Rail. We have a lake about 15 miles West of us, but, there is not usually a lot of water fowl or waders around. I've seen Snow Geese there on 3 occasions, other than that you see a few...
  20. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Here are a couple of links, one for a book on Sask birds the other a list, with the list you can look up the birds on line to see pictures of them. I made my own manual for Manitoba, copied descriptions, habitat, range maps, and pictures from different sources, pasted them all into Microsoft...
  21. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    I looked up Manor SK on Google Earth. It looks like there are some streams and bushy areas a few miles S/W of town. I was also surprised to see that you are actually a little closer to White Water Lake than we are. Just over 2 hours for you, according to Google Earth. Here is a link, check out...
  22. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    I know the feeling, we want to go to White Water Lake in S/W Manitoba but it would be a round trip of 5 or 6 hours. If you go to a river or lake that is bordered with trees or bush you should see a variety of birds. I spend several hours a week just walking a trail that runs along the river...
  23. C

    Saskatchewan Birds?

    Here's a couple of links to get you started http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/SASK.html http://www.wildbirds.com/FindBirds/CanadianProvinceInformation/SaskatchewanBirding/tabid/189/Default.aspx