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  1. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Reports on twitter of netting preventing Sand Martins returning to their nesting site on the cliffs at Bacton https://twitter.com/Stubuck1/status/1114176704052977666
  2. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    That works out around 25 million pounds per bird :-)
  3. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Anna. Still in small numbers. Look out for in the usual spots. Told the area near the rail crossing is often good. Probably best on a sunny day with no wind so not ideal conditions. Good luck.
  4. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    https://www.rspb.org.uk/community/ourwork/b/investigations/archive/2017/08/15/the-end-of-sally.aspx Myself and Joan T were probably the last people to see this bird. The whole episode makes me feel sick. Despite a significant birding community, well established conservation organisations, pond...
  5. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    From the Daily fail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4216074/Bird-prey-incinerated-Queen-s-estate.html
  6. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    The realistic outcome will be that Cley becomes a saltmarsh. Still a rare habitat but not having the same variety of wildlife as freshwater marshland. Unsure of how either the sea defences can/will be funded given the small number of houses affected and the obvious impact of global warming and...
  7. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Thank you Pat for your kind comments as always. I really do not know what qualifies you make comments on bird photo's, given that your knowledge of the subject area would struggle to cover a postage stamp. As for any Sib Accentor in Norfolk, which does appear to be the only bird not to have...
  8. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    There may have already been one.
  9. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Nice shots:-)
  10. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Graham. Alcina's orginal post was a joke. The suggestion that you join UKIP Royston Vasey is also not to be taken seriously. The points that you make about year listing and crowds are relevant, but I disagree on your stance of keeping bird news secret. At times there are probably too many...
  11. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    UKIP birding Norfolk: Local birds for local birders https://twitter.com/ukiproystnvasey/status/569871086558576642 fortunately most birders put news out.
  12. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Suspect you are actually in the lead https://twitter.com/leeevansuk400/status/681414058151690240
  13. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    The original post made me smile. The swallow was at Burnham today;)
  14. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

  15. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

  16. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Pat. Beds is still landlocked. Spend a lot in London, which is vibrant, open minded, culturally diverse and, as far away as is possible to be from the characters of the film Deliverance, which no doubt you encounter daily in your life in Norfolk and take inspiration from. It is actually tragic...
  17. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    As fracking is likely to begin at various sites in Norfolk shortly I would not get in too much of a flap about putting some seed out.
  18. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    An Id classic https://twitter.com/jrmjones/status/654275223349538816
  19. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    The tape worked then.
  20. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Not Dennis:-)
  21. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Shirley the county recorder.
  22. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Much ado about nothing. Must be a shortage of birds at the moment!
  23. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    A bit harsh. A good number of rare birds have been mis id over the years. Even the "finest" have had records rejected by the BBRC. People are entitled to make mistakes from time to time which does not automatically make them stringers. As for the annual skua sp season I am sure that some skuas...
  24. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    Sure that a few others have seen this on twitter https://twitter.com/birdingnorfolk/status/587200399016382464 Any thoughts on id?
  25. Mark Batten

    Norfolk birding

    https://twitter.com/sconebirding/status/565531305073328129 Found this on Twitter. Might interest some.