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  1. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    11 December 10 The final birding foray of the year was to Rutland Water with Steve on a cold but beautiful day. The main purpose was to spot the American Wigeon that had been reported at the Lyndon Reserve. The road down to the reserve had been closed for many days due to ice but a thaw had...
  2. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    05 December 10 My final day in China started much better than the previous night ended, a good night sleep and a hearty breakfast cured all ills. The headache was still there but the drugs the previous night had quelled it. The Dianchi Garden Resort Hotel and Spa as its name infers is right...
  3. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    04 December 10 (Continued) We then made a quick venture to the end of the lake but again the water was too high for any wading birds so we set off for the Cangshan Mountains (Photo1). After 30 minutes or so dodging some dreadful traffic (it wasn’t like this in 2007!) where a one lane country...
  4. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    04 December 10 From Beijing it was onto Chengdu Thursday night and then Friday night to Kunming. At 6am Albert Jiang and I left the hotel for the four hour drive to Dali. We had been both there, and the Cangshan Mountains previously in June 2007 when we had driven from Lijiang, via Dali to...
  5. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    01 December 10 Having arrived in Beijing late Tuesday night I had just finished updating my 2010 list on Birdforum when I happened to check the China thread, which reported Japanese Waxwings in the Botanical Gardens, a Lifer for me! Wednesday morning I took my bird watching gear to the...
  6. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    28 November 10 (Continued) After progressing a little way along the sea wall Cai turned down a dirt track just in time to see an Eastern Marsh Harrier (Photo1) hunting over the reeds. With the backdrop of the Ghost Town we found thousands of water birds, near one of the main rivers running...
  7. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    28 November 10 Again Cai picked me up at 8am Sunday, Xu deciding she needed a long lie in. This time we headed out of Shanghai (Photo1) to Nanhui towards the South Eastern tip of Pudong. After 45 minutes or so we arrived at what seemed a deserted town, Nichengzhen, full of new buildings but...
  8. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    27 November 10 (Continued) Leaving the Visitor Centre we walked through the car park to the gate and then turned left onto a long road where the sign posts indicated was the coast and the sea. Cai and Xu took the small bus while I walked what must have been a good 2 kilometres. When I arrived...
  9. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    27 November 10 (Continued) In a small wood Olive Backed Pipits (Photo1) flew up from the long grass into trees, their tails continuous wagging up and down. 371.Olive Backed Pipit------------Dongtan Wetland Park---------China It was then onto an observation platform (Photo 2) which gave good...
  10. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    27 November 10 At 8am Cai arrived in his new Jeep Compass and we set off through the early morning traffic under the Huang Pu river into Pudong and in less than an hour we were through another tunnel under one part of the Yangtze emerging onto a small island just in time to take the bridge...
  11. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    27 November 10 Having passed through Guangzhou and Haikou without time for any birding I arrived in Shanghai Thursday night but again was unable to fit any birding into my schedule until today, Saturday morning. I was due to meet up with one of our Reps Cai Chang and his wife Xu Rong at 8am as...
  12. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    21 November 10 (Continued) Over the next 45 minutes or so more and more birds would join the fig fest, the next three birds again all Lifers, being able to get some record shots of the Greater Green Leafbird (Photo1) and Asian Red Eyed Bulbul (Photo 2) 361.Greater Green Leafbird-------Bukit...
  13. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    21 November 10 A good night sleep after the long walk Saturday prepared me for a quick visit to Singapore’s highest point on Sunday, Bukit Timah, which reaches a giddy height of 160m. I was flying to Guangzhou that afternoon so only had the morning for birding. Mike’s taxi picked me up...
  14. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    20 November 10 (Continued) To break up our long walk to the Chek Jawa Wetlands we dived off the main drive to some newly dug fish ponds (Photo1) which produced our fifth kingfisher of the day, the Common version. Camouflaged against the background was also a Great Billed Heron (Photo 2), which...
  15. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    20 November 10 (Continued) With the sun beating down a Crested Honey Buzzard (Photo 1) circled overhead, oblivious of the oppressive heat 344.Crested Honey Buzzard-------------Pulau Ubin--------------Singapore We slowly walked North West towards the Mountain Bike Park (MBP). As we reached an...
  16. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    20 November 10 (Continued) Across the road from the sunbird another lifer awaited me a Common Iora (Photo1) and just as we were photographing it a pair of Blue Tailed Bee Eaters (Photo 2) flew overhead and settled in a tree. 339.Common Iora-------------------Pulau Ubin------------Singapore...
  17. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    20 November 10 (Continued) Despite the number of birds we had already seen we really hadn’t walked very far keeping close to the ferry terminal. That was soon to be rectified as we set off towards the Ketam Mountain Bike Park towards the west of the island. High in a tree a Dollarbird...
  18. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    20 November 10 (Continued) Nothing more there, so we thought, but then I spotted a Common Sandpiper (Photo1) sat on some exposed rocks in front of us. From a distance the view reminded me of a swimming hippo with the sandpiper representing its ear. You had to be there I guess! Moving away...
  19. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    20 November 10 It was an 0530 hours start this morning, meeting Mike at the Pulau Ubin ferry terminal in Changi Village at 0645. As Mike had promised my first lifer was flying overhead before dawn, Red Breasted Parakeets silhouetted against the early morning sky. A small population of...
  20. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    19 November 10 (Continued) Moving through the park to Swan Lake (Photo1) Pacific Swallows (Photo 2 – taken on 20Nov10) were hunting close to the waters surface while House Swifts mixing it with swiflets high overhead added to both my Life list and Singapore list 310.Pacific...
  21. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    19 November 10 After a day in the office, and seemingly cured of any jet lag I made the most of the remaining light to visit the Botanical Gardens, which were just a ten minute taxi ride from the hotel. Javan Mynas were everywhere as I strolled passed the visitor centre. I soon came across a...
  22. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    18 November 10 (Continued) Walking through the local suburbs, there were a variety of buildings from apartment blocks to various sizes of houses with various sizes of gardens, intersected by flood water channels. A noisy flock of Asian Glossy Starlings (Photo 1 – Juvinile taken 19Nov10)...
  23. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    18 November 10 My KLM flight touched down at Changi Airport, Singapore (Photo1) at 1700 hours this evening after a 13 hour flight from Birmingham, via Amsterdam. Being my first visit to Singapore I was hoping for a good number of Lifers between today and Sunday when I left for Guangzhou. I...
  24. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    30 October 10 Having not been birding for over a month due to other commitments I was pleased that I was able to join Steve at 0645 this morning for the drive to Cley-next-the-Sea to hopefully see a couple of lifers. With two hours of driving under our belts we called in at Flitcham, just off...
  25. ChinaBirds

    China Birds (Nick Sismey) 2010 List (UK, China, Hong Kong & ?)

    26 September 2010 The good news today was that DAZ, Steve and I didn’t have to get up at some crazy hour to catch the 8am sailing of the Yorkshire Bell from Bridlington for the “Skua and Shearwater” cruise. The bad news was that the sailing had been cancelled due to the unfavourable weather...