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Search results

  1. Phaethon

    Recommending a local guide for Uganda

    Thanks for the tip. I just sent Robert an email to check on a possible trip. BA
  2. Phaethon

    Company "Birding In Morocco" Any experience with this group?

    Finished a trip with Birding in Morocco in March. I spent five days (just my wife and I and the driver and guide Yassine. Logistics were excellent as well as accommodations. I was able to see all my target birds with the exception of Cream-colored Courser (scarce this year for some reason)...
  3. Phaethon

    Fish Crow vs American Crow Distribution in FL

    You could probably get better info on this on eBird species maps.
  4. Phaethon

    Birding in Michigan update info

    Hello, looks like most of the threads here are a bit dusty. If you are interested in any info on Michigan, Whitefish Point, Kirtland's Warbler, Tawas Point, etc. You can contact me at [email protected].
  5. Phaethon

    Morocco Birding Guides:

    I may be in Marrakech in February and have been checking in with this group Birding in Morocco. They have a nice website but I cannot find anyone who has traveled with them although they have good reviews on Trip Advisor. B. Allen Michigan World Birders
  6. Phaethon

    Company "Birding In Morocco" Any experience with this group?

    I may be in Marrakech in February and have been checking in with this group Birding in Morocco. They have a nice website but I cannot find anyone who has traveled with them although they have good reviews on Trip Advisor.
  7. Phaethon

    Iceland or Kumlien's gull?

    Kumlien's vs. Iceland We get quite a few Kumlien's in Michigan and a few Thayers, Thayers always has dark outer webs in at least the last four to five primaries. Kumlien's has dark in the last 3 to four at most, this bird could be said to have no dark primary markings just light gray so it at...
  8. Phaethon

    Gull ID from SE Michigan, USA

    Michigan list serves/FB pages Bruce: Good place to post sightings like this is on [email protected] and on some of the FaceBook pages like https://www.facebook.com/groups/nagulls/796761330370089/?notif_t=group_activity and a couple others on FaceBook like "Birding Michigan" Brian Allen
  9. Phaethon

    Benzie County Birds

    post again next time, maybe I'll see this as I live in Manistee County and bird Benzie often.
  10. Phaethon

    Whitefish Point

    WPBO blog Check the watercount blog or the owl netting blog for current info at Whitefish Point.
  11. Phaethon

    Satipo Road logistics.

    Satipo Rd. Birding is outstanding I can vouch for that. Visited in April 2010 and yes the accommodations were very basic but are being improved.
  12. Phaethon

    Bozo Basic urban park checklist

    Italy gardens and parks Thanks Paul, I'll hunt up the book.
  13. Phaethon

    Bozo Basic urban park checklist

    I know this is pretty basic but I would like to know what are the likely species for some of the urban parks in Rome, Florence, and Venice. I have some time scheduled with guide Marco Valtriani in Tuscany but would like to know about these three other possibilities for time off there in March...
  14. Phaethon

    Trouble is Brewing

    you're right, some shade coffee is a scam, grown for example under Australian eucalyptus in South America. Some brands are verifiable like the American Bird Conservancy's "Bird Coffee".
  15. Phaethon

    Volunteer opportunities for birders

    thanks! great recommendations, I appreciate it. BA
  16. Phaethon

    Volunteer opportunities for birders

    I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for this but I would like to know of any opportunities for doing volunteer bird conservation work in South America, Africa, India, SE Asia, or Australia. Please post here if you know of any programs. I am currently checking with the American Bird...
  17. Phaethon

    Fall Lakeshore watch coming up next weekend

    Counters, The next Lake Michigan Shoreline Count is scheduled for Monday, September 6 (Labor Day). If you plan on participating, please let me know where you plan to be. The two hour count will begin at 7:15 a.m. Here is the line-up as of today. South Haven - Russ Schipper Douglas -...
  18. Phaethon

    Chicago to Whitefish point & back

    sorry you didn't get a big push in migration, fall can be dull! Have had some shorebirds of late in the area, Red-necked Phalarope at Pentwater, Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Ludington. September is better at WPBO and along Lake Michigan. BA
  19. Phaethon

    Chicago to Whitefish point & back

    rain on the way Hey, rain is almost always good for seeing migrants and grounding the shorebirds. Good luck, if you get by this way contact me and I can give you any updates ([email protected]) BA
  20. Phaethon

    Chicago to Whitefish point & back

    Lake Michigan to WPBO sounds like a good trip. You will be traveling past loads of good areas. I would recommend getting a hold of " A Birder's Guide to Michigan" from ABA sales or the Michigan Audubon Society bookstore (see their websites) It lists practically all the great spots on your...
  21. Phaethon

    Cerro Santa Martha (S. of Veracruz)

    Has anyone birded Cerro Santa Martha (yes not Marta) south of Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico? It looks like an isolated mountain on the coastal plain with possible endemic subspecies? BA
  22. Phaethon

    Bird watching in the Peruvian Rainforest

    Ok, then what about the sand forest? How is access to the White Sand forest near Iquitos? How long does it take to get there and are there nearby accommodations?
  23. Phaethon

    Tropical Birding , any other tours?

    Madagascar sounds interesting but I don't drink much, I might miss some nightjars or owls by doing that..
  24. Phaethon

    West Michigan Birding Festival

    This weekend.... http://www.sabledunesaudubon.com/West_Michigan_Birding_Festival.html
  25. Phaethon

    Central Peru trip April 28-May 7

    Just back from Peru, great trip! Missed a couple mornings of birding due to mechanical problems and logistics but still had >315 species for the all montane trip. Highlights: Black-spectacled Brush Finch, Eye-ringed Thistletail, Chestnut Antpitta (great views), Junin Grebe, Rufous-browed...