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  1. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Hi Gordon, It has been the same further inland and we have been discussing in local 'forum' groups how the fog has been affecting the Pink-feet in Wensum Valley. For last few days at night there have been small groups of 'lost' birds calling at night and early morning this morning I could still...
  2. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Hi James, the best place seems to be right of the gap (i.e. Follow path / boardwalk and walk right) about 4-500m walk along the flat salt marsh edge. I have seen them mainly nearer the pine belt side of the marsh than the seaward dunes. They do move around depending on disturbance but if around...
  3. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Thanks for the tip off. I'm just popping out to get some milk.
  4. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Hi Maleobs, Looks like a Fulmar.. Maybe albino/leucistic ? The black bill and blac on head you describe is odd ? The flight pattern you describe fits perfectly Sacha
  5. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Just to add to Paul's list above and seen early morning... The reserve is alive with birds at the moment: Booming Bittern C Scoter - briefly on brackish / sea end scrape LRP Full sum plumage male Ruffs (stunning) Very nice full sum plum Spot Reds A Little Gull was seen by others early on...
  6. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Mick, I appreciate that it must be a difficult and time consuming job. I say this from experience having been involved in the production and writing of bird reports for birding sites in London in the past. Even small sites are very time consuming and involve a lot of data processing and data...
  7. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Hi Mick, I submit all my records nowadays through the birdtrack app. Is this sufficient and do recorders get all of those records. If I am lucky enough to find any scarce / rare birds I will still do an old fashioned description (as they are fun to do!) But just making sure all the commoner...
  8. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Ben, I can see why you thought Saker... It looks huge and very pale from your photos! I had no idea how big these arctic birds are. Nice bird wish I had seen it too Sacha
  9. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Does appear to be the same bird. I did not see it but impressive looking beast. Photos on twitter of the Warham bird below https://twitter.com/ben_lewis_uk/status/642428154737504258 And surely a good candidate for calidus (Arctic) Peregrine - with reference to Martin Garner's new book! Sacha
  10. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Was passing Lyng today so stopped for a quick walk around Sparham GP. Most frozen but distant (East?) pits held at least 4 Goosander (at least 2 nice drakes). No sign of GW Egret seen recently.. But was a very brief stop Sacha
  11. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Good point Jim, But I think I mean the Wensum!? Anyway, directly opposite the station entrance and over the bridge leading up the start of Prince of Wales Rd. Presumably from Whitlingham or UEA? Sacha
  12. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Nice Christmas Day present in the form of a male Goodsander flying East along the Ware while I was sitting in the car waiting at lights right by the station! It was fairly low but moving fast A very surprising year tick for me! Sacha
  13. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    You could almost pass that off as a Red foot if you photoshop out all the other Jackdaws! Sacha
  14. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Agree. Not many in Norfolk interested in boasting about their lists.. Although R Millington seeing 400 species in Norfolk is impressive! James .. I see from Bubo you were are well behind my 2014 total :))
  15. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    I presume good breeding success further north related to weather conditions this summer (but that's my guess based on no fact at all!) Ups and downs of species For example .. Where have all the Siskins gone this year. There were loads a few years ago.
  16. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    It was found by James McCallum who put it out as parvipes. Some confusion later as just mentioned as 'lesser Canada' Looks good for parvipes rather than any form of Cackling from the photos I think 50/50 wild is very conservative estimate.. My glass is half full an I would go with 70/30 wild...
  17. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    I must agree. That video is fantastic. If I was abroad I think I would be in tears feeling homesick! Great video
  18. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    It's near the shingle path. If that helps :)
  19. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    That is a perfect description Stuart. To put it much more simply. East/NE with rain = birds around. Anything else means there are birds but they are hard to find! Sacha
  20. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Agree, there is no problem with reporting any possible sightings on here. That is the great thing about the Internet and learning from it. I still do with Moths these days. One other posibility is Tawny Owl? I have seen a few out in last few weeks (during the day that is).. They are busy trying...
  21. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Titchwell & Choseley full of birds today. My highlights: Dotterel x5, red c pochard x2, Garganey, Y Wag (h), 1st sum Med Gull, LRP x2 and many other waders, L Terns, C Scoter, Warblers, Wheatears and Swifts Not big numbers of migrants but certainly good range of sps After I left ... Hobby and...
  22. sacha

    Norfolk birding

  23. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Always good to hear about any migrants and to some older birders (like me!) Med Gulls still have a sense of excitement about them. One of my favourite gulls.
  24. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    As for hybrid ducks... I spent my formative birding years in London and hybrid ducks along with Lesser Scaups and wintering Blue winged Teal and Garganey all kept me entertained at my old patch / patches... So I like them too!
  25. sacha

    Norfolk birding

    Hi David I agree with what you say about the complexity of some species but that is what makes birding even more interesting. I am still keen to know how variable C Crossbills can be having seen plenty of wing barred birds but never extremes like the Hoveton bird. If it isn't a 2 barred then...