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  1. mb1848


    I really like the picture of this bird attributed to “Gray”. Jottings During the Cruise of H. M. S. Curac̜oa Among the South Seaislands in 1865 . Page 367. Brenchley 1873. v.13=no.65-72 (1878) - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London - Biodiversity Heritage Library . Naumannia 1856...
  2. mb1848


    2007 versus 2010 scan: https://ia802601.us.archive.org/12/items/operaornithologi02bona/operaornithologi02bona.pdf . Page 287. An extract seperately published.
  3. mb1848


    Go Jimmy right before George Gray. This paper says: “Microglossum Geoffr[oy]. 1809” not found, a MS name. I do not think Microglossum is an MS. I agree with Mathews: “It is interesting to note that Gray, in the List Genera Birds, p. 69 (1841), used Microglossum Geoffr., 1809 ; probably...
  4. mb1848


    All appear to have been done. In 1920 the author used the genus Urochroma as a valid genus. But in 1937 Peters claimed Urochroma was a junior synonym of Touit G.R. Gray, 1855. https://www.biotaxa.org/bzn/article/view/38289 . ODs of Urochroma: t.42 (1856) - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des...
  5. mb1848


    Bolborhynchinae cited in A Comparitive Survey of the egg whites of non-passerine birds Sibley & Ahlquist 1972. no.39 (1972) - Bulletin - Biodiversity Heritage Library . Not exactly hiding. "Urochrominae and Triclariinae, of which we have only sketched, to verify later that better studies allow...
  6. mb1848


    No idea. Here is another drawing used by Linneas in OD: Historia naturalis Brasiliae ... - Biodiversity Heritage Library .
  7. mb1848


    Psittacus rufirostris Linnaeus 1758. Here is Edwards picture referred to by Linneas: Part III & IV - A natural history of uncommon birds : - Biodiversity Heritage Library .
  8. mb1848


    Okay I see. https://archive.org/stream/biostor-99309/biostor-99309_djvu.txt .
  9. mb1848


    orbygnesius was described by Bonaparte as Myiopsittica orbygnesia in 1854 but Ridgway thought it belonged in Amoropsittica . No. 50 part VII 1916. Aves de Bolivia 1985 says Bolborhynchus aymara= Amoropsittica a(ymara).
  10. mb1848


    ferrugeneifrons was described in Brotogerys Ibis Lawrence 1880.
  11. mb1848


    Ridgway 1912 in the same publication with Nannopsittaca Ridgway also created Grammopsittica for P. lineola. https://books.google.com/books?id=wDjPAAAAMAAJ&dq=Nannopsittaca+lineola&source=gbs_navlinks_s . Page 100.
  12. mb1848


    "Do you know if there is a study in which all species of Bolborhynchus are included?" Not sure but the SACC mentions two studies : http://www.museum.lsu.edu/~Remsen/SACCprop386.htm .
  13. mb1848


    Boyd says: The name Coriphilus (Wagler, 1832) replaces Vini (Lesson, 1833, not 1831). Although the change in date for Vini seems correct and can be found in H&M-4 (Dickinson and Remsen, 2013), it doesn't seem to have been adopted. Because Coriphilus has been used since 1900 (at least up to the...
  14. mb1848


    Wagler discusses Parrots in 1830 but I do not see Coriphilus. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/120243#page/122/mode/1up .
  15. mb1848


    Thanks Fred. I think Laurent is right on 1833 for Vini. Gray uses Phigys https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/115573#page/176/mode/1up . And Dubois in 1899 explains it. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/49562#page/54/mode/1up . But there is no Phigys 1831 Lesson. There is...
  16. mb1848


    Lesson uses Vini as a subgenus in Illustrations de zoologie ou recueil de figures d'animaux, peintes d'après (unpaginated) The part is dated June 1831. There is a plate but it has no Latin name on it. The Preface is dated November 1831...
  17. mb1848


    The date of Wagler's Monographia Psittacorum in Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe, Königlich-Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften where the genus Charmosyna is published first is dated 6 December 1832. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/42253#page/15/mode/1up ...
  18. mb1848


    Thank you Justin for posting your Mascarinus mascarin photograph. The tail is very worn. I assume the eyeball is glass but it is light brown?
  19. mb1848


    Wagler in 1832 said the bird from the Museum Paris had ac irides rubrae. Here is the picture from the Levaillant book. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mascarinus_mascarinus.jpg . The eyes look brownish.?? It appears to me that this artist was drawing from life.
  20. mb1848


    Here is a painting supposedly drawn from the last Mascarinus mascarin which was alive and in Bavaria. http://piclib.nhm.ac.uk/results.asp?image=004753 . Although some people do not believe it was from a live bird. http://julianhume.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/new-discoveries.pdf . I do not...