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  1. B

    Owl ID Help - Toronto, ON

    Many thanks!
  2. B

    Owl ID Help - Toronto, ON

    Spotted today at Downview Park in Toronto at late dusk (hence, the blurriness sorry)... it was very small in stature. Not sure if it's an immature Long-eared or Eastern Screech, red morph. Any help is welcome, thanks.
  3. B

    Owl ID Help - Toronto, ON

    Saw this one today at Downsview Park in Toronto... Northern Saw-whet Owl I believe, but other opinions welcomed. Thanks!
  4. B

    ID Help - Toronto, Ontario

    Thanks, everyone.
  5. B

    ID Help - Toronto, Ontario

    Sorry hit Post too fast. Photos attached now. Thx
  6. B

    ID Help - Toronto, Ontario

    I took these back on July 13. At the time, I thought it was a Merlin, but looking again, I'm now querying Sharpie. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. B

    Bird ID Help - Toronto, Ontario

    Spotted this at Downsview Park in Toronto yesterday, Nov. 9... apologies couldn't zoom in closer. Looks like Yellow-rumped Warbler to me, but would welcome other opinions. Thanks!
  8. B

    ID Help - Earl Bales Park, Toronto, ON

    Spotted this one today at Earl Bales Park in Toronto. Based on size, my feeling is Least Flycatcher but also querying Alder/Willow. Any confirmation one way or another would be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. B

    Bird ID Help - Wilket Creek Park, Toronto, Ontario

    Thanks, I’m seeing Eastern Wood-Pewee also, but open to other opinions.
  10. B

    Bird ID Help - Wilket Creek Park, Toronto, Ontario

    Spotted this one at Wilket Creek Park in Toronto on July 1. Eastern Wood Pewee? Thanks
  11. B

    Bird ID Help - Toronto, Ontario

    Here’s the photo sorry.
  12. B

    Bird ID Help - Toronto, Ontario

    Hi, saw this just this afternoon. We see countless Mourning Doves and Rock Pigeons in North Toronto but nothing like this. Could it be a hybrid? Thanks as always. BC
  13. B

    Bird ID - Bluffers Park, Toronto, ON

    Thanks very much, all. That was actually my first instinct but didn’t trust myself at the time lol.
  14. B

    Bird ID - Bluffers Park, Toronto, ON

    These were taken this past Sunday, Feb 4 at Bluffers Park in Toronto. Apologies for picture quality. Hoping for some help but I believe these are: 1. Redhead and Greater Scaup 2. Red-breasted Merganser 3. Common Goldeneye 4. Herring Gull Thank you!
  15. B

    Bird ID Help - Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

    Spotted these today (Sep 30) in Newmarket, just north of Toronto... American Wigeon? Thanks as always.
  16. B

    ID Help - Toronto Pearson Airport

    Thanks so much everyone! It’s so unusual to see swans in flight around here and particularly a solitary one around the airport. Anyway, thanks again.
  17. B

    ID Help - Toronto Pearson Airport

    Spotted these two today along Etobicoke Creek Trail, west side of Toronto Pearson Airport (apologies for poor picture quality). I believe the first (2 photos) is either Yellow or Wilson's Warbler. The second (4 photos) looks like a Snow Goose (?). Thanks, everyone.
  18. B

    Bird ID Help - Pickering, Ontario, Canada

    Spotted this one on Mar 26 in Pickering, just east of Toronto - I was thinking Sharpie but happy to be corrected. Thanks!
  19. B

    Bird ID Help - Toronto, Ontario

    Yes April 1, thanks Butty!