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american coot

  1. American Coot

    American Coot

    Next stop after Argentina was back in San Francisco. I birded my way northwards to Sonoma for dinner with my brother and sister-in-law. First stop was Golden Gate Park's "chain of lakes". The North Lake especially is a good birding spot. I found three lifers there that day, but I've...
  2. Tricolored Heron, Glossy Ibis, and American Coot

    Tricolored Heron, Glossy Ibis, and American Coot

    A Tri-Colored Heron, Glossy Ibis, and American Coot fishing together in a marsh at Dyer Park, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  3. Photo-bomber


    I'll have to get back to North Lake at Chain of Lakes next trip. That will be early April, so there should be some good birds coming through on Spring migration, or maybe hanging around for summer already. End of August the Fall migration was just starting and I saw 3 lifers visiting the woods...
  4. American Coot

    American Coot

    The coot is often a target by our Bald Eagles here in the U.S., and I usually see them in large flocks.
  5. American Coot

    American Coot

    This bird dives for aquatic plants to eat, and seems to be a favorite prey for the Bald Eagle.
  6. American Coot carrying a snail

    American Coot carrying a snail

    Coots eat aquatic plants so I am not sure what this coot is planning to do with this snail
  7. American Coot proud parent!

    American Coot proud parent!

    So many new babies today!
  8. American Coot

    American Coot

    When I first saw this bird on the lake, I initially thought it was some kind of duck, but it wasn't until I got home and looked him up that I discovered that he is indeed NOT a duck... Well then... I guess I am still learning something new every day. :)
  9. American Coot

    American Coot

    I'm always amazed when I see a coot walking with those large feet. This one easily walked up the cement boat ramp.
  10. American Coot

    American Coot

    This brave small coot took a piece of food away from the gulls (California and Ring-billed) and the race was on. The coot ran about 50 feet on top of the water and ended up on the shoreline where other gulls grabbed the food.
  11. American Coot

    American Coot

  12. American Coot

    American Coot

    Plenty of these coots on our lake.
  13. American Coot

    American Coot

    American Coot (Fulica americana subsp. americana) Adult. Sexes similar. Photographed in the shallow margins of Country Club Lake, Astin Recreational Area. Shallow lake at 95 m (312 ft) elevation. Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA.
  14. Well, you smell good...

    Well, you smell good...

    ... but I don't think I can fit you in my mouth ;) I see this quite often between the Coots and the turtles. Can't figure out what the Coots are doing.
  15. Kissy-face


    From the larger pond at Dairy Mart Road, Tijuana River Valley Bird Walk. Didn't get close to the waterline there, but did get a few decent shots.
  16. American Coot

    American Coot

    Taken at one of the lakes in the golf course.
  17. Greater Scaups, led by an American Coot

    Greater Scaups, led by an American Coot

    Greater Scaups, led by a proud American Coot
  18. American Coot

    American Coot

    American Coot
  19. American Coot

    American Coot

    Mama with her young. This is the first time I have seen baby coots. They were very hard to get a lone picture of through all of the foliage. These guys sat in a bit of an opening for a second and I got my chance.
  20. Teal meets Coot

    Teal meets Coot

    Oh what I'd give to know what they are thinking or saying.
  21. Yanky Coot

    Yanky Coot

    American Coot
  22. Big Foot

    Big Foot

  23. American Coots

    American Coots

    With so many eagles around, It's no wonder these coots spook so easily.
  24. American Coot

    American Coot

  25. American Coot

    American Coot

    It took me a long time to finally catch a coot's feet in the water. I've always been amazed at how large the feet were compared to their body.