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anhinga anhinga

  1. Anhinga


    Male. I found the green color of the bare skin around the eye surprising, did not realize they had that.
  2. Anhinga


  3. Anhinga.jpg


    I thought she looked so happy enjoying some shade in a tree.
  4. Anhinga


  5. New flyover yard bird

    New flyover yard bird

    Anhinga Anhinga species are large and slender waterbirds with long fanlike tails that resemble a turkey's tail. They have a long S-shaped neck and a daggerlike bill.
  6. Anhinga Drying Its Wings

    Anhinga Drying Its Wings

    Magnolia Gardens Rookery
  7. Anhinga


    Anhinga at Sawgrass Lake Park, Florida
  8. Anhinga


    From the balcony
  9. Anhinga (female)

    Anhinga (female)

  10. Anhinga.jpg


    Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga leucogaster)
  11. Female anhinga ready to land

    Female anhinga ready to land

    Shooting this anhinga coming in to land, I usually would only keep the shots with the wings spread out - here the wings were almost level with the body, but I liked seeing the stretched out neck watching the landing spot, and the tail fanned out like a rudder to control the landing.
  12. Anhinga at Sunrise

    Anhinga at Sunrise

  13. Anhinga in the Marsh

    Anhinga in the Marsh

    While at Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Florida I had the opportunity to see and "shoot" an Anhinga for the first time.
  14. Anhinga shooting into the sun.jpg

    Anhinga shooting into the sun.jpg

    Anhinga having a good shake after a dive.
  15. Underwater Anhinga

    Underwater Anhinga

    An older shot, but a favorite, as I so rarely get to see birds underwater. Anhinga on an underwater fishing dive
  16. Anhinga


    Taken at the Corkscrew Crew, Naples, Florida.
  17. Anhinga


    Taken at the Everglades National Park, Florida.
  18. Anhinga


    Taken at the Corkscrew CREW, Naples, Florida.
  19. Anhinga


    At Anhinga Anhinga anhinga
  20. Anhinga


    A fast flyer and a great fisherman.
  21. Anhinga


    This one makes me wish I was a better fisherman.
  22. Anhinga


    This lovely bird was not camera shy at all.
  23. Anhinga


    Anhinga, taken at Charles Towne Landing SC.
  24. Anhinga


    Anhinga, taken at Charles Towne Landing SC.
  25. Anhinga


    Such a great bird to observe whether in the water or drying off.