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birds of north america

  1. Northern flicker

    Northern flicker

    One of the only woodpeckers that migrate. Resides from central Alaska throughout most of Canada to southern Labrador, Newfoundland, and the northeastern United States.
  2. Palm warbler

    Palm warbler

    Palm warbler foraging on the edge of a swamp.
  3. Common yellowthroat

    Common yellowthroat

    Male common yellowthroat foraging.
  4. Grackle


    Looking for an easy meal on the riverbank.
  5. Red-breasted merganser (pair)

    Red-breasted merganser (pair)

    A pair of red-breasted mergansers in Guilford, Connecticut.
  6. Purple martin

    Purple martin

    A purple martin from the wildlife preserve at Hammonasset Beach, Madison, Connecticut.
  7. Yellow-bellied sapsucker

    Yellow-bellied sapsucker

    It must be November, because my yellow-bellied sapsuckers are back. I only see them, a pair, during migration time, two weeks in April and again in November. I'll have to keep trying to get a shot I like of both though; she shows up before dawn and he just before sunset. I don't know what they...
  8. Bald eagle

    Bald eagle

    We took these in early fall, but they are getting very active this time of the year at the Stevenson Dam.
  9. Eastern peewee

    Eastern peewee

  10. A

    Any personal observations concerning attracting indigo buntings to backyards? What are they drawn to?

    Hello, folks! Growing up in New England, I must admit that I've seen a lot of birds in my lifetime. However, I can't say I've seen every bird common to our area. And one bird I've never seen, not even once, is the indigo bunting. And I'm still not sure why that is so. Compared to other...
  11. Little blue heron

    Little blue heron

    Another first for me. I sat on this because I thought it was just a Great blue, but someone corrected me that it was a Little blue. We found him in the Hammonasset salt-flat marsh in Madison, Connecticut.
  12. Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron

    Black crowned heron hunting fish at the Pisquah Brook Preserve.
  13. Snowy egret

    Snowy egret

    Snowy egrets hunting at the salt-flat marsh.
  14. Snowy egret

    Snowy egret

    Snowy egrets hunting at the salt-flat marsh.
  15. Snowy egret

    Snowy egret

    Snowy egrets hunting at the salt-flat marsh.
  16. Great blue heron

    Great blue heron

    Great blue herons at Topsmead State Forest.
  17. Great blue heron

    Great blue heron

    Great blue herons at Topsmead State Forest.
  18. Great blue heron

    Great blue heron

    Great blue herons at Topsmead State Forest.
  19. Canada goose

    Canada goose

    We thought we were doing a good deed: the local family was escorting their chicks across the street, which they do often but it's on a dangerous curve. My other half got out of the car to help with traffic, but then dad wound up chasing him back to the car. This was the view from the window. 🤣...
  20. American robin

    American robin

    It's fledgling season, and everybody needs to (and waits to) eat.
  21. Yellow-crested night herons

    Yellow-crested night herons

    My yard guests woke up around sunset and are still in the process of nest-building. The male was gifting her with twigs, which she wove into the nest.
  22. Yellow-crested night heron

    Yellow-crested night heron

    For the second year in a row, I'll be hearing the pitter-patter (and squawking) of baby night herons! The male arrived last Thursday, displayed for 20 minutes but left. They returned together Sunday and have been quite busy renovating last year's nest. The pair that nested in the next tree over...
  23. Coming through! (Great egret and greater cormorant)

    Coming through! (Great egret and greater cormorant)

    A Great egret and a Greater cormorant cross paths at Hammonasett State Park, Madison, Connecticut.
  24. Osprey


    An osprey hunting over the marsh at Hammonasett State Park, Madison Connecticut.
  25. Great cormorant

    Great cormorant

    A lone cormorant was fishing at the preserve near our house over the weekend.