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  1. Carolina Mantis

    Carolina Mantis

    Carolina Mantis (Stagmomantis carolina: Mantidae) 4.7-6.0 cm (1.9-2.5 in) long. Tomorrow my wife and I fly to Argentina for a few weeks. I will not be on line during that time. I wish everyone great birding and photographing. Lol, the forecast for the first day we arrive is rain. Cheers! Stanley
  2. White-winged Dove

    White-winged Dove

    White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) Landing. Tomorrow my wife and I fly to Argentina for a few weeks. I will not be on line during that time. I wish everyone great birding and photographing. Lol, the forecast for the first day we arrive is rain. Cheers! Stanley
  3. Black Vulture (adult)

    Black Vulture (adult)

    Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus atratus) Adult. Tomorrow my wife and I fly to Argentina for a few weeks. I will not be on line during that time. I wish everyone great birding and photographing. Lol, the forecast for the first day we arrive is rain. Cheers! Stanley
  4. Parasitic Fly

    Parasitic Fly

    Parasitic Fly (Belvosia sp.: Tachinidae) This large fly is ca. 1.9 cm (0.75 in) long. Drinking water.
  5. Northern Cloudywing

    Northern Cloudywing

    Northern Cloudywing (Thorybes pylades albosuffusa: Hesperiidae) Wingspan 3.2-3.8 cm (1.3-1.5 in). Nectaring the native shrub Turks Cap (Malvaviscus arborea var. drummondii: Malvaceae).
  6. Black Vulture (1st yr bird)

    Black Vulture (1st yr bird)

    Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus atratus) 1st yr bird. Age determined by the mottling in its bill and its black head. The mottling will turn to an all black bill before the head turns gray.
  7. Limestone Tiger Beetle

    Limestone Tiger Beetle

    Limestone Tiger Beetle (Cicindela politula: Carabidae) 9-11 mm (0.35-0.43 in) long.
  8. Woodhouses's Scrub Jay

    Woodhouses's Scrub Jay

    Woodhousess Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma woodhouseii texana).
  9. Giant Swallowtail

    Giant Swallowtail

    Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes: Papilionidae) Wingspan 10.2-15.2 cm (4.0-6.0) in. Working Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra subsp. trachysperma: Caprifoliaceae)
  10. Harris's Hawk

    Harris's Hawk

    Harriss Hawk (Parabuteo unicintus harrisi) Sexes similar.
  11. Keeled Earless Lizard

    Keeled Earless Lizard

    Keeled Earless Lizard (Holbrookia propinqua propinqua: Phrynosomatidae) Snout-vent 6.0 cm maximum (2.4 in), usually less. Tail ranges from 5.0-8.1 cm (2.0-3.2 in).
  12. Amelia's Sand Verbena

    Amelia's Sand Verbena

    Amelias Sand Verbena (Abronia ameliae: Nyctaginaceae) I get to go out of town again to another dog show for my wife. I will be back on Monday. Everyone enjoy your weekend!
  13. Common Ground Dove

    Common Ground Dove

    Common Ground Dove (Columbina passerina pallescens)
  14. Flag-tailed Spinyleg

    Flag-tailed Spinyleg

    Flag-tailed Spinyleg (Dromogomphus spoliatus: Gomphidae) 6.0-6.1 cm (2.3-2.4 in) long.
  15. Sleepy Orange

    Sleepy Orange

    Sleepy Orange (Eurema nicippe: Pieridae) Wingspan 3.5-5.1 cm (1.4-2.0 in).
  16. Cuckoo Bee

    Cuckoo Bee

    Cuckoo Bee (Triepeolus lunatus: Apidae) The bee is working on Canada Germander (Teucrium canadense: Lamiaceae) Jessie H. Jones Park and Nature Center, Humble, Harris County, Texas, USA. Floodplain of Cypress Creek. Surrounding area is bottomland mixed pine/hardwood forest at ca. 27 m (89 ft)...
  17. Watercress Leaf Beetle

    Watercress Leaf Beetle

    Watercress Leaf Beetle (Phaedon viridis: Chrysomelidae) This small beetle is ca. 5 mm (0.2 in) long. Photographed along the Navasota River riparian at the terminus of Sulphur Springs Road, east of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Riparian dominated by cedar elm/water elm/water oak at...
  18. Dusky-blue Hairstreak

    Dusky-blue Hairstreak

    Dusky-blue Hairstreak (Calycopis isobeon: Lycaenidae) Wingspan 1.9-2.5 cm (0.75-1.0 in). A fairly common hairstreak in our area but easily overlooked due to size and habit. Photographed along Carter Creek Nature Trail, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Creek riparian (flood plain) dominated by...
  19. Tachinid Fly

    Tachinid Fly

    Tachinid Fly (Gymnoclytia sp.: Tachinidae) This male is ca. 7-10 mm (0.28-0.39 in) long. Photographed on Central Texas Meadow Daucosma (Daucosma laciniatum: Apiaceae). Photographed southeast of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area. Disturbed open...
  20. Feather-legged Fly

    Feather-legged Fly

    Feather-legged Fly (Trichopoda pennipes: Tachinidae) These flies are 0.7-1.3 cm (0.28-0.51 in) long. Photographed on Queen Annes Lace (Daucos carota: Apiaceae). Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area. Disturbed roadside in north Bryan at ca. 91 m (300 ft) elevation.
  21. Black Feather-legged Fly

    Black Feather-legged Fly

    Black Feather-legged Fly (Trichopoda lanipes: Tachinidae) These flies are 1.3-1.6 cm (0.51-0.63 in) long. Photographed on Queen Annes Lace (Daucos carota: Apiaceae). Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area. Disturbed roadside in north Bryan at ca. 91 m (300 ft) elevation.
  22. Five-lined Skink (juvenile)

    Five-lined Skink (juvenile)

    Five-lined Skink (Eumeces fasciatus: Scincidae) This beautiful skink ranges in size from 12.5-21.5 cm (4.9-8.5 in) long. Species is sexually dimorphic. Males have a swollen orange-red head, females lack the swollen orange-red head while juveniles have bright blue tails. Photographed along...
  23. Regal Jumping Spider

    Regal Jumping Spider

    Regal Jumping Spider (Phidippus regius: Salticidae) This the largest of the NA jumping spiders ranging from 6-18 mm (0.24-0.71 in) long and are quite variable in coloration. This brave little chap is ready to take me on (lol). Photographed at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County...
  24. Western Kingbird

    Western Kingbird

    Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) Photographed northeast of Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Sexes similar. Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area. Tame pasture used for hay and cattle production at ca. 104 m (340 ft) elevation.
  25. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) Photographed leaving a roadside fence northeast of Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Sexes similar. Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area. Tame pasture used for hay and cattle production at ca. 104 m (340 ft) elevation.