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egyptian vulture

  1. Landing


  2. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  3. Wings


  4. Portrait


  5. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  6. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  7. Egyptian vulture

    Egyptian vulture

    Flying around the Taj Mahal with a bunch of black-eared and pariah kites. Be warned that they will not let you in the Taj Mahal with a 500 mm f4 objective, but a 100-400 f5.6 zoom with a 2x converter is OK (don't ask me why). It was certainly worth having the backup solution, because there were...
  8. Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Schmutzgeier

    Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Schmutzgeier

    Taken at: Small Pools, Sewers, Hadabah, Sinai, Egypt. Oct 15th 2009
  9. Sacvanger Vulture Neophron percnopterus

    Sacvanger Vulture Neophron percnopterus

  10. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture Tr. Kucuk akbaba
  11. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture Tr. Kucuk akbaba
  12. Free like a bird

    Free like a bird

  13. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  14. The Egyptian

    The Egyptian

    This Picture was made at a hillock called Ramanagaram Near Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  15. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  16. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  17. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  18. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  19. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture
  20. Looking for someone dead

    Looking for someone dead

  21. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  22. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  23. Egyptian Vulture

    Egyptian Vulture

  24. Egyptian vulture

    Egyptian vulture

    I have taken this photo in Qeshm island
  25. Alimoche (Egyptian Vulture)

    Alimoche (Egyptian Vulture)

    The Alimoche is the earliest Vulture on the wing being smaller & less dependent on thermals than the bigger vulture species. This bird was photographed launching itself into the air not long after dawn. These birds do not nest in colonies & prefer to use caves to nest in rather than ledges...