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  1. Pair of Galahs

    Pair of Galahs

    A sweet couple of galahs (female in front, male in back). I don't see them as often as I do corellas and sulphur-crested cockatoos.
  2. Galah


  3. Galah


  4. Seeking shade

    Seeking shade

    It was so hot that day that virtually all the birds were seeking shade, including the Little Corella and Galah. Didn't make for easy photography, as I was standing in the full glare of the sun!
  5. Destroying or excavating?

    Destroying or excavating?

    I thought the Galahs were just doing their thing (destroying the top of the dead tree). Now I guess they're actually excavating a nest hole (though quite prepared to be corrected on that). This was another dead tree in the middle of the lake.
  6. Inquisitive


    Gosh, it seems ages since I showed you a Galah.... so what better than this cheeky inquisitive guy!! This is the following day and we went out early morning to return to Torndirrup, but this time up Sharp Point Road which had been Alex and Judy's local Patch. We saw and hear far more birds...
  7. Peeking through

    Peeking through

    Moving on a bit a found a Galah looking at me between two large branches. I had to zoom out a bit because my camera seemed to be trying to focus on a branch!! Had a nightmare of a day. My car insurance is due for renewal next month and the company I've been with for years has upped it by...
  8. On-looker


    Then awaiting his turn was a Galah sitting in an overhanging tree. I don't know, but whatever pose they take up they always look cute, don't you think?
  9. Found an interesting tree to pose on

    Found an interesting tree to pose on

    We moved on a bit (slowly due to the heat) and in the next tree was another Galah. I could've chopped some more of the wood off but thought it was quite characterful LOL
  10. Safety in numbers?

    Safety in numbers?

    A couple of Galah had joined in with a flock of Red-rumped Parrots (a few more of them in another section of the tree).
  11. The first of the wildlife I promised you

    The first of the wildlife I promised you

    See.... you thought nothing could live in the dry habitat, didn't you. It wasn't long before a couple of Galah flew over on our walk. Interestingly, it seems Galahs were the species I took most pictures of on my trip. Not really surprising I guess LOL
  12. Galah 'roseicapilla'

    Galah 'roseicapilla'

    On my uncle's garden fence.....along with 13 others on the ground and bird bath!
  13. Smelling the flowers

    Smelling the flowers

    We were now exploring the hilly rural suburb of Bonogin above Gold Coast. We came across a Galah foraging at the back of a wide grass very beside the road.
  14. Tree hugger

    Tree hugger

    We dropped down out of the forest to explore some more open agricultural land. We stopped briefly near a farm where there were several birds hanging around. My only decent pictures though were of a Galah on a tree. Such attractive birds, so full of character!
  15. Galah (m)

    Galah (m)

    Males have brown eyes, females have red.
  16. Galahs


  17. Pretty in pink

    Pretty in pink

    I thought this made for a rather attractive picture with the three Galahs in the trees.
  18. Galahs


    Pair of Galahs investigating a hollow in the tree.
  19. What's going on?

    What's going on?

    On a tree the far side of the dam sat a female Galah. She seemed to be supervising the activities of the rest of the flock underneath.
  20. Incoming


    I was watching a few Galah flying around and followed this one in as he came to settle on the dead tree over the water.
  21. Deep drinking

    Deep drinking

    The flock of Galahs flew in again, so pretty and entertaining too. I followed this one in and watched as he leant right down to get a drink. I still don't know how he didn't fall in LOL
  22. Matriarch


    Well, I don't know whether she was or not, but this female Galah certainly looked the part! A flock of them came in, some settling in the trees on the other side of the dam, while a few sat on a dead log in the middle of the water.
  23. The Clown

    The Clown

    Galah's are so entertaining to watch and pretty too I think. One of the many visitors to Hans & Judly's garden.
  24. Galah


  25. Pretty in Pink

    Pretty in Pink

    The next day Ken took me to one of his favourite patches but on the way stopped off at Lindum Park to see what was around. Mostly stilts, but I didn't get a better picture of one than I'd already had, but as we were leaving I spotted this Gala, with colours like a pretty iced cake LOL