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hidalgo county

  1. Savannah Sparrow

    Savannah Sparrow

    Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) Sexes similar. National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian woods just north of the Rio Grande in the South Texas Plains Vegetational Area at ca. 40 m (131 ft) elevation.
  2. Tarantula Hawk

    Tarantula Hawk

    Tarantula Hawk (Pepsis grossa: Pompillidae) Adults grow up to 5 cm (2 in) long. You get a feeling for how large they are when you look at the European Honey Bees. Photographed on a banana log set out to attract butterflies which clearly attract other insects. National Butterfly Center...
  3. Harlequin Flower Beetle

    Harlequin Flower Beetle

    Harlequin Flower Beetle (Gymetis caseyi: Scrabaeidae) Adults to ca. 1.9 cm (0.75 in) long. Photographed on a banana log set out to attract butterflies which clearly attracts other insects as well. National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with...
  4. Tawny Emperor

    Tawny Emperor

    Tawny Emperor (Asterocampa clyton: Nymphalidae) Photographed on Golden Dewdrop (Duranta erecta: Verbenaceae). National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian woods just north of the Rio Grande in the South Texas Plains...
  5. Fall Webworm

    Fall Webworm

    Fall Webworm Caterpillar (Hyphantria cunea: Erebidae) The caterpillar reaches 3.5 cm (1.4 in) long. Photographed on Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian woods just...
  6. Theona Checkerspot (male)

    Theona Checkerspot (male)

    Theona Checkerspot (Chlosyne theona: Nymphalidae) Male, species sexually dimorphic. Wingspan 3.2-4.4 cm (1.3-1.7 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian...
  7. White-patched Skipper

    White-patched Skipper

    White-patched Skipper (Chiomara asychis: Hesperiidae) Wingspan 2.9-3.8 cm (1.1-1.5 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). King Compound, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Mesquite thicket mixed with Tamaulipan Scrub in the Southern Plains Vegetational Area at ca. 17 m (53...
  8. Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

    Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

    Black-bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis). Also American Coot (Fulica americana subsp. americana) and Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta subsp. elegans:Emydidae). King Compound, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Man-made pond surrounded by a mesquite thicket mixed with...
  9. Regal Jumping Spider (male)

    Regal Jumping Spider (male)

    Regal Jumping Spider (Phidippus regius: Salticidae) The largest jumping spider in eastern North America. Male. Males average 12 mm and range from 6-18 mm, they are all black with white spots. Females average ca. 15 mm and range from 7-22 mm long, they are shades of gray to orange and are...
  10. White Scrub-Hairstreak

    White Scrub-Hairstreak

    White Scrub-Hairstreak (Strymon albata: Lycaenidae) Wingspan 2.9-3.5 cm (1.1-1.4 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). King Compound, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Mesquite thicket mixed with Tamaulipan Scrub in the Southern Plains Vegetational Area at ca. 17 m (53...
  11. Smallflower Wrightwort

    Smallflower Wrightwort

    Smallflower Wrightwort (Carlowrightia parviflora: Acanthaceae) A suffrutescent native perennial (subshrub) easily overlooked since the flowers are only 6-8 mm (0.24-0.31 in) across normally growing 30.5-61.0 cm (12-24 in) tall. Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, south of Alamo, Hidalgo County...
  12. Miniature Barrel Cactus

    Miniature Barrel Cactus

    Miniature Barrel Cactus (Thelocactus setispinus: Cactaceae) They are 12.7-30.5 cm (5-12 in) in diameter and reach 61 cm (24 in) in height but usually less than 30.5 cm (12 in). Flowers are 4.5-6.0 cm (1.8-2.4 in) in diameter. King Compound in McAllen, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA...
  13. Skunk Boy

    Skunk Boy

    Skunk Boy (Homo sapiens x Mephitis mephitis) This youngster was walking into the National Butterfly Center right in front of me and I could not resist snapping a couple of pictures. National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. I will be out Sunday (tomorrow).
  14. Carolina Mantis

    Carolina Mantis

    Carolina Mantis (Stagmomantis carolina: Mantidae) Adults range from 4.7-6.0 cm (1.9-2.4 in) long. You talk about rude, both sexes engages in cannibalism if the opportunity presents itself. This one apparently wants her belly scratched (lol). Along Rio Rico Road, Mercedes, Hidalgo County...
  15. Metallic Green Hoverfly

    Metallic Green Hoverfly

    Metallic Green Hover Fly (Ornidia obesa: Syrphidae) About 1.0-1.5 cm (0.39-0.59 in) long. National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian woods just north of the Rio Grande in the South Texas Plains Vegetational Area at...
  16. Rose-bellied Lizard (male)

    Rose-bellied Lizard (male)

    Rose-bellied Lizard (Sceloporus variabilis subsp. marmoratus: Phrynosomatidae) Male, species sexually dimorphic. Total length: 9.5-14.0 cm (3.7-5.5 in). Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, south of Alamo, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Tamaulipan Scrub in the Southern Plains Vegetational Area at...
  17. Red-tailed Pennant (male)

    Red-tailed Pennant (male)

    Red-tailed Pennant (Brachymesia furcata:Libellulidae) Male, species sexually dimorphic. 3.8-4.6 cm (1.5-1.8 in) long. King Impoundment, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Mesquite thicket mixed with Tamaulipan Scrub in the Southern Plains Vegetational Area at ca. 17 m (53 ft) elevation. Along...
  18. Red-crestent Scrub-Hairstreak

    Red-crestent Scrub-Hairstreak

    Red-crescent Scrub-Hairstreak (Strymon rufofusca: Lycaenidae) Wingspan 1.2-5.1 cm (0.5-2.0 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). Roadside along Rio Rico Road, Mercedes, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Converted Rio Grande Floodplain into agricultural fields with patches of...
  19. Dark Tropical Buckeye (closed wing)

    Dark Tropical Buckeye (closed wing)

    Dark Tropical Buckeye (Junonia genoveva subsp nigrosuffusa: Nymphalidae) Closed wing view (ventral view)Wingspan 4.5-5.7 cm (1.8-2.2 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native...
  20. Dark Tropical Buckeye (open wing)

    Dark Tropical Buckeye (open wing)

    Dark Tropical Buckeye (Junonia genoveva subsp nigrosuffusa: Nymphalidae) Open wing view (dorsal view)Wingspan 4.5-5.7 cm (1.8-2.2 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants...
  21. Mimosa Skipper

    Mimosa Skipper

    Mimosa Skipper (Cogia calchas: Hesperiidae) This large spread-winged skipper has a wingspan of 3.2-4.1 cm 1.3-1.6 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian...
  22. Green June Beetle

    Green June Beetle

    Green June Beetle (Cotinus nitida: Scarabaeidae) 1.5-2.2 cm (0.6-0.9 in) long. Photographed on a log treated with a Banana brew designed to attract butterflies which clearly attracts other insects as well, especially European honey bees. National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas...
  23. Mesquite Borer

    Mesquite Borer

    Mesquite Borer (Placosternus difficillis: Cerambycidae) 1.0-1.7 cm (0.4-0.7 in) long. Photographed on Tropical Threefold (Trixis inula: Asteraceae) National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian woods just north of the...
  24. Lyside Sulphur

    Lyside Sulphur

    Lyside Sulphur (Kricogo lyside: Pieridae) Wingspan 3.8-6.0 cm (1.5-2.4 in). Nectaring Crucita (Eupatorium odoratum: Asteraceae). National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Planted butterfly garden with native plants with riparian woods just north of the Rio Grande in the...
  25. Wilson's Snipe

    Wilson's Snipe

    Wilsons Snipe (Gallinago delicata) Estero Llano Grande State Park, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Mesquite savanna with Tamaulipan Scrub in the South Texas Plains Vegetational Area at ca. 23 m (75 ft) elevation.