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  1. Iona


  2. Male House Sparrow

    Male House Sparrow

    I don't know if he'd come down to build sand castles, though I didn't see his bucket and spade LOL. This was actually the last species I expected to see on the beach. Perhaps it was the shade he was after, it was a very hot day.
  3. St Ronan's Bay, Iona

    St Ronan's Bay, Iona

    Waiting for the ferry back to Fionnphort, Glenys had a paddle to cool down I just sat on a rock. What a beautiful scene to look at - I must share this, I thought.
  4. Away with you

    Away with you

    Some of you were observant enough to see that the Rook wasn't too pleased to have the heron patrolling 'his' field. It was almost as if he had youngsters in there, but I couldn't see any. Eventually the heron took flight and the Rook escorted him right off into the distance! Still in Landscape...
  5. Grey Heron and Rook

    Grey Heron and Rook

    The CC's gave up calling and I continued wandering and looking and listening somehow finding myself in the pottery and couldn't resist buying a little bowl. Then met up with Clive and Glen and had a nosey in the community store. They wanted to explore a bit more in the area, while I continued...
  6. Jackdaw


    This handsome Jackdaw was in the same field as the Rook - another bird with what looks to be a full crop, but I'm not sure what he head found to eat though LOL. Still on Landscape mode, which appears to work better on birds which are still doesn't it! A new trip tick
  7. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow

    A bit further along the lane, and more CC's calling and all I could find was a House Sparrow. Still at least he displayed for me and it was a trip tick LOL. ... and another ooops shot. Possibly explains why it might be a little out of focus?
  8. Rook


    The next field along produced this Rook... a trip tick. Is it me, or does he seem to have a full crop? Ooops... do you see what camera setting I had!!
  9. There's one there somewhere!

    There's one there somewhere!

    The next field along from the Wheatears is where I heard the first of the calling Corncrakes. Search as I might, i couldn't spot one, so took a picture of the area... maybe one of you can see it!!! This picture is looking past the abbey with the coast of Mull in the background. Re Mo's...
  10. Wheatear


    I had one main objective going to Iona really, and that was to 'see' Corncrake. I've heard loads of them over the years but never managed to spot one. This was to prove another such day; I heard a few but they wouldn't show themselves to me. I walked up behind the Abbey and actually heard two...
  11. Iona


    We boarded the ferry as foot passengers and this was taken about half-way across. The village is on the left with Iona Abbey (the focus for most of the visitors to the island) is more-or-less centred. The abbey was founded by St Columba and was the start of Christianty in Scotland. You can...
  12. Wilson's warbler

    Wilson's warbler

    A first of year for this guy too. He was making it difficult, as he was the same colour as the flowering broom he was foraging in.