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  1. How do I get that off!!

    How do I get that off!!

    A bit of a quandary for this Chaffinch, going boss-eyed trying to see what's on her bill LOL. I didn't actually see how she got rid of it though.
  2. Eat your dinner or you'll get no dessert

    Eat your dinner or you'll get no dessert

    It seems the juvenile Blue Tit is getting a lesson in table manners from his mum!! LOL Saturday Fun
  3. New ones still coming

    New ones still coming

    Got rather excited this day, as a new species arrived to enjoy the offerings at our feeding station. An Immature European Greenfinch! I just wasn't expecting this, as they've been so rarely sighted in the area. But great to know that at least one pair has produced young somewhere locally
  4. A bit big for a small bill

    A bit big for a small bill

    The Great Tit now seems rather pleased with his suet treat and within a couple of seconds he was off to eat it in private!
  5. All getting older??

    All getting older??

    Another maturing youngster... this Blue Tit seems to be losing his distinctive yellow feathers around the face. Another species which appeared to have had a good breeding season, as there were loads of youngsters, and they are still good numbers of Blue Tits at our two edge of town feeding stations
  6. How they do it

    How they do it

    This is for those who wonder why tits don't spend long at the feeders, and seem to know the exact moment that you're about to click the shutter timing it to the last nano second to fly off!! This Great Tit had, moments before, been on the peanut feeder. Grabbed one and flew up into a tree to...
  7. Maturing


    The young Great Spotted Woodpecker was a bit more independent now and finding his own way around the feeding station. BTW yesterday I was observing after filling the feeders and a female came to the nuts, later a male came, shortly after a third arrived and caused chaos with all three flying...
  8. Loads!


    The Robins appear to have had a great breeding year round there, for there were loads of youngsters of varying ages. Even just recently I saw at least 5 individual adults at the Mause feeders.
  9. A first for me

    A first for me

    I've never noticed this happening before but this would appear to be a young male Chaffinch just beginning to get his adult colouring, judging by the blue feathers on his neck.
  10. Gymnastic Ferdy

    Gymnastic Ferdy

    Ferdy, my friendly Pheasant at the Mause feeders is here showing his gymnastic abilities on the Balance Beam! I am rather attached to this guy. Saturday Fun
  11. Developing


    A young Great Tit had graduated to peanuts. Doesn't take them long, does it!!
  12. Growing up

    Growing up

    I think this young Robin now qualifies as a juvenile, rather than fledgling, as he's started to get some red feathering on his breast. He seems to have been attracted to the coconut just like the Blue Tit had been LOL
  13. How do I get out of here

    How do I get out of here

    Back at home, and first visit to the feeding station at Mause. A Blue Tit came to inspect the coconut feeder and then didn't seem to be too sure how to get away LOL. Sorry about my in and out attendance... got sciatica again, and the pills are the type that make you sleepy. So I keep dozing...
  14. Baby face

    Baby face

    I think this Robin has now gained some independence as he was finding some food for himself. He's already found how delicious peanut butter is!! Hope you're all recovering from your hangovers now LOL
  15. How he relaxes

    How he relaxes

    That worried looking Chaffinch I showed you the other day, then showed me how he relaxes... he needs a cigarette!! Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful 2025.
  16. Learning curve

    Learning curve

    The young birds are on a steep learning curve, lessons they must learn before they have young of their own. This one has learnt a feeding trick from some adult! Great Tits grab a seed from wherever, then fly up into the nearest tree, holding it between their toes to eat it. There's one crucial...
  17. Two thirds

    Two thirds

    Without going back through all my Great Spotted Woodpecker pictures, I can't remember seeing them drawing the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) over the eye when eating. But he shows it quite well here, with it almost covering the eye. This is a juvenile of course.
  18. Worried


    This Chaffinch seems to be very worried about something. If I ever knew what it was all about I've long forgotten I'm afraid.
  19. Ooooh heck!!!

    Ooooh heck!!!

    The Coal Tit just about fell off I think, somehow or other that left leg lost its grip on the feeder. Poor lad. Saturday Fun
  20. Baby blue

    Baby blue

    Another newly fledged Blue Tit. They're just so cute, I really can't stop taking pictures of them. Hope you don't mind too much.
  21. Following the Plough

    Following the Plough

    Except it isn't ploughing... it's turning the grass and putting it into neat rows prior to the baler coming. It really doesn't take gulls long to spot something like this and they arrive in their droves! Think these are Common Gull but I'm not good with gulls!!!
  22. Mainstay


    Chaffinches are just about the main species which visit our furthest away feeders. I can't work out how many pairs there are. They seem to be very fond of their food anyway!
  23. Not a fledgling

    Not a fledgling

    but a juvenile Great Tit this time. Doing well, isn't he.
  24. Tight grip

    Tight grip

    This Great Spotted Woodpecker seemed determined to make sure he wasn't going to fall off this peanut feeder!! They really make the best use of their well-designed tail sometimes, don't they. I think it's a male, just didn't get a good view of the nape, but just one shot showed a little and I...
  25. All tied up!

    All tied up!

    I've not featured a Blue Tit for a bit, but took the opportunity to do so with this one that's eating peanuts from a coconut!! Also to show the lengths we had to go to to protect the feeders from the pesky Jackdaws. They were pretty destructive as overnight they got into the feeding area and...