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  1. Male American goldfinch

    Male American goldfinch

  2. Male house finch

    Male house finch

  3. Northern flicker

    Northern flicker

  4. Golden-crowned kinglet

    Golden-crowned kinglet

  5. Anna's hummingbird

    Anna's hummingbird

  6. Black squirrel

    Black squirrel

    Black squirrels are a melanistic subgroup of squirrels with black coloration on their fur. The phenomenon occurs with several species of squirrels, although it is most frequent with the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) and the fox squirrel (Sciurus niger). (Wikipedia)
  7. Creatures great and small

    Creatures great and small

    You only need to stretch out your hand and they land on it :)
  8. Anna's hummingbird

    Anna's hummingbird

  9. Yellow Rumped Warbler

    Yellow Rumped Warbler

    Warbler hopping from branch to branch, had to be quick on this one.
  10. A walk down a nature trail

    A walk down a nature trail

    This is near the beginning of a wooded nature trail at Sloan Park in Rowan County, Piedmont Region, North Carolina. Many birds in this area.
  11. Texas Earless Lizard (male)

    Texas Earless Lizard (male)

    Texas Earless Lizard (Holbrookia texana texana) Male.
  12. Texas Earless Lizard (female)

    Texas Earless Lizard (female)

    Texas Earless Lizard (Holbrookia texana texana) Female.
  13. Black-Hooded Gull

    Black-Hooded Gull

    Black-Hooded Gull, taken at Mt. Pleasant SC Waterfront Park, overlooking Charleston Harbor.
  14. Two-tailed Swallowtail

    Two-tailed Swallowtail

    Two-tailed Swallowtail (Papilio multicaudata: Papilionidae) Wingspan 10.0-12.0 cm (3.9-4.7 in). Nectaring Cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens: Scrophulariaceae) a native shrub.
  15. Limestone Tiger Beetle

    Limestone Tiger Beetle

    Limestone Tiger Beetle (Cicindela politula: Carabidae) 9-11 mm (0.35-0.43 in) long.
  16. Woodhouses's Scrub Jay

    Woodhouses's Scrub Jay

    Woodhousess Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma woodhouseii texana).
  17. Giant Swallowtail

    Giant Swallowtail

    Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes: Papilionidae) Wingspan 10.2-15.2 cm (4.0-6.0) in. Working Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra subsp. trachysperma: Caprifoliaceae)
  18. Common Mestra

    Common Mestra

    Common Mestra (Mestra amymone: Nymphaliidae) Wingspan 3.5-4.9 cm (1.4-1.9 in). Perched on Lantana.
  19. Goldfinches and Chipping Sparrow

    Goldfinches and Chipping Sparrow

    Goldfinches (Spinus tristis tristis) and Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina passerina).
  20. Chimney Rock State Park, North Carolina

    Chimney Rock State Park, North Carolina

    This is in Chimney Rock, North Carolina. I have visited a lot of times and you will enjoy it too. Trails, waterfalls and gift-shop and restaurant.
  21. American Goldfinch

    American Goldfinch

    American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis tristis) Male, winter plumage.
  22. Pine Siskin

    Pine Siskin

    Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus pinus)
  23. Thick-headed Fly

    Thick-headed Fly

    Thick-headed Fly (Physocephala floridana: Conopidae) Ca. 1 cm long. Camelot Park, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Open Park setting at the edge of a remnant gallery woods in a low area at ca. 91 m (300 ft) elevation.
  24. Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron in Central Park, NYC.


    I went to a different and new park today. This one started out as a rock quarry years ago and it has a natural spring that feeds into it along with rain run off. This fella is one that I had never seen before and it was a quick little guy.