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  1. Lets Tango

    Lets Tango

    This a photo I took a couple of weeks ago at Tygum Park this purple swamphen was sunning those beautiful wings thanks Ken it was a senior moment wrote wrong name sorry friends.
  2. What bird is this please

    What bird is this please

    Hi would all my bird watching friends be able to tell me the name of this cutie I took this photo at Tygum Park, Waterford west, Australia,Queensland
  3. Pacific black Duck having fun in the water

    Pacific black Duck having fun in the water

    A photo I took today at Sharp Park Canungra this is a small but beautiful park and camping ground with the Coomera river running through it the birds dragonflies and other beautiful wildlife love it the river was running really strong today it was calming sitting beside the water listening to...
  4. Swan Lake and Cygnets

    Swan Lake and Cygnets

    A photo I took at our local park usually there is only one Swan that I ever see but when I went yesterday there was a whole family what a joy to behold.
  5. Beating The Heat-Our City Lake_13

    Beating The Heat-Our City Lake_13

    There was a frenzy at this water puddle in the park running adjacent to the lake with common mynas, jungle mynas and crows jostling to quench their thirst. Photo is a bit blurry because of the commotion of the birds as well as fading light.
  6. Our City Lake_12

    Our City Lake_12

    Shot this garden lizard in the hedges of the park alongside the city lake.
  7. Little Grebe, UK

    Little Grebe, UK

    A little grebe in the winter on the lake in Beddington Park, south London, UK. There were several of them bobbing around and some visitors to the park were commenting, "Oh look, it's late in the year to see ducklings. But that one must have had its tail bitten off by another one.&quot...
  8. Kingfisher, south London, UK

    Kingfisher, south London, UK

    Common kingfisher taken in Beddington Park, on Boxing Day 2013. I'd had a good afternoon for spotting kingfishers but the light was fading and mist was coming off the river so I started to head home. This kingfisher appeared on a branch just across the river from me and sat still long enough for...
  9. Eastern Red-bellied Tiger Beetle

    Eastern Red-bellied Tiger Beetle

    Eastern Red-bellied Tiger Beetle (Cicindela rufiventris: Carabidae) This little tiger is 9-12 mm (0.35-0.47 in) long. Though not visible in this photo and despite that its flanks are white, its belly is rufous-colored. Photographed at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA...
  10. Glassy-winged Sharpshooter

    Glassy-winged Sharpshooter

    Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis: Cicadellidae) This is a large leafhopper ranging from 11-13 mm (0.43-0.51 in) long. Photographed on an American beautyberry leaf (Callicarpa americana: Verbenaceae) in Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA...
  11. Regal Jumping Spider

    Regal Jumping Spider

    Regal Jumping Spider (Phidippus regius: Salticidae) This the largest of the NA jumping spiders ranging from 6-18 mm (0.24-0.71 in) long and are quite variable in coloration. This brave little chap is ready to take me on (lol). Photographed at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County...
  12. Black Swallowtail (male)

    Black Swallowtail (male)

    Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes: Papilionidae) These swallowtails have wingspans ranging from 6.4-10.2 cm. Photographed on Texas Thistle (Cirsium texanum: Asteraceae) Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Bottomland hardwoods dominated by Cedar elm and water oak with...
  13. Pecan Tree (catkins)

    Pecan Tree (catkins)

    Pecan catkins (Carya illinoiensis: Juglandaceae) This is the state tree of Texas. They can reach 55 m (180 ft) tall with diameters of 2 m (6.6 ft). However most trees will fall within a range of 20-40 m (66-130 ft) tall. They are both native and used as cultivars and as crop trees. Pecan...
  14. Western Ribbon Snake

    Western Ribbon Snake

    Western Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis proximus proximus: Colubridae) Adults range from 51-86 cm (20-34 in) long. This one was on the upper end of that range. Given females are the larger of the gender, I would call this a female. Photographed in Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County...
  15. Dotted blue-eyed Grass

    Dotted blue-eyed Grass

    Dotted blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium pruinosum: Iridaceae) This small perennial herb has showy flowers that are ca. 3 cm (1.2 in) across which grow to heights of 9-30 cm (3.5-11.8 in) tall, usually somewhere in between the extremes. Photographed at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos...
  16. Tawny-capped Euphonia (male)

    Tawny-capped Euphonia (male)

    Tawny-capped Euphonia (Euphonia anneae rufivertex) Two subspecies are recognized and both are mapped for Panama. Subspecies rufivertex is mapped for Veraguas Province east while the nominate if found west of Veraguas. Species sexually dimorphic. Photographed along Sendero Cerro Gaitl in the...
  17. Thread-wasted Wasp

    Thread-wasted Wasp

    Thread-wasted Wasp (Ammophila sp.: Sphecidae) This individual was about 2 cm (0.8 in) long and was found on Cowpen daisy (Verbesina encelioides: Asteraceae). Photographed at Camelot Park, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Open park with scattered pecan, hackberry and elm trees at ca. 91 m (300...
  18. White-throated Sparrow

    White-throated Sparrow

    White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) Photographed at Camelot Park, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Riparian; hackberry/elm dominated woodland adjacent to a creek at ca. 91 m (300 ft) elevation. Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area.
  19. Bronzed Tiger Beetle

    Bronzed Tiger Beetle

    Bronzed Tiger Beetle (Cicindela repanda repanda: Carabidae) These tiger beetles are 1.0-1.3 cm (0.4-0.5 in) long. Photographed in Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Bottomland hardwoods dominated by cedar elm and water oak with some water hickory at ca. 96 m (315 ft)...
  20. Six-spotted Tiger Beetle

    Six-spotted Tiger Beetle

    Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata: Carabidae) These tiger beetles are 1.4-1.6 cm (0.55-0.63 in) long. Photographed in Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Bottomland hardwoods dominated by cedar elm and water oak with some water hickory at ca. 96 m (315 ft)...
  21. White-eyed Vireo

    White-eyed Vireo

    White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus griseus) Seven subspecies are recognized with two being mapped for Texas. The nominate is the most wide spread while subspecies micrus is mapped for extreme southern Texas. Sexes similar. Photographed at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas...
  22. Metric Paper Wasp

    Metric Paper Wasp

    Metric Paper Wasp (Polistes metricus: Vespidae) This wasp is ca. 2.5 cm (1 in) long. Photographed at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Bottomland hardwoods dominated by cedar elm and water oak with some water hickory at ca. 96 m (315 ft) elevation.
  23. Green-and-black Solider Fly (male)

    Green-and-black Solider Fly (male)

    Green-and-black Solider Fly (Heldriodiscus binotatus: Stratiomyidae) This specimen is ca. 1.5 cm (0.6 in) long. Photographed on tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima: Asteraceae) at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Bottomland hardwoods dominated by cedar elm and water...
  24. Noctuid Moth Caterillar

    Noctuid Moth Caterillar

    Noctuid Moth Caterpillar (Noctuidae) This caterpillar is ca. 2.5-3.5 cm (1.0-1.4 in) long. Photographed at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Bottomland hardwoods dominated by cedar elm and water oak with some water hickory at ca. 96 m (315 ft) elevation.
  25. Forked Bluecurls

    Forked Bluecurls

    Forked Bluecurls (Trichostema dichotomum: Lamiaceae) This annual herb can reach heights of 1 m (3.3 ft) tall. Individual flowers are less than 1 cm (0.4 in) long and are slightly aromatic but the leaves when crushed give off a lemon-like aroma. Flowers from July to well into fall. Photographed...