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pelorus sound

  1. Little Shag

    Little Shag

    Hope to brighten your day.
  2. Mainland Spotted Shag

    Mainland Spotted Shag

    On the rocks
  3. Australasian Gannet

    Australasian Gannet

    Hanging out in Popoure Reach
  4. Maybe its first caught Sandfly

    Maybe its first caught Sandfly

    Silvereye fledgling ssp lateralis
  5. Fledgling Silvereye

    Fledgling Silvereye

    spent a bit of time watching this youngster - very entertaining acrobatics getting all parts operational
  6. fledgling feeding

    fledgling feeding

    Silvereye with fledgling
  7. Welcome Swallow

    Welcome Swallow

    lots of these about these summer days
  8. Fantail


    a rare still moment
  9. Yum - kowhai leaves!

    Yum - kowhai leaves!

    New Zealand Pigeon
  10. Karearea.jpg


    The best camera is the one you happen to have; well, this was the case with this very unexpected visitor. The New Zealand falcon (Māori: kārearea; Falco novaeseelandiae) is New Zealand's only falcon. It is the country's most threatened bird of prey, with only around 3000–5000 breeding pairs...
  11. Cheeky Weka on our doorstep

    Cheeky Weka on our doorstep

  12. Bellbird


    Adult male (missed the red eye)
  13. Ruru


    Night watchman