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san diego

  1. An Upside-Down Bird

    An Upside-Down Bird

    White-breasted Nuthatch — This little bird lives across much of the United States. I usually see them in this upside-down position. This male (?) is carrying a food item to its young in a nest box nearby. I was a little too close to the box so he decided to pause on this tree limb and wait for...
  2. Quick Visit For A Snack

    Quick Visit For A Snack

    American Crow — ...have started a nest in a nearby tree. This one discovered the peanut/suet cakes nearby and paused in the top of this bush long enough for a few shutter clicks. Thank you for accommodating the camera, Mister Crow.
  3. Just flew in from Mexico

    Just flew in from Mexico

    Black-headed Grossbeak — Return migration from Mexico, March 26th. Today, the 27th, I see several of these males around the feeders. This one looks like his adult plumage is still coming in. This may be his first spring. The females should be here in a week or two.
  4. My Favorite Oriole

    My Favorite Oriole

    Bullock’s Oriole — Return migration from Mexico, March 27th. A visit by this Oriole is not as common as the Hooded Oriole but I think this is the prettier one with the black cap and the black line through the eye.
  5. Welcome Back Little Titmouse

    Welcome Back Little Titmouse

    Oak Titmouse — This little not-so-colorful bird lives in a limited range along the length of California from southern Oregon to northern Baja California. This is probably one of the same mated pair from previous seasons. This is the first sighting this year and I expect it and its mate will...
  6. Hooded Oriole

    Hooded Oriole

    The first return migration from Mexico. was a lone male March 3rd, then no sightings until March 13 when several males appeared and have stayed nearby since. I haven’t seen a female yet but expect to soon.
  7. A Visiting Predator

    A Visiting Predator

    Sharp-shinned Hawk — This hawk visited outside my window today. In this shot it stretched its wings but didn’t launch.
  8. Pretty Sparrow

    Pretty Sparrow

    White-crowned Sparrow — I think this is a female but there is that little black feather in her crown. It seems early in the year for this to be a juvenile. I didn’t find any information on the mixed colors in the crown. I welcome your comments.
  9. House Finch, A Lady

    House Finch, A Lady

    House Finch — “The ladies deserve attention too.”
  10. Hummingbird with Yellow and Pink Gorget

    Hummingbird with Yellow and Pink Gorget

    Rufous Hummingbird — An overcast afternoon and a little rain. Mature adult male showing beautiful colors on his gorget. A few of Rufous and Anna’s hummingbirds stayed through the mild winter.
  11. House Finch

    House Finch

    House Finch — Beautiful Watermelon Red.
  12. A Puffy Goldfinch

    A Puffy Goldfinch

    Lesser Goldfinch — Puffing up to keep warm on a cool and overcast afternoon.
  13. Ravishing Lady Robins

    Ravishing Lady Robins

    American Robin — Bathing Beauties
  14. Finch in Flaxen Finery

    Finch in Flaxen Finery

    House Finch — Beautiful Color Variant
  15. A Gathering of Finches

    A Gathering of Finches

    House Finch — Watching the camera
  16. Regal Robin

    Regal Robin

    American Robin — This is the first Robin to visit my home in over three years of watching. There might have been over a hundred of them along with many Cedar Waxwings in the flock. They stayed a couple of hours then left. It’s been an unusually rainy season this year and that may have caused...
  17. A Regular Visitor

    A Regular Visitor

    Sharp-shinned Hawk — This small hawk visits often, looking for a meal of one of the little birds at the feeder area. NX Studio used to crop, adjust levels, and sharpen.
  18. A Proud House Finch

    A Proud House Finch

    Beautiful color variant — Posing proudly in the late afternoon sun. NX Studio was used for minimal adjustments.
  19. Stately Mockingbird

    Stately Mockingbird

    Northern Mockingbird — Posing majestic in the late morning sun. NX Studio to crop, adjust levels, and sharpen the image.
  20. European Starling

    European Starling

    It was very warm today and this young Starling visited to drink and bathe in the water. NX Studio used to crop, adjust levels, and sharpen the image.
  21. “Hello World” — Northern Mockingbird

    “Hello World” — Northern Mockingbird

    This young Mockingbird visited today and played and bathed in the water. NX Studio was used to crop, adjust levels, and sharpen the image.
  22. Hello World! — Western Bluebird

    Hello World! — Western Bluebird

    This juvenile Western Bluebird visited me today and took a dip in the bath. I hesitate to guess the gender as the girls and boys look much alike at this young age. I hope she/he avoids danger and lives long and prospers. Good luck. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Western_Bluebird/overview
  23. Red-tailed Hawk

    Red-tailed Hawk

    This hawk was hunting while the mate remained perched high in a eucalyptus tree. The feathers are a bit ragged but that may be a normal molt condition. Comments welcome. The tail feathers look gray but it’s just the angle of the light. Other shutter clicks of this bird catch and show the red of...
  24. So Pretty — Western Bluebird

    So Pretty — Western Bluebird

    Today was in the high eighties and I think the open beak was to help this pretty boy stay cool. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Western_Bluebird/overview
  25. A Surprise Visitor – Long-tailed weasel

    A Surprise Visitor – Long-tailed weasel

    First photo, in a full run. — I was sitting quietly hoping to get some good pictures of some juvenile Cooper’s hawks in the near-by trees when this weasel appeared from under a brush pile. He was hunting for a quick supper. He is so full of energy I had trouble getting him in the frame. I made a...