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  1. A bit of a thaw

    A bit of a thaw

    Although it still remained very cold, the temperature had risen a little and the sun helped to thaw some of the snow on the shed roof, exposing some of the feed that had fallen through the top layer of snow during the previous week. Blackie was surrounded by it all trying to decide what to go...
  2. 'Sno fun

    'Sno fun

    This is the same Blackbird I showed you the other day who was wondering what the white stuff was. Seems she is now beginning to work it out. TTTW
  3. BF Great Tit.jpg

    BF Great Tit.jpg

    Some of you will remember that I've had great difficulty getting a picture of a Great Tit that, very occasionally, visits the garden, and was so quick I didn't even have time to lift the camera. However, this visit he'd found the 'new' perch and seemed to like it 'cos he sat there, and sat...
  4. Against the blue

    Against the blue

    Early January we did have some lovely blue skies, although it was cold and the snow had frozen solid on the ground. I thought this Starling showed up well against that pretty blue of the sky that morning. TTTW
  5. Successful hunt

    Successful hunt

    Nearly all the food I threw out onto the snow fell through the top layer. Oh well, I guess it kept the birds busy hunting for their breakfast LOL. Normally I seem to be getting 3 Jackdaws coming. This guy got a head start on the other two!
  6. New perch

    New perch

    Well, I guess it's not all that new really, but before the hedge was cut I didn't really see it. Then I suddenly realised the birds quite liked landing on it and it's in a good place for me to see it through my feeder window, with a slight adjustment of my seat and the hanging feeders around...
  7. Chewing the cud

    Chewing the cud

    .... well a seed actually! The snow does make for a more attractive picture than the grey shed roof, doesn't it.
  8. How to... (SF)

    How to... (SF)

    .... make a mess of a new species for the garden!! Take it sideways through the double-glazing! After my neighbours lowered the hedge by a few feet I noticed that they'd got feeders hanging from their tree. Last year was the first time I'd seen/heard any Greenfinches at all in the area, just...
  9. The sun shone

    The sun shone

    Giving me a nice blue background for the Collared Dove up in the tree. Still rather chilly, as you can tell from his fluffed up appearance, but nothing like what was to come in a few weeks.
  10. What's all this white stuff?

    What's all this white stuff?

    She does have a rather quizzical look on her face, doesn't she. Now she's got to look for the food I threw onto the shed roof, which promptly sank!! TTTW
  11. First snow of the year

    First snow of the year

    The end of the first week in January brought our first snow fall and a decent amount too, as you can see. Starlings had been rather in short supply for the previous few weeks, but they didn't forget where to get some grub when times got hard, did they!! So, guess you're in for a few snowy...
  12. Returned to the fold

    Returned to the fold

    So... the female House Sparrow decided that my food may be better after all LOL. TTTW A quick post and run today, for I'm off out shortly to have a cataract dealt with. Not sure when I'll be able to see well enough to be able to look at the laptop, maybe tonight, maybe next week.
  13. Loyal


    Well.... he's at least more loyal than his missis and kept himself to my side of the hedge! He's right down the bottom of the beech hedge. The greenery is actually their lawn behind it. TTTW
  14. Screened


    I've been visited by Collared Doves this winter. There's often a pair making occasional visits two or three times a year but I've had up to 5 this time and almost daily. Got this one on the roof of my downstairs neighbour's shed. TTTW
  15. Cleaning up

    Cleaning up

    I've several Blackbirds around at the moment, including a few of these males with the dark bill. He was on the steep bank where my pole feeder is (it's been really difficult for me getting to it with the snow). TTTW
  16. No cover

    No cover

    My neighbour got someone in to cut the beech hedge right back.... it looks bald!! No doubt it will grow back, but meantime this lady looks rather confused as to where to get some shelter. TTTW
  17. You're too close

    You're too close

    I was taking a picture of the front gull on my neighbour's roof when the second gull appeared much to the discomfiture of number 1. The newcomer didn't appear to be obeying the new social distancing rules!
  18. First of the fledglings

    First of the fledglings

    Mid may and here were the first fledglings I'd seen so far. Two little House Sparrows waiting patiently. The adults were on the ground below getting seeds that I'd thrown out. TTTW
  19. Practising


    Back at home I spotted a Herring Gull flying around and he was quite nice to me really, for instead of a quick fly through he turned and came back passing by even closer! So here's one of them, taken through the open window.... yeah, even had time to do that LOL
  20. Social Distancing

    Social Distancing

    I thought I'd show you one from home before starting the next section of my holiday. This was just a week or two before Coronavirus lockdown started and it appears the Herring Gulls had already got the message, doesn't it.
  21. He lost his balance

    He lost his balance

    Just as I was about to shoot... He was walking along the ridge of the shed roof when a foot slipped... up went his wings and the foot that had slipped! Some birds manage to cope with that roof quite well, but others seem to slip and slide all over it. A winter plumaged Herring Gull for my...
  22. Balancing


    .... and presumably this was his son, trying to balance on the slippery roof! He looks huge, doesn't he. TTTW Off out for the day to the city.... in the new courtesy car!!! Tried it out yesterday and my foot kept slipping off the clutch - had to go home and change my shoes. Never had that...
  23. Big Daddy

    Big Daddy

    Just sometimes I get these large Herring Gulls coming to the shed roof.... it's hard to fit them in the frame sometimes, especially if they wander across to where I'm obstructed by the feeders hanging on my window LOL. Just got this one in that gap! I can't remember if that was more snow that...
  24. He's been taking pose lessons

    He's been taking pose lessons

    ..... from Meerkats That was my very first thought when I opened this image! TTTW Off to Kinnordy this morning, so I'll catch up with you later,when hopefully my laptop will be behaving a little better.
  25. Parliament


    After a bit of a break, finally had some come back to the garden here - I thought they'd gone for good. I think this is the last picture I got of them.... will have to check my later folders, but pretty sure they didn't come back, after entertaining me for most of January. TTTW