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  1. Willet


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata) banking.
  2. Willets


    Looking for sand crabs in the surf
  3. Willet


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata)
  4. Willet


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata)
  5. Marbled Godwits and Willet

    Marbled Godwits and Willet

    If only all birds were this easy to photograph. I suppose it would be less fun.
  6. Willet


    This willet has caught a sand crab. Apparently they grind them in their gizzard and regurgitate the shells.
  7. Willet


    Hunting for sand crabs in the surf zone.
  8. Willet


    Cleared for landing.
  9. Marbled Godwits and Guest

    Marbled Godwits and Guest

    The white wing bars of the willet give it away. I like that the shorebirds of two feathers flock together.
  10. WILLs


    Grey and dull-looking when resting or foraging, the WILLs become quite stunning when they spread those black-and-white wings.
  11. Longbills and longer bills

    Longbills and longer bills

    Just a sampling from among the larger waders waiting out the tide along the west shore of the Millbrae wetlands. Long-billed Dowitchers, Willets, and Marbled Godwits.
  12. The hundreds and thousands

    The hundreds and thousands

    A quick view of that remnant of tidal marsh at Bayfront Park, Millbrae. Here it's partially hidden under a rising tide. Most visible of the "hundreds and thousands" are American Avocets standing in the shallows and (mostly, I think) Willets waiting out the tide along the shore. There were...
  13. A wetlands remnant

    A wetlands remnant

    An informative sign told that the whole 2-mile stretch I'd just walked plus the next several miles of airport and industrial area had once been a vast tidal marsh, now mostly drained and "developed". But one patch does remain right where the trail is interrupted at the south end of the airport...
  14. Willet


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata semipalmata) adult.
  15. Willet (precocial youngster)

    Willet (precocial youngster)

    Willet (Tringa semipalmata semipalmata) a precocial youngster probably no more than a few days old.
  16. Willet


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata)
  17. Willet


    Willet with breakfast
  18. Willet


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata semipalmata)
  19. Willet


    This common shorebird looks uniformly drab gray in non-breeding plumage but for a short time in Spring we see them in this heavily mottled and barred breeding plumage. If you look carefully, you can see a few retained worn, plain gray winter feathers. The Willet is a strictly North American...
  20. Willet


    This common shorebird looks uniformly drab gray in non-breeding plumage until it spreads its wings offering a very different appearance. The Willet is a strictly North American breeding bird with two populations. This is the larger "Western Willet" (T. s. inornata) which breeds inland in the...
  21. willet


  22. T

    My first Eastern ssp. Willet? Plum Island, MA, USA

    Hello, I've never tried to learn Willet subspecies, but finally decided now is the time. This is my first attempt. Is this an Eastern Willet? Thank you!
  23. Willet


    The Willet is divided into two distinct populations. I believe this is the smaller, thicker-billed nominate race, "T. s. semipalmata" which breeds in coastal areas of the Eastern United States from Newfoundland to Mexico. The larger western race, "T. s. inornata," breeds in the Plains and Great...
  24. Willet.jpg


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata semipalmata)
  25. Willet.jpg


    Willet (Tringa semipalmata)