6 months ago, I moved to countryside of Hokkaido, northern island of Japan.
Begining of spring, I hear an unusal bird sound. The cry does not ressemble the sound of birds commonly encountered in Hokkaido. The flapping of wings is so powerful that I can hear it. At first, I hear it only at night. Then it started to appear in day time as well.
I hear it less often now in June. It could have been a migratory bird stopping in my area during its journey.
It is difficult to take a picture as it flies so high and so fast. But I managed to record the sound. Does anyone have idea what it is?
6 months ago, I moved to countryside of Hokkaido, northern island of Japan.
Begining of spring, I hear an unusal bird sound. The cry does not ressemble the sound of birds commonly encountered in Hokkaido. The flapping of wings is so powerful that I can hear it. At first, I hear it only at night. Then it started to appear in day time as well.
I hear it less often now in June. It could have been a migratory bird stopping in my area during its journey.
It is difficult to take a picture as it flies so high and so fast. But I managed to record the sound. Does anyone have idea what it is?