@MiddleRiver I've owned UV-UVHD in 8x20, 8x32 (HD and regular), 7x42, 10x50, and the FL in 8x32 (twice), 7x42 (three times), 10x42 and 8x56. That is to say that I'm familiar with each brand's take on focus wheels. Yes, both the UV and FL are smooth, and if the unit in question has no issue, they work flawlessly, no play as you say, as expected from their price points and status as top tier binoculars. However, if you ask me, I personally (personal opinion here) would never choose Leica as my favourite focus wheel experience (I love their colours, contrast and build quality), but that's just me. Again, the FL focus wheel gives a smooth "mechanic and precise" experience that is really good, which I usually prefer to the UV, but which is not my favourite either. If I had to choose, probably the Zeiss Conquest HD 8x32 would be close to my perfect "feel", really butter soft and fast (in 8x, probably for 10x it's just too much), a bit like the old Nikon HG. They work so well and so effortless, that it sort of reminds me of that movie of the 80s, where Clint Eastwood had to steal the latest fighter plane from the USSR arsenal, but in order to do so he had to think in Russian, because the airplane was so advanced that it was piloted with the brain... Well, maybe a bit far off, but my feeling when using such a soft focus mechanism is that I forget about focusing, like if I was focusing with my mind, so to speak.
I'm not sure if the Conquest HD is greased opposed to FL being "dry", but I find the Conquest HD softer and more pleasant to use for birding. Although I've tried the SF and SFL, it has only been in store, so I don't have an opinion on those. Oddly enough, I remember the feel of the focus wheel resistance of the 7x35 "Retrovid" to be stunning: soft and precise, but the throw was just too long and the wheel itself was too narrow, and being metallic was not the most comfortable to me. For example, the Nikon E2 and SE have similarly "old-style" narrow focus wheels, but being rubber and a little thicker they feel better in my hands (or fingers, to be precise).
So, nothing wrong with the focus wheel on FL, not at all, just a personal preference when talking about our dream focus wheel. If we talk about brands, I've always had great experiences with the whole Nikon range, from the HG to M7, M5, E2, SE, even the cheapest Porro models. I don't know how they do it, but they get it right over an over again regardless of the price point. Somehow it feels like Nikon engineers are thinking of me when designing focus mechanisms!