One thing is for CERTAIN. If it weren't for other peoples opinion, you would't have one. Every single poster here is capable of "cutting and pasting" others peoples opinion. Yet, NO ONE does it, OVER and OVER but one BF member. Really, it makes it look as if you've never even held said binocular in your hand. Trust're not coming across as an expert quoting other folks.
Arguing with Gijs...mercy. Might as well argue with Einstein or Oppenheimer. You should re-read what he has written and produced. Show some respect.
I recommend getting out from behind the laptop, pick up some binoculars, go outside, and go birding. Form your own opinions. Use binoculars for more than an afternoon. You'll develop a good opinion of a binocular and also understand why others like/dislike it.
I have used my binoculars extensively in the field, so these are my own opinions, but I use other people's opinions to support my own.Dennis,
One thing is for CERTAIN. If it weren't for other peoples opinion, you would't have one. Every single poster here is capable of "cutting and pasting" others peoples opinion. Yet, NO ONE does it, OVER and OVER but one BF member. Really, it makes it look as if you've never even held said binocular in your hand. Trust're not coming across as an expert quoting other folks.
Arguing with Gijs...mercy. Might as well argue with Einstein or Oppenheimer. You should re-read what he has written and produced. Show some respect.
I recommend getting out from behind the laptop, pick up some binoculars, go outside, and go birding. Form your own opinions. Use binoculars for more than an afternoon. You'll develop a good opinion of a binocular and also understand why others like/dislike it.
I disagree with Giijs opinion on the Kowa BDII-XD 6.5x32, and I don't want people to buy it and then be sorry because they find out, too late, that it has soft edges.
Allbinos is correct on their evaluation of the Kowa BDII-XD 6.5x32. I know I had one and I experienced the same soft edges.
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