Funny how we are all different - one person's problems are another's qualities
I love the lack of armor (bulk and weight). Fits my hands well, tucks under a light jacket. I'm not a professional guide or biologist so yes, if I was using them every day in nasty conditions, then yes, I guess I'd need the armor. But in 40+ years of carrying cameras and binocs etc. outdoors, I've never had issues. with non-armored gear. Even tho you are supposed to dunk modern binos, I never have. Wipe down with damp towel, yes. Kitchen sink, no. If it's pouring w/out let-up, then frankly, I'm seeking cover. Again, maybe if I was a hunting guide in AK... but for my typical use, no issues.
The focus knob - and the diopter adjustment are perfect. Plenty of friction, well located, convenient to my grip on binos. One minor criticism is focus is a bit slow.
The eyecups just work fine for me (all in since I wear specs).
"Nature loves diversity"... even in binos it seems!
One add'l comment on the vulcanite/leatherette/whatevah covering: I used M-series cameras semi-professionally for years. Carried them in often hostile outdoor conditions. I
never had the covering fail. The older M-2 would have been 50's. So that's 50+ years of service. I do have a 1933 model III where the covering dried out and fell off in chunks. I got tired of 'that much' character and finally cleaned it off. For around $20 I bought a laser cut ready-to-adhere actual leather replacement and attached it (fit is perfect). So one appeal of the Retros, is that I suspect they
can be recovered. The heavy armoring... what happens if it fails?